Middle laner has to dig deep



I’m limited to 53 so overtaking is a tricky business. I had one where I was trying to overtake a Dutch wagon who was doing 52.5 so this lead to a massive drawn out manuvourer because he wouldn’t let off and I can’t go any faster.

At half a mile a hour faster, after one hour you are going to be just half mile in front of the Dutchman. In two hours just one mile in front, which at those speeds meaning the Dutchman is just over a minute behind you after two hours. Not a critique in any way, just doing the maths bit buddy. :wink: Someone limited to 56mph is only going to be three minutes in front of you after a hour, so it not like speed is critical as let’s face it, how long before the matrix signs start to flash, or more roadworks come into view. :open_mouth:

The law is obviously being applied in a contradictory selective way in that case.IE why is it considered as ok to cause even more unnecessary aggravation in terms of lane blocking caused by ridiculously low limiter settings.

As for backing off to maintain separation distances in that case as opposed to maintaining speed and over taking,as I’ve said the end result is just yet more ripple effects and ever lower speeds.Which still end up leaving the same choice for traffic approaching behind of overtake or go even slower. :bulb: :unamused: Bearing in mind that under the rule drive on the left unless overtaking the amount of time spent by traffic in the overtaking lanes is directly proportional to the running speeds of traffic in lane 1 and/or in the lane/s to the left.On the basis of the slower traffic is running in lane 1 etc the more time will be spent by more traffic in the ‘over taking’ lanes.

I don’t do a lot of motorway miles compared with some, so have ‘no axe to grind’ on the issue. Just wonder why some folks rush to get to drops, blocking off the middle lanes for eons just to end up waiting for a hour to get unloaded, or be pushed into a RDC waiting room for hours on end??

Olog Hai:

Why can’t I drive on the limiter? Why do I have to plod about at 50? I was catching him, why should I sit behind him for the sake of causing some inconvenience to people behind me?

Jesus, are you for real? Someone else has already done the maths for you regarding how much further up the road taking ages to overtake a wagon with a 0.5mph differential will get you. In any case, you say yourself, he was doing 52.5, not 50.

You and your ilk, who seem to think it’s OK to take forever to overtake another truck, are a menace, and are by some margin the reason why overtaking bans have been introduced and will continue to be so. Have some consideration for the others you must share the road with rather than acting as a rolling roadblock for miles on end before someone takes offence and elects to brake test you.

So, because I’ve been hobbled more than the usual lorry have to sit and suffer behind someone slower than me? Zb that. I will overtake when i want to. Why are you having a go at me for overtaking when he could of just eased off a little?


Olog Hai:

Why can’t I drive on the limiter? Why do I have to plod about at 50? I was catching him, why should I sit behind him for the sake of causing some inconvenience to people behind me?

Jesus, are you for real? Someone else has already done the maths for you regarding how much further up the road taking ages to overtake a wagon with a 0.5mph differential will get you. In any case, you say yourself, he was doing 52.5, not 50.

You and your ilk, who seem to think it’s OK to take forever to overtake another truck, are a menace, and are by some margin the reason why overtaking bans have been introduced and will continue to be so. Have some consideration for the others you must share the road with rather than acting as a rolling roadblock for miles on end before someone takes offence and elects to brake test you.

So, because I’ve been hobbled more than the usual lorry have to sit and suffer behind someone slower than me? Zb that. I will overtake when i want to. Why are you having a go at me for overtaking when he could of just eased off a little?

You’re no lorry driver, that’s for sure, as long as you have an attitude like that. Cornflakes or Weetabix?




I’m limited to 53 so overtaking is a tricky business. I had one where I was trying to overtake a Dutch wagon who was doing 52.5 so this lead to a massive drawn out manuvourer because he wouldn’t let off and I can’t go any faster.

At half a mile a hour faster, after one hour you are going to be just half mile in front of the Dutchman. In two hours just one mile in front, which at those speeds meaning the Dutchman is just over a minute behind you after two hours. Not a critique in any way, just doing the maths bit buddy. :wink: Someone limited to 56mph is only going to be three minutes in front of you after a hour, so it not like speed is critical as let’s face it, how long before the matrix signs start to flash, or more roadworks come into view. :open_mouth:

The law is obviously being applied in a contradictory selective way in that case.IE why is it considered as ok to cause even more unnecessary aggravation in terms of lane blocking caused by ridiculously low limiter settings.

As for backing off to maintain separation distances in that case as opposed to maintaining speed and over taking,as I’ve said the end result is just yet more ripple effects and ever lower speeds.Which still end up leaving the same choice for traffic approaching behind of overtake or go even slower. :bulb: :unamused: Bearing in mind that under the rule drive on the left unless overtaking the amount of time spent by traffic in the overtaking lanes is directly proportional to the running speeds of traffic in lane 1 and/or in the lane/s to the left.On the basis of the slower traffic is running in lane 1 etc the more time will be spent by more traffic in the ‘over taking’ lanes.

I don’t do a lot of motorway miles compared with some, so have ‘no axe to grind’ on the issue. Just wonder why some folks rush to get to drops, blocking off the middle lanes for eons just to end up waiting for a hour to get unloaded, or be pushed into a RDC waiting room for hours on end??

Or to put it another way.Would you prefer it if someone running at 90 kmh approaches someone running at 85 kmh then slows down to 75 kmh to maintain seperation distance then the person behind him has to back off to 65 kmh and the one behind has to back off to 55 kmh etc etc etc until lane 1 eventually grinds to a complete halt.

The fact is the faster traffic runs on a motorway and gets to its exit point the less traffic will be on the motorway at any given time.While the greater the speed in lane 1 the less traffic needs to resort to the ‘overtaking lanes’.While the greater the speed differential between overtaken and over taking traffic the lesser the amount and time taken is needed which therefore clears the overtaking lanes more and faster. :bulb:

Olog Hai:


Olog Hai:

Why can’t I drive on the limiter? Why do I have to plod about at 50? I was catching him, why should I sit behind him for the sake of causing some inconvenience to people behind me?

Jesus, are you for real? Someone else has already done the maths for you regarding how much further up the road taking ages to overtake a wagon with a 0.5mph differential will get you. In any case, you say yourself, he was doing 52.5, not 50.

You and your ilk, who seem to think it’s OK to take forever to overtake another truck, are a menace, and are by some margin the reason why overtaking bans have been introduced and will continue to be so. Have some consideration for the others you must share the road with rather than acting as a rolling roadblock for miles on end before someone takes offence and elects to brake test you.

So, because I’ve been hobbled more than the usual lorry have to sit and suffer behind someone slower than me? Zb that. I will overtake when i want to. Why are you having a go at me for overtaking when he could of just eased off a little?

You’re no lorry driver, that’s for sure, as long as you have an attitude like that. Cornflakes or Weetabix?

So what attitude should I have then? O mighty driving god :unamused:

The 56mph was an EU thing, the fleet vehicles limited to lower speeds on the limiter, wouldn’t be in place unless someone had done their homework of fuel savings versus time saved by travelling slightly faster.

I don’t change my stance though. The truck driver that blocks off the middle lane when they can easily drop back into the left hand lane (especially when still behind the truck they cannot get past) is no less guilty than the ‘dawdling doris’ hogging the middle lane in a smaller vehicle. The law won’t discriminate, as they are both hogging lanes to the detriment of other traffic.

So what attitude should I have then? O mighty driving god :unamused:

One that includes just a tiny bit of consideration for everyone else, O might steering wheel attendant.


Olog Hai:

Why can’t I drive on the limiter? Why do I have to plod about at 50? I was catching him, overtaking when he could of just eased off a little?

You’re no lorry driver, that’s for sure, as long as you have an attitude like that. Cornflakes or Weetabix?

So what attitude should I have then? O mighty driving god :unamused:

I think he’s one of the lot who wants you to run under a self imposed/inflicted overaking ban. :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing:

Although that is always going to be the logical conclusion of trucks being forced into 5 kmh speed differential overtakes by the combination of idiots who choose to run at less than the already ridiculous 90 kmh limit and limiters which won’t allow anyone to clear the overtaking lane/s in a reasonable amount of time and distance.

Or to put it another way.Would you prefer it if someone running at 90 kmh approaches someone running at 85 kmh then slows down to 75 kmh to maintain seperation distance then the person behind him has to back off to 65 kmh and the one behind has to back off to 55 kmh etc etc etc until lane 1 eventually grinds to a complete halt.

Why not simply back off to the same speed as the bloke in front, thus maintaining your safe separation distance and not clogging up the Motorway for mile after mile? This is the approach taken by the vast majority of car and van drivers…

I don’t change my stance though. The truck driver that blocks off the middle lane when they can easily drop back into the left hand lane (especially when still behind the truck they cannot get past) is no less guilty than the ‘dawdling doris’ hogging the middle lane in a smaller vehicle. The law won’t discriminate, as they are both hogging lanes to the detriment of other traffic.

One way or another that would result in the logical conclusion of what happens when you impose an over enforced unrealistic truck speed limit.IE effectively a truck overtaking ban wether self imposed or compulsory.Bearing in mind UK traffic levels and the speeds of traffic in lane 1 I’d guess that your idea would bring the road transport industry to a grinding halt in a matter of days if not hours.The ‘dawdling Doris’s’ in this case being the government in terms of fuel taxation and speed regime and those selfish zb’s running at less than 90 kmh to save a few bob in fuel tax. :unamused:

Olog Hai:

So what attitude should I have then? O mighty driving god :unamused:

One that includes just a tiny bit of consideration for everyone else, O might steering wheel attendant.

I do consider other truckers since it does take me longer to overtake things I try to at least attempt an overtake when no one else to looking to overtake me.


I don’t change my stance though. The truck driver that blocks off the middle lane when they can easily drop back into the left hand lane (especially when still behind the truck they cannot get past) is no less guilty than the ‘dawdling doris’ hogging the middle lane in a smaller vehicle. The law won’t discriminate, as they are both hogging lanes to the detriment of other traffic.

One way or another that would result in the logical conclusion of what happens when you impose an over enforced unrealistic truck speed limit.IE effectively a truck overtaking ban wether self imposed or compulsory.Bearing in mind UK traffic levels and the speeds of traffic in lane 1 I’d guess that your idea would bring the road transport industry to a grinding halt in a matter of days if not hours.The ‘dawdling Doris’s’ in this case being the government in terms of fuel taxation and speed regime and those selfish zb’s running at less than 90 kmh to save a few bob in fuel tax. :unamused:

We are all entitled to our opinions, but I know what most people think of the unprofessional truckers that block off the middle lanes through their selfishness and basic lack of reading the road and planning their manouvre.

The law is in place now, how, when or where that gets implemented is up to the boys in blue, but just remember all those traffic cars have video recording equipment in them. If truck drivers think they’ll be exempt from getting busted, they are living in cloud cuckoo land.


Or to put it another way.Would you prefer it if someone running at 90 kmh approaches someone running at 85 kmh then slows down to 75 kmh to maintain seperation distance then the person behind him has to back off to 65 kmh and the one behind has to back off to 55 kmh etc etc etc until lane 1 eventually grinds to a complete halt.

Why not simply back off to the same speed as the bloke in front, thus maintaining your safe separation distance and not clogging up the Motorway for mile after mile? This is the approach taken by the vast majority of car and van drivers…

That theory would of course mean the non existence of the ripple effect therefore no need for ‘managed motorways’,psychic abilities regarding the speed of traffic ahead beyond visual range,while reducing the effective speed limit to that of the slowest running vehicle in lane 1 or at most 80 kmh. :unamused:

As for car and van drivers their ideas of how to deal with traffic can be seen any time :open_mouth: :smiling_imp: :laughing: .With obviously plenty of them now also upgrading their licences to ‘LGV’ status. :unamused:


One way or another that would result in the logical conclusion of what happens when you impose an over enforced unrealistic truck speed limit.IE effectively a truck overtaking ban wether self imposed or compulsory.Bearing in mind UK traffic levels and the speeds of traffic in lane 1 I’d guess that your idea would bring the road transport industry to a grinding halt in a matter of days if not hours.The ‘dawdling Doris’s’ in this case being the government in terms of fuel taxation and speed regime and those selfish zb’s running at less than 90 kmh to save a few bob in fuel tax. :unamused:

We are all entitled to our opinions, but I know what most people think of the unprofessional truckers that block off the middle lanes through their selfishness and basic lack of reading the road and planning their manouvre.

The law is in place now, how, when or where that gets implemented is up to the boys in blue, but just remember all those traffic cars have video recording equipment in them. If truck drivers think they’ll be exempt from getting busted, they are living in cloud cuckoo land.

You could say exactly the same thing regardless of vehicle type about exactly the same issue of low speed differentials owing to the now rigidly enforced speed limit.IE at what point does an enforced slow drawn out overtake turn into the bs charge of ‘lane hogging’.

The ‘unprofessionals’ in this case being the idiotic law makers and enforcers whio are forcing all types of vehicles into a ridiculous speed differential situation while overtaking.Or often those who think that the 70 mph limit is optional depending on wether they believe in a bs non existent ‘margin’ which says its ok so long as they don’t exceed 100 mph and then complain about ‘lane hoggers’ ahead.On that note as it stands the rule is use lane 1 unless overtaking.There is no time or distance limit on that overtake and which can only be a long drawn out process under the present speed regime. :unamused:


Olog Hai:

So what attitude should I have then? O mighty driving god :unamused:

One that includes just a tiny bit of consideration for everyone else, O might steering wheel attendant.

I do consider other truckers since it does take me longer to overtake things I try to at least attempt an overtake when no one else to looking to overtake me.

But there are many other people using the road who don’t drive trucks that you may inconvenience.

Olog Hai:


Olog Hai:

So what attitude should I have then? O mighty driving god :unamused:

One that includes just a tiny bit of consideration for everyone else, O might steering wheel attendant.

I do consider other truckers since it does take me longer to overtake things I try to at least attempt an overtake when no one else to looking to overtake me.

But there are many other people using the road who don’t drive trucks that you may inconvenience.

And? They can wait. Same goes for waiting at junctions when I need to use both lanes and their lane goes green. They can wait.

They can wait. Same goes for waiting at junctions when I need to use both lanes and their lane goes green. They can wait.

In general unless the government increases the truck speed limit there’s probably a case for a truck overtaking ban on two lane motorways/duals and any truck limited to less than 90 kmh and trucks being limited to lanes 1 and 2 regardless of lane numbers.As for most other traffic that’s what lanes 3 and 4 are there for. :bulb:

Olog Hai:

Why can’t I drive on the limiter? Why do I have to plod about at 50? I was catching him, why should I sit behind him for the sake of causing some inconvenience to people behind me?

Jesus, are you for real? Someone else has already done the maths for you regarding how much further up the road taking ages to overtake a wagon with a 0.5mph differential will get you. In any case, you say yourself, he was doing 52.5, not 50.

You and your ilk, who seem to think it’s OK to take forever to overtake another truck, are a menace, and are by some margin the reason why overtaking bans have been introduced and will continue to be so. Have some consideration for the others you must share the road with rather than acting as a rolling roadblock for miles on end before someone takes offence and elects to brake test you.



Olog Hai:
Have some consideration for the others you must share the road with rather than acting as a rolling roadblock for miles on end before someone takes offence and elects to brake test you.


Obviously the worst type of car driver thinking in action now infesting the truck driving world. :unamused:

It appears that Oz and the states are about the same. We have signs on the highway (sometimes) that tell you to keep left except when overtaking, and coppers that take no notice and commit the same offence as other numpties, and I’m not tarring all cops with the same brush. 100km/h limit, four lanes all doing about 90 or less, and then there’s the idiots that have to get past at any price. I’m only in a car nowadays, but sticking in the n/s lane usually gets me along quicker because we’ve got that stupid rule where we can overtake on either side.