Middle laner has to dig deep

It appears that Oz and the states are about the same. We have signs on the highway (sometimes) that tell you to keep left except when overtaking, and coppers that take no notice and commit the same offence as other numpties, and I’m not tarring all cops with the same brush. 100km/h limit, four lanes all doing about 90 or less, and then there’s the idiots that have to get past at any price. I’m only in a car nowadays, but sticking in the n/s lane usually gets me along quicker because we’ve got that stupid rule where we can overtake on either side.

That is the logical conclusion of what happens when the object of a multi lane road system changes from getting traffic from A to B as fast as possible to getting as much traffic as possible from A to B at the same/similar type of limited speed.

There really is no place for use lane 1 except for overtaking under the latter definition.With overtake either side to take account of fluctuations in speed between all the different lanes obviously being an essential part of that.The problem here is that the idiots running the show here,and obviously less so in Oz,are trying to mix the two contradictory ideas with obvious results.IE you either run it as an Autobahn is meant to be run or you run it like a Los Angeles ‘freeway’ while imposing the rules of the former on the latter just defeats the object of it supposedly being all about ‘capacity’. :bulb:

As for overtake on either side,in the case of the latter,that makes a lot more sense.Than the German idea of unlimited motorways,under the ( correct ) rule of use lane 1 except for overtaking in that case,but then limiting trucks to 90 kmh on it. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:


It appears that Oz and the states are about the same. We have signs on the highway (sometimes) that tell you to keep left except when overtaking, and coppers that take no notice and commit the same offence as other numpties, and I’m not tarring all cops with the same brush. 100km/h limit, four lanes all doing about 90 or less, and then there’s the idiots that have to get past at any price. I’m only in a car nowadays, but sticking in the n/s lane usually gets me along quicker because we’ve got that stupid rule where we can overtake on either side.

That is the logical conclusion of what happens when the object of a multi lane road system changes from getting traffic from A to B as fast as possible to getting as much traffic as possible from A to B at the same/similar type of limited speed.

There really is no place for use lane 1 except for overtaking under the latter definition.With overtake either side to take account of fluctuations in speed between all the different lanes obviously being an essential part of that.The problem here is that the idiots running the show here,and obviously less so in Oz,are trying to mix the two contradictory ideas with obvious results.IE you either run it as an Autobahn is meant to be run or you run it like a Los Angeles ‘freeway’ while imposing the rules of the former on the latter just defeats the object of it supposedly being all about ‘capacity’. :bulb:

As for overtake on either side,in the case of the latter,that makes a lot more sense.Than the German idea of unlimited motorways,under the ( correct ) rule of use lane 1 except for overtaking in that case,but then limiting trucks to 90 kmh on it. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:

Did you buy your keyboard on a “if its used out within 3 months you dont pay” kind of deal?
Because you could condense 90% of your posts into about a third of the wording.


That is the logical conclusion of what happens when the object of a multi lane road system changes from getting traffic from A to B as fast as possible to getting as much traffic as possible from A to B at the same/similar type of limited speed.

There really is no place for use lane 1 except for overtaking under the latter definition.With overtake either side to take account of fluctuations in speed between all the different lanes obviously being an essential part of that.The problem here is that the idiots running the show here,and obviously less so in Oz,are trying to mix the two contradictory ideas with obvious results.IE you either run it as an Autobahn is meant to be run or you run it like a Los Angeles ‘freeway’ while imposing the rules of the former on the latter just defeats the object of it supposedly being all about ‘capacity’. :bulb:

As for overtake on either side,in the case of the latter,that makes a lot more sense.Than the German idea of unlimited motorways,under the ( correct ) rule of use lane 1 except for overtaking in that case,but then limiting trucks to 90 kmh on it. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:

Did you buy your keyboard on a “if its used out within 3 months you dont pay” kind of deal?
Because you could condense 90% of your posts into about a third of the wording.

If anyone thinks that a third of that is enough to describe all the points and issues raised then that’s obviously all they need to read of it. :unamused:

Carryfast must type so fast the keyboard catches on fire, I got visions of Jim Carey in The Grinch, " I’m smoking ."
He must set off the fire alarms.

Fined drivers version of events;

examiner.co.uk/news/west-yor … es-9507898

The numpty could have got a £90 fine but failed to respond to his summons not once but twice,so the Courts responded for him with a £1000 fine and now he`s belly aching

Fined drivers version of events;

examiner.co.uk/news/west-yor … es-9507898

Assuming that he’s telling the truth about overtaking slower traffic in lane 1 and it’s a 3 lane section of motorway and bearing in mind that lane 3 is obviously limited to 70 mph max and can only be used for overtaking slower running traffic in both lanes 1 and 2.Maybe the copper can explain exactly who was being held up in lane 2 and why and/or how all the above doesn’t fit the definition of use lane 1 unless overtaking. :unamused:


Fined drivers version of events;

examiner.co.uk/news/west-yor … es-9507898

Assuming that he’s telling the truth about overtaking slower traffic in lane 1 and it’s a 3 lane section of motorway and bearing in mind that lane 3 is obviously limited to 70 mph max and can only be used for overtaking slower running traffic in both lanes 1 and 2.Maybe the copper can explain exactly who was being held up in lane 2 and why and/or how all the above doesn’t fit the definition of use lane 1 unless overtaking. :unamused:

his excuse for not going to court was because he had to go to work says to me that he wasn’t really bothered about it till he’s been fined nearly a grand and now claims he been a victim because he drives a white van.

Now start fining the 99% of drivers that are too lazy to indicate properly on roundabouts.

His excuse of high winds won’t stand up as the wind speed for that day was 13kph and maxed out at 33kph.

Ain’t google wonderful :slight_smile:


Assuming that he’s telling the truth about overtaking slower traffic in lane 1 and it’s a 3 lane section of motorway and bearing in mind that lane 3 is obviously limited to 70 mph max and can only be used for overtaking slower running traffic in both lanes 1 and 2.Maybe the copper can explain exactly who was being held up in lane 2 and why and/or how all the above doesn’t fit the definition of use lane 1 unless overtaking. :unamused:

his excuse for not going to court was because he had to go to work says to me that he wasn’t really bothered about it till he’s been fined nearly a grand and now claims he been a victim because he drives a white van.

Most of the reported details seem like a confused load of irrelevant information.As I’ve said the question is did his use of lane 2 fit the definition of ‘overtaking’ slower traffic in lane 1 or not and how would travelling at 60 mph in lane 2 possibly hold anyone up in the case of a 3 lane motorway.Assuming any doubt concerning those questions then he’s got a case for being stitched up by the law.

I just hope they start fining the trucks that sit in the middle lane elephant racing. Looks like we’ve some candidates here already !! :grimacing:

A Carryfast infested thread. The fun posters disappear quickly. The discussion and chat withers away. The batting back and forth points become a distant memory. The participants recede, resigned that the plague is in town. In its place a one man machine. A few die hards, pour some coffee, light up the hurricane lamps and dig into tents to weather the overnight storm and face off the nemesis. But they are no match. It’s a relentless, one man-machine enslaught of history and politics. Easily recognisable from mere human- there is never agreeance with anyone. Ne’er a mention of apology, of admitting misunderstanding. Just more, relentless lecturing. In that peculiar, mechanical, distant style. By morning, the residents wonder over the horizon to survey the scene, hoping to find signs of life, of hope. Only bodies remain, crushed by lecture and relentless opinion. Welcome to a CF thread. Know it, be warned, be prepared.

James the cat, your CF infested post is the best post I have ever seen, it is very funny and true.
Have you considered writting for a living, a journalist , if you wrote it yourself and drive for a living, then you are wasted in that.
I am not sure why CF has to rumble on to dive bomb threads, he reminds me of an eccentric teacher with arm patches on a moth riddled old tweed jacket, smoking a pipe, wearing broken glasses held together with a Band Aid and Sellotape.

James the cat:
A Carryfast infested thread. The fun posters disappear quickly. The discussion and chat withers away. The batting back and forth points become a distant memory. The participants recede, resigned that the plague is in town. In its place a one man machine. A few die hards, pour some coffee, light up the hurricane lamps and dig into tents to weather the overnight storm and face off the nemesis. But they are no match. It’s a relentless, one man-machine enslaught of history and politics. Easily recognisable from mere human- there is never agreeance with anyone. Ne’er a mention of apology, of admitting misunderstanding. Just more, relentless lecturing. In that peculiar, mechanical, distant style. By morning, the residents wonder over the horizon to survey the scene, hoping to find signs of life, of hope. Only bodies remain, crushed by lecture and relentless opinion. Welcome to a CF thread. Know it, be warned, be prepared.

Now that is one fine post! :smiley:

James the cat:
A Carryfast infested thread. The fun posters disappear quickly. The discussion and chat withers away. The batting back and forth points become a distant memory. The participants recede, resigned that the plague is in town. In its place a one man machine. A few die hards, pour some coffee, light up the hurricane lamps and dig into tents to weather the overnight storm and face off the nemesis. But they are no match. It’s a relentless, one man-machine enslaught of history and politics. Easily recognisable from mere human- there is never agreeance with anyone. Ne’er a mention of apology, of admitting misunderstanding. Just more, relentless lecturing. In that peculiar, mechanical, distant style. By morning, the residents wonder over the horizon to survey the scene, hoping to find signs of life, of hope. Only bodies remain, crushed by lecture and relentless opinion. Welcome to a CF thread. Know it, be warned, be prepared.

You paint a good picture! :laughing:



Assuming that he’s telling the truth about overtaking slower traffic in lane 1 and it’s a 3 lane section of motorway and bearing in mind that lane 3 is obviously limited to 70 mph max and can only be used for overtaking slower running traffic in both lanes 1 and 2.Maybe the copper can explain exactly who was being held up in lane 2 and why and/or how all the above doesn’t fit the definition of use lane 1 unless overtaking. :unamused:

his excuse for not going to court was because he had to go to work says to me that he wasn’t really bothered about it till he’s been fined nearly a grand and now claims he been a victim because he drives a white van.

Most of the reported details seem like a confused load of irrelevant information.As I’ve said the question is did his use of lane 2 fit the definition of ‘overtaking’ slower traffic in lane 1 or not and how would travelling at 60 mph in lane 2 possibly hold anyone up in the case of a 3 lane motorway.Assuming any doubt concerning those questions then he’s got a case for being stitched up by the law.

It’s all down to the eu and the anti socialists.

One of the best bits of advise I ever got on here, was to drive at about 3ks under the limiter. Makes bugger all difference to your arrival time, but means others can get past you fairly quickly, and if you catch somebody else up, you’ve got a bit in reserve to get past them asap. See, TNUK can do it occasionally :wink:

You’re welcome. :smiley: