Middle laner has to dig deep


Olog Hai:


Olog Hai:
The worst of the worst, and those which deserve nothing other than the utmost contempt, are the ‘drivers’ who engage in drawn out overtakes on two-lane dual carriageways and motorways. It should be licence revoked on the spot for them.

So feel free free to explain how a truck limited to 90 kmh overtaking one running at 85 kmh can possibly mean anything other than a long ‘drawn out’ overtake.Or for that matter a car running at a strictly limited 70 mph overtaking another running at 67 mph. :unamused:

Feel free to explain where I suggested a 5km/h difference. It was obvious that I meant the 0.1mph difference idiots, but you chose to ignore that in one of your trademark, crackpot attempts to prove that you somehow know better than everyone else. Get back to your padded cell you gibbering idiot.

You’re obviously one of the lot who just ‘thinks’ that a 5 kmh differential is the same thing as 0.1 mph because that’s what it ‘looks’ like if you’re stuck behind it.While a 0.1 mph differential obviously isn’t going to fit the description of a ‘drawn out’ over take. :unamused:

No, that’s not what I think and nor have I suggested that it was.

You are crazy. Do not reply to my posts.



**The fact is they aren’t struggling because they’ve run out of power they are struggling because they are running at the maximum speed allowed.**Assuming a truck running at 90 kmh trying to overtake one running at 85 kmh that isn’t the overtaking driver’s fault.While as I’ve said backing off to allow for the stupid speed regime just creates yet more congestion behind.Which leaves one of two options.Either ban trucks from over taking or at least let them run at the same limit as cars.

Which still leaves the question of the contradiction between speed v ‘capacity’.IE a rule based on left lane unless overtaking is totally mutually exclusive with the latter being that the latter by definition means use lanes 2/3 etc if/when lane 1/2 has more traffic,not because that traffic is necessarily running slower. :unamused:

Yep but that not the case where the bozos decided to overtake on inclines where they fully laden and know full well they are going to run out of power and end up being a pain in the ■■■■ to everyone behind them. If drivers constantly ride on the limiter, then where is their reserve for safe overtaking? It is poor planning and poor driving by the overtaking driver that creates the situation.

Which then leaves the fact that not running on the limiter means running slower therefore more need for traffic to use the ‘over taking’ lanes than would otherwise be the case.Which includes the issue of being baulked on the approach to inclines with a heavy wagon.In this case the inconsiderate ones are those running at excessively low speeds thereby creating an overtaking situation which otherwise wouldn’t be needed.

The thing to remember though is 56mph is the maximum legally allowed… Many large fleet operators have their limiters set at 54mph 52mph and even as low as 50mph on fuel saving grounds. Even transit sized vans have 56mph limiters fitted to them by operators now. Trucks I used to drive were capable of 70mph, but they’d still slow down on inclines.

While a 0.1 mph differential obviously isn’t going to fit the description of a ‘drawn out’ over take. :unamused:

Well the fact that at 0.1mph the guy overtaking has to pass 1 54ft lorry then get his OWN 54 ft lorry past to pull in,making approx 120 ft minimum, it would take around 15 minutes to pull out,pass and pull in at a safe distance.
Unless my maths is way off (which to be fair is an enormous possibility :laughing: ) I think this is actually the perfect example of a drawn out overtake!

Oh Gordon Bennett , here we go again Carryfast ruining a good thread with a load of codswallop and boring trivia and facts he found off Google, I have never read so much rubbish that CF posts, how he finds the time and drive a lorry for a living is beyond me.

Oh Gordon Bennett , here we go again Carryfast ruining a good thread with a load of codswallop and boring trivia and facts he found off Google, I have never read so much rubbish that CF posts, how he finds the time and drive a lorry for a living is beyond me.

:open_mouth: Not that you’ve ever done anything like that eh Tobes? :laughing: :laughing:

Pot + Kettle :wink:

Fine was well deserved. Numpty was probably sitting in middle lane oblivious to all that was going around him.

Don’t know how often I have heard the comment “It’s boring driving on motorways”. It is not boring if you are
staying alert, observing lane discipline and driving properly, all of which makes for a safer and faster journey
for all.

Thats just called madness, go speak to any of the drivers that have gone to drive in the States, they will tell you people drive out there with a deathwish.

Very true Radar. Huge amounts of congestion are caused by idiotic American driving norms. Its very common for two or three lane interstates to be reduced to travelling at speeds as low as 50 or 55mph when the limit is 65 or 70 because there is a numpty in the middle lane doing 50 and then the American lemming approaching on either side in their automatic car, while drinking their starbucks in one hand, talking on their phone in the other and trying rather unsuccessfully to steer their car with an elbow, then slows down to match the speed of the middle lane hogger and you’ve then got hundreds of backed up vehicles on a main interstate going nowhere fast and it happens again and again and again. The worst thing is, when the idiot does finally get by on whichever side they choose, they then floor it to 70+mph again.
The US eastern seaboard is every bit as congested as the British motorway network at its worst but it really needn’t be. If the idiots over here were taught to drive properly and it was policed, you could probably double capacity on these roads without having major jams but when 50% of vehicles on the road are hell bent on exercising their God given constitutional right to be a rolling road block, it will continue to be hell on earth trying to drive the 650 miles of I95 for example between Portland, Maine and Richmond, Virginia that is just endless city after city and urban spawl and home to tens of millions of morons.

I can’t believe it’s as congested over there as over here! Anyway hope the guy gets to pay this fine. He didn’t turn up in court.


While a 0.1 mph differential obviously isn’t going to fit the description of a ‘drawn out’ over take. :unamused:

Well the fact that at 0.1mph the guy overtaking has to pass 1 54ft lorry then get his OWN 54 ft lorry past to pull in,making approx 120 ft minimum, it would take around 15 minutes to pull out,pass and pull in at a safe distance.
Unless my maths is way off (which to be fair is an enormous possibility :laughing: ) I think this is actually the perfect example of a drawn out overtake!

Your maths can’t possibly be worse than mine. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

But by your own figures I think you’ve forgotten to factor in pulling out from a safe seperation distance.( More than two truck lengths ).Then passing one truck length.Then waiting until you’ve added more than two truck lengths to that to return to lane 1.IE the operation takes around 25 miles at an average speed of 50 mph.Let alone if it’s more than one truck being over taken.In which case as I said 0.1 mph differential is just a ridiculous over statement which isn’t a true reflection of the issue.Which is more a case of the typical overtake situation,caused by the typical 5 kmh speed limiter setting/calibration variation.That’s not to say that many drivers don’t try to fit an overtake into your stated 120 feet distance often with inevitable results. :unamused:

Very true Radar. Huge amounts of congestion are caused by idiotic American driving norms. Its very common for two or three lane interstates to be reduced to travelling at speeds as low as 50 or 55mph when the limit is 65 or 70 because there is a numpty in the middle lane doing 50 and then the American lemming approaching on either side in their automatic car, while drinking their starbucks in one hand, talking on their phone in the other and trying rather unsuccessfully to steer their car with an elbow, then slows down to match the speed of the middle lane hogger and you’ve then got hundreds of backed up vehicles on a main interstate going nowhere fast and it happens again and again and again. The worst thing is, when the idiot does finally get by on whichever side they choose, they then floor it to 70+mph again.
The US eastern seaboard is every bit as congested as the British motorway network at its worst but it really needn’t be. If the idiots over here were taught to drive properly and it was policed, you could probably double capacity on these roads without having major jams but when 50% of vehicles on the road are hell bent on exercising their God given constitutional right to be a rolling road block, it will continue to be hell on earth trying to drive the 650 miles of I95 for example between Portland, Maine and Richmond, Virginia that is just endless city after city and urban spawl and home to tens of millions of morons.

To be fair that’s generally the logical conclusion of what happens when a regime is run on the basis of pandering to the lowest common denominator of driver.In this case the old 55 mph limit and the contradiction of making roads originally designed for speed supposedly all about ‘capacity’ has at worst obviously and inevitably damaged driver behaviour there beyond redemption.While at best just turning the motorways into what the government intends that being over regulated slow running roads which are just there to handle large amounts of traffic.Which is also increasingly the problem here.

The fact is lane discipline only works in a more relaxed speed environment in which the motorways are used as intended.

While ‘capacity’ by definition means all lanes being used as seperate roads running independently at their own pace but subject to the same speed limit.As opposed to being used solely for overtaking. :bulb: :unamused:


On that note using speed limiters,let alone limiting trucks over there to 90 kmh,would create even more problems regarding baulking in the lanes.Just as it does here.Or for that matter in that last bastion of proper fast motorways and lane discipline Germany. :bulb:

On many an occasion ive been plodding along limited at 52, come up to a wagon on a nice flat stretch of motorway, making good progress so move out for the over take only to get my cab online with his to find that all of sudden hes matching my speed and hung me out to dry… and by this time ive got 3 tipper drivers or raoyal mail men up my chuff in a bad attempt to somehow make me go faster… so what do i do then… do i back off causing everyone behind to give me the coffee shaker…i mean how do i explain to them that the ■■■ next to me has all of a sudden found an extra 2 miles hour half way throught my over take… lorry driver are sometimes as bad as cars for there roadcraft skills

On many an occasion ive been plodding along limited at 52, come up to a wagon on a nice flat stretch of motorway, making good progress so move out for the over take only to get my cab online with his to find that all of sudden hes matching my speed and hung me out to dry… and by this time ive got 3 tipper drivers or raoyal mail men up my chuff in a bad attempt to somehow make me go faster… so what do i do then… do i back off causing everyone behind to give me the coffee shaker…i mean how do i explain to them that the ■■■ next to me has all of a sudden found an extra 2 miles hour half way throught my over take… lorry driver are sometimes as bad as cars for there roadcraft skills

Or possibly just another example of the vagaries of speed limiters especially when set even lower than the already ridiculous 90 kmh limit.IE air flow and resulting resistance dynamics acting between two vehicles with similar speed limiter cut in points ( 80 v 85 kmh for example ).As for modern drivers assuming they can’t understand/foresee what happens in that case and want to travel so close as to not leave an allowance for the truck ahead to abort an overtake then I’d say they are just ( not very good ) car drivers with an LGV licence. :unamused:



I am on about the brainless bell ends that are trying to overtake a line of trucks. They struggle to get past the first one, so what do they do when clear, drop back themselves into lane one into the gap the driver has left, or continue to block the middle lane? The latter ones are the ones that should also get busted. The roads aren’t just for trucks.

**The fact is they aren’t struggling because they’ve run out of power they are struggling because they are running at the maximum speed allowed.**Assuming a truck running at 90 kmh trying to overtake one running at 85 kmh that isn’t the overtaking driver’s fault.While as I’ve said backing off to allow for the stupid speed regime just creates yet more congestion behind.Which leaves one of two options.Either ban trucks from over taking or at least let them run at the same limit as cars.

Which still leaves the question of the contradiction between speed v ‘capacity’.IE a rule based on left lane unless overtaking is totally mutually exclusive with the latter being that the latter by definition means use lanes 2/3 etc if/when lane 1/2 has more traffic,not because that traffic is necessarily running slower. :unamused:

Yep but that not the case where the bozos decided to overtake on inclines where they fully laden and know full well they are going to run out of power and end up being a pain in the ■■■■ to everyone behind them. If drivers constantly ride on the limiter, then where is their reserve for safe overtaking? It is poor planning and poor driving by the overtaking driver that creates the situation.

I’m limited to 53 so overtaking is a tricky business. I had one where I was trying to overtake a Dutch wagon who was doing 52.5 so this lead to a massive drawn out manuvourer because he wouldn’t let off and I can’t go any faster.




I am on about the brainless bell ends that are trying to overtake a line of trucks. They struggle to get past the first one, so what do they do when clear, drop back themselves into lane one into the gap the driver has left, or continue to block the middle lane? The latter ones are the ones that should also get busted. The roads aren’t just for trucks.

**The fact is they aren’t struggling because they’ve run out of power they are struggling because they are running at the maximum speed allowed.**Assuming a truck running at 90 kmh trying to overtake one running at 85 kmh that isn’t the overtaking driver’s fault.While as I’ve said backing off to allow for the stupid speed regime just creates yet more congestion behind.Which leaves one of two options.Either ban trucks from over taking or at least let them run at the same limit as cars.

Which still leaves the question of the contradiction between speed v ‘capacity’.IE a rule based on left lane unless overtaking is totally mutually exclusive with the latter being that the latter by definition means use lanes 2/3 etc if/when lane 1/2 has more traffic,not because that traffic is necessarily running slower. :unamused:

Yep but that not the case where the bozos decided to overtake on inclines where they fully laden and know full well they are going to run out of power and end up being a pain in the ■■■■ to everyone behind them. If drivers constantly ride on the limiter, then where is their reserve for safe overtaking? It is poor planning and poor driving by the overtaking driver that creates the situation.

I’m limited to 53 so overtaking is a tricky business. I had one where I was trying to overtake a Dutch wagon who was doing 52.5 so this lead to a massive drawn out manuvourer because he wouldn’t let off and I can’t go any faster.

At half a mile a hour faster, after one hour you are going to be just half mile in front of the Dutchman. In two hours just one mile in front, which at those speeds meaning the Dutchman is just over a minute behind you after two hours. Not a critique in any way, just doing the maths bit buddy. :wink: Someone limited to 56mph is only going to be three minutes in front of you after a hour, so it not like speed is critical as let’s face it, how long before the matrix signs start to flash, or more roadworks come into view. :open_mouth:

I’m limited to 53 so overtaking is a tricky business. I had one where I was trying to overtake a Dutch wagon who was doing 52.5 so this lead to a massive drawn out manuvourer because he wouldn’t let off and I can’t go any faster.

And you didn’t realise it would turn in to an endurance test before you went for the overtake?

Here’s a tip, given that you’re not very experienced: You don’t have to drive on the limiter at all times. It might benefit both yourself and the other drivers you no doubt inconveniences every day.

Olog Hai:

I’m limited to 53 so overtaking is a tricky business. I had one where I was trying to overtake a Dutch wagon who was doing 52.5 so this lead to a massive drawn out manuvourer because he wouldn’t let off and I can’t go any faster.

And you didn’t realise it would turn in to an endurance test before you went for the overtake?

Here’s a tip, given that you’re not very experienced: You don’t have to drive on the limiter at all times. It might benefit both yourself and the other drivers you no doubt inconveniences every day.

Why can’t I drive on the limiter? Why do I have to plod about at 50? I was catching him, why should I sit behind him for the sake of causing some inconvenience to people behind me?

Why can’t I drive on the limiter? Why do I have to plod about at 50? I was catching him, why should I sit behind him for the sake of causing some inconvenience to people behind me?

Jesus, are you for real? Someone else has already done the maths for you regarding how much further up the road taking ages to overtake a wagon with a 0.5mph differential will get you. In any case, you say yourself, he was doing 52.5, not 50.

You and your ilk, who seem to think it’s OK to take forever to overtake another truck, are a menace, and are by some margin the reason why overtaking bans have been introduced and will continue to be so. Have some consideration for the others you must share the road with rather than acting as a rolling roadblock for miles on end before someone takes offence and elects to brake test you.


Olog Hai:

I’m limited to 53 so overtaking is a tricky business. I had one where I was trying to overtake a Dutch wagon who was doing 52.5 so this lead to a massive drawn out manuvourer because he wouldn’t let off and I can’t go any faster.

And you didn’t realise it would turn in to an endurance test before you went for the overtake?

Here’s a tip, given that you’re not very experienced: You don’t have to drive on the limiter at all times. It might benefit both yourself and the other drivers you no doubt inconveniences every day.

Why can’t I drive on the limiter? Why do I have to plod about at 50? I was catching him, why should I sit behind him for the sake of causing some inconvenience to people behind me?

Oh, sweet Jesus! This is exactly the mindset that causes pretty much all the problems currently under discussion.


I’m limited to 53 so overtaking is a tricky business. I had one where I was trying to overtake a Dutch wagon who was doing 52.5 so this lead to a massive drawn out manuvourer because he wouldn’t let off and I can’t go any faster.

At half a mile a hour faster, after one hour you are going to be just half mile in front of the Dutchman. In two hours just one mile in front, which at those speeds meaning the Dutchman is just over a minute behind you after two hours. Not a critique in any way, just doing the maths bit buddy. :wink: Someone limited to 56mph is only going to be three minutes in front of you after a hour, so it not like speed is critical as let’s face it, how long before the matrix signs start to flash, or more roadworks come into view. :open_mouth:

The law is obviously being applied in a contradictory selective way in that case.IE why is it considered as ok to cause even more unnecessary aggravation in terms of lane blocking caused by ridiculously low limiter settings.

As for backing off to maintain separation distances in that case as opposed to maintaining speed and over taking,as I’ve said the end result is just yet more ripple effects and ever lower speeds.Which still end up leaving the same choice for traffic approaching behind of overtake or go even slower. :bulb: :unamused: Bearing in mind that under the rule drive on the left unless overtaking the amount of time spent by traffic in the overtaking lanes is directly proportional to the running speeds of traffic in lane 1 and/or in the lane/s to the left.On the basis of the slower traffic is running in lane 1 etc the more time will be spent by more traffic in the ‘over taking’ lanes.



Olog Hai:

I’m limited to 53 so overtaking is a tricky business. I had one where I was trying to overtake a Dutch wagon who was doing 52.5 so this lead to a massive drawn out manuvourer because he wouldn’t let off and I can’t go any faster.

And you didn’t realise it would turn in to an endurance test before you went for the overtake?

Here’s a tip, given that you’re not very experienced: You don’t have to drive on the limiter at all times. It might benefit both yourself and the other drivers you no doubt inconveniences every day.

Why can’t I drive on the limiter? Why do I have to plod about at 50? I was catching him, why should I sit behind him for the sake of causing some inconvenience to people behind me?

Oh, sweet Jesus! This is exactly the mindset that causes pretty much all the problems currently under discussion.

That would depend on wether anyone is going by the politically driven agenda that the ‘problem’ is caused by faster traffic catching up the needlessly slower running traffic.As opposed to holding up faster traffic.In which case doesn’t that idea contradict the so called idea of ‘lane hogging’.IE in most cases ‘lane hogging’ is actually the ‘symptom’ of a politically driven agenda which sees speed as the problem.Then to add insult to injury punishes the innocent party for the inevitable result in terms of blocked and congested lanes.When it is plain that we’re in a situation of already artificially limited slow traffic being forced to overtake even slower running traffic.When what’s needed is to stop the attitude of the selfish zb’s who are holding up traffic and forcing more use of the overtaking lanes than would otherwise be required all to save a few quid on fuel.While also allowing traffic to at least run at a decent speed in order to clear the over taking lanes without needlessly blocking them. :unamused: