Massive pet hate

Don’t know, never had one in a puddle jumper. I don’t drive one though so I am unable to help you with that question :smiley:

My pet hate.Anti social drivers that hide in the cab.Curtains shut when parking up for the night.
When doing European driving it was the social thing to meet up with fellow Brits.Have a meal.A few shandies.Then share the taxi fare back to the truck.
Those days of camaradie are long gone.
It is everyman for himself now and the I am right Jack mentality now.
When clearing customs in Portugal it was drop the trailer.Find a beach for the weekend.
If you saw a broken down Uk truck or tyre blowout back then you would stop and help fix the problem.
One day it may be you with a break down and the guy you helped returns the favour back.If you offered money it would be offensive.

park up in the 70s 80s next driver to you would always go for a pint and a meal. I never forget a time I came acros a wagon with a blow out .it was when mobile phones had just come out I knocked on his cab and said do you want a hand to change wheel he just looked at me and said f off I have a mobile phone fitters you say all camaradie as gone


tango boy:


tango boy:

Bit confusing when your in bobs yoke and someone says alright bob :slight_smile:

Funny you say, this happened to a mate of mine when we was at IMR Transport, he and another imr driver Bob was down at Asda Dartford, my mate was in a Scania which was driven by Craig normally (name plate in window) my mates name is Jim and said his name was Jim to Bob when they spoke but Bob still said bye Craig when the conversation ended :unamused: :unamused: Still makes me chuckle :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My head hurts :wink:

Light hearted fun breaker nowt to be stressed about here :wink:

I was being humourous

I hate banging my humerus…:wink:

If you could not clear customs in Porto by Friday afternoon you would be weekended.A lot of us would meet at the Atlantico restaurant on the beach.
The kitchen hygeine was terrible but the craic was good.It was a South African couple running it.
The marriage could not have been marvelous as the wife had affairs with drivers.Coming off the ferries in France some lads would run down together.If there was a breakdown more hands make lighter work.
Or a driver that was not sure which was the best route or where the delivery point was we would ■■■■■■ him down.

If you could not clear customs in Porto by Friday afternoon you would be weekended.A lot of us would meet at the Atlantico restaurant on the beach.
The kitchen hygeine was terrible but the craic was good.It was a South African couple running it.
The marriage could not have been marvelous as the wife had affairs with drivers.Coming off the ferries in France some lads would run down together.If there was a breakdown more hands make lighter work.
Or a driver that was not sure which was the best route or where the delivery point was we would ■■■■■■ him down.

you on the drugs again?

No mention of a number plate in a window at all :smiley: :smiley:

Post sidetracked to camaradie and replying to Scarborough Pete’s post.
Is that ok with you.?

Pet hate the bird in the butty van only giving two slices of bacon for a £3 bacon butty :neutral_face:

My pet hate;Truckers with no lights on after lighting up time or they have just side lights on.Car drivers that do the same and is always black or silver cars.
Truckers that forget to turn off their orange flashing beacons on cement mixers,quarry tippers and bulkers.
Tailgating trucks that bully car drivers to speed up by flashing lights and tooting them while doing hand gestures.
Drivers wearing dockers boots on Rdc work.Rigger boots and a Canadian lumber javk shirt and mullet 70’s hair do is a great look.

Pet hate the bird in the butty van only giving two slices of bacon for a £3 bacon butty :neutral_face:


Bale Bandit:

Pet hate the bird in the butty van only giving two slices of bacon for a £3 bacon butty :neutral_face:


and that £3 will buy her 3 packs of bacon. I understand how you feel

Another thing that make my ■■■■ itch.

Weak/Gash quality tea at cafés and muck trucks. Best part of a quid for a brew and it’s bookers cheapo or Poundland tea bags.

PG Tips are the way forward an they’re cheap enough

My pet hate;Truckers with no lights on after lighting up time or they have just side lights on.Car drivers that do the same and is always black or silver cars. … ights.html

Bale Bandit:
Another thing that make my [zb] itch.

Weak/Gash quality tea at cafés and muck trucks. Best part of a quid for a brew and it’s bookers cheapo or Poundland tea bags.

PG Tips are the way forward an they’re cheap enough

The hollies is dreadful for this, Bought coffee 3 times and every time I’ve poured it away. I’ve tried it black and white, can’t understand what the do to it.

Never trust a person that cant make a decent cup of tea. Or coffee for that matter. How you get coffee wrong I’ve no idea, put coffee in, put sugar in, put milk in, stir, put hot water in, stir more.


My pet hate;Truckers with no lights on after lighting up time or they have just side lights on.Car drivers that do the same and is always black or silver cars. … ights.html

If you don’t mind I am going to use that

Carry on, sharing is caring :wink:

Has anyone noticed good drivers with headlights on in the day light on sunny days.If you look you will see that visilbilty has been reduced in strong sunlight.And depending on how low the sun is, the drivers facing it are almost blinded.
At certain times of the day,the shadows affect the view.

i was always told to wolo ( wipers on lights on ) in poor driving conditions


tango boy:


tango boy:

Bit confusing when your in bobs yoke and someone says alright bob :slight_smile:

Funny you say, this happened to a mate of mine when we was at IMR Transport, he and another imr driver Bob was down at Asda Dartford, my mate was in a Scania which was driven by Craig normally (name plate in window) my mates name is Jim and said his name was Jim to Bob when they spoke but Bob still said bye Craig when the conversation ended :unamused: :unamused: Still makes me chuckle :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My head hurts :wink:

Light hearted fun breaker nowt to be stressed about here :wink:

I was being humourous

I know you was :wink: its the other stress heads make me laugh :laughing: :laughing:

Why do so many truckers not put their lights on after lighting up time.When it is getting dark that is a bit of a clue to turn the headlights on.Many like to run with side lights on at dusk too.

What I find strange though is drivers who put full beam on just because it’s 7pm yet there isn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun is still shining.