Massive pet hate

Terry T:

Why do so many truckers not put their lights on after lighting up time.When it is getting dark that is a bit of a clue to turn the headlights on.Many like to run with side lights on at dusk too.

What I find strange though is drivers who put full beam on just because it’s 7pm yet there isn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun is still shining.

I run with my lights on before it gets dark, and after it is sufficiently light. I do this because in the event of an accident I can tick “yes” on the part of the insurance form which asks “Was the vehicle lit?”.

I feel as if lorry drivers are somehow more liable, as they appear, to me at least, to always bore the brunt of blame. If I can cover myself in a few more ways then I shall.

Really annoys me when you open your window to speak to site staff when it’s raining, yet they open the door instead.
Drivers who just come over, open your door and ask what work you’ve got. And it’s always easier than theirs.

Oh and banksmen/security staff who just because you’re waiting, think they have some right to sit in your passenger seat and talk nonsense in broken English. Sorry mate, you chose to stand in the hot sun/pouring rain/freezing cold for £6.50 p/hour…

I had a Morris Ital estate and drove everywhere with my side lights on so everybody thought it was a Volvo. No name plate though.

Does it really matter… NO :unamused: it doesn’t…more important things to worry about…

my pet hate is people who repeat themselves over n over n over like a stuck record

Over! :wink:


Bale Bandit:

Pet hate the bird in the butty van only giving two slices of bacon for a £3 bacon butty :neutral_face:


and that £3 will buy her 3 packs of bacon. I understand how you feel

Follow up to mine then charges you extra (insert your local butty van price here) each added slice you want :neutral_face:

Another of mine on the Hoek van Holland to Harwich boat in the bar with a couple other Dutch blokes ordered the round i get the sec one in from same person Who served me 1st time round and they when what was that :unamused: oooh hold up you’ve served a couple people since we drank they’s and you forgot :unamused:, yet someone who didn’t serve us know what we was drinking…



Bale Bandit:
Another thing that make my [zb] itch.

Weak/Gash quality tea at cafés and muck trucks. Best part of a quid for a brew and it’s bookers cheapo or Poundland tea bags.

PG Tips are the way forward an they’re cheap enough

PG Tips are a bit David Dickinson for me


My pet hate.Anti social drivers that hide in the cab.Curtains shut when parking up for the night.
When doing European driving it was the social thing to meet up with fellow Brits.Have a meal.A few shandies.Then share the taxi fare back to the truck.
Those days of camaradie are long gone.
It is everyman for himself now and the I am right Jack mentality now.
When clearing customs in Portugal it was drop the trailer.Find a beach for the weekend.
If you saw a broken down Uk truck or tyre blowout back then you would stop and help fix the problem.
One day it may be you with a break down and the guy you helped returns the favour back.If you offered money it would be offensive.

park up in the 70s 80s next driver to you would always go for a pint and a meal. I never forget a time I came acros a wagon with a blow out .it was when mobile phones had just come out I knocked on his cab and said do you want a hand to change wheel he just looked at me and said f off I have a mobile phone fitters you say all camaradie as gone

Now that was downright rude, no excuse. I would have said thank you for offering but the tyre co. is coming out as i have already rung them. Manners cost nothing.

Another of mine on the Hoek van Holland to Harwich boat in the bar with a couple other Dutch blokes ordered the round i get the sec one in from same person Who served me 1st time round and they when what was that :unamused: oooh hold up you’ve served a couple people since we drank they’s and you forgot :unamused:, yet someone who didn’t serve us know what we was drinking…



Another of mine on the Hoek van Holland to Harwich boat in the bar with a couple other Dutch blokes ordered the round i get the sec one in from same person Who served me 1st time round and they when what was that :unamused: oooh hold up you’ve served a couple people since we drank they’s and you forgot :unamused:, yet someone who didn’t serve us know what we was drinking…


still on the boat then

Last one as I’m sounding like a right moany ■■■■ :slight_smile:

When you ask for a strong coffee and you get a milky one :unamused:

Wheel Nut:
Somebody must love it :laughing:

I think it must be the butcher…lmao.



This again :unamused:

If its not this it’s [zb] stobarts Or curtains :unamused:

god help a stobart with name and curtains :open_mouth:

Look, lets just get this all over and done with - here goes,

Fat blokes, agency drivers, matador spears, Stobarts, cyclists, Royal Mail jockeys (and for Pimpdadddy - Tescos), agency staff, Vosa, cyclists, Class 2 jammers, MSA’s, RDC restrooms, smokers and non-smokers, biscuit thieves, cab-rats, older drivers, gatehouse staff, cyclists, Flips, pimple faced planners, lane discipline, Stobarts, night time economy workers (curtain slashers, diesel suckers), umbrella schemes, non-jobs, Angus (they’re side by side), DCPC, and now apparently, name plates in the windowscreens.

and ■■■■■■■ witty ■■■■■■■ ? oh and bad language…

And of course, Stobarts.

Someone once said Mumsnet, it’s looks more like Whingenet :laughing: :laughing:

There’ll be some I’m sure to have omitted, so if anybody out there cares to finish the job off…

The comfort and consideration of the children was present in the submission of this post.

Could be in Syria so could be worse. Chill people.

Could be in Syria so could be worse.

Unless they got number plates with BIG MUSTAFA on their Jeeps and Tanks.