You see there you are again with your distinctly annoying air of superiority, which you seem oblivious to…
‘‘I have already explained’’ you say, as if you are some expert authority on the subject, pontificating to the masses sat at your feet.
You just refuse to accept that from most people’s pov it just aint good enough, the actual situation nor the explanation …and especially some biased half arsed ‘explanation’ from people like yourself…
Starmer is being constantly accused,.(and justifiably so of favouring a certain group of people, from both a racial and religious perspective)…purely as appeasement, nothing more nothing less.
Particularly on the back of the riots, where he bundled into jail en mass his ‘Far right’ .
But in that bundle were normal white working class blokes who had never been in trouble before, just protesting, and put in jail for shouting and waving banners…(one of whom committed suicide for the alleged singling out for ‘special treatnent’ by the same demographic who virtually ‘run’ the jails he and the rest were put in.)
These guys thought, (and are supposedly about to be proven right
) that the animal who butchered those little girls was a mad assed Islamist, so they went about showing their displeasure at that group.
(I aint justifying it either, this is just ME ‘explaining’ this time.)
Seeing as most of the criminal scum in the hotel were among the same group, they also got the brunt of it…admittedlly waaay too far, but an ample indication of what most people in this country think about them.
You would have thought that given those circumstances, this Airport outrage would have been a good opportunity for a bit of ‘clever politics’ by Starmer…especially after judging the mood of most people over it.
Prove his ‘Far Right’ wrong, by taking on board what most of the country think for a change…and make an example of these 2 lunatics, by showing they are not putting up with that kind of conduct in a public place, whatever their race may be…
He definitely had the power and authority to make a special case/fast track, proven by the recent past events,…(FB etc
Maybe for a change pander to and appease the white working class.
But his arrogance stopped him
Anyway all this will be irrelavant when whatever he is desperate to cover up at Southport comes out officially.
I hope it is his downfall personally.