Managed Motorway Hard Shoulder Crash M1




It seems obvious that those who are in charge of the country’s road layout and management policies should be charged with criminal negligence in many cases.

More so than the drivers who run into the back of a stationery object on a clear straight road :question:

Going by that logic we might as well turn all hard shoulders into permanent running lanes and get rid of exit and entry slip roads. :unamused:

How far behind the times are you, Most hard shoulders are going to be turned into permanent running lanes, The only difference is, It will be a 4 lane dual carriageway with signals than a 2 lane dual carriageway without signals.

Your not far wrong about getting rid of slip roads though the SRN (strategic road network) is supposed to be for long distance traffic, not junction hopping [zb] on a commute across town. Maybe tolling the lot (keep your eyes peeled :wink: ) would keep much of the unnecessary local traffic off the road :slight_smile:.

Option 1 Toll all users (most likely)
Option 2 Only toll all vehicles registered as PLG. (Unlikely)
Option 3 Toll vehicles that travel less than 30/random miles between junctions the technology is out there now to do it.

That all seems contradictory.The idea of motorways was/is to provide that strategic road network in the form of a different class of road to that of dual carriageways although there are some motorway class dual carriageways.One of the things that differentiates such roads was/is the provision of hard shoulders to keep traffic moving at relatively high speeds in case of breakdowns.The idea of entry and exit slip roads was/is to allow to traffic entering and leaving such roads to do so without affecting the speeds of the road being entered or exited.As for the idea of local junction hopping if they really wanted to stop that they wouldn’t have put so many junctions on motorways like the M25 for example amongst others or close many of those which exist.