Man Utd

it was always gonna be a poor season for utd with new manager etc but everyone calling for him to be sacked seem to be forgetting its the 11 overpaid clowns on the pitch getting beat i think its just a simple fact the other teams are getting better rather than utd are getting worse
o and im no red only one team for me o a f c :sunglasses:

Wasn’t it exactly the same when Sir Alex took over? Nobody had any patience anymore

We have got to have patience Luke, every team has a glitch during the season it’s just that our glitch at the moment seems to be lasting a long time, still they say that’s its always darkest just before dawn. I would like to see them give David Moyes a fair go although I think that he made a big mistake by getting rid of the old training staff.
Most fans don’t stop supporting their teams when things are not going too well, it’s all part of the course. :slight_smile:

Wasn’t it exactly the same when Sir Alex took over? Nobody had any patience anymore

yes im sure he was 1 game from being sacked and i think it was a win in the fa cup that saved his job

what did Moyes actually do that made him the top choice for UTD?

Coming from the same part of the world as SAF who recommended him :smiley:

I think moyes is the best candidate united want someone to stay for 10-15 years not an international manager who’ll decide to move on after a few years. After so many years regimented in the way united where at the hands of ferguson it’s going to take time to adapt and I’d say the players are as much to blame for their poor season hiding behind the fact there’s been change doesn’t wash when you put that red shirt on. All them years ago these same discussions were being made about ferguson and he came more then good. The problem is today people want it all yesterday, a bit of patience and moyes will come good. Will he or any manager ever replace what ferguson had with united I doubt it but then there big boots to fill.

By the way I’m not much of a united fan myself but all you united squinys wanna think yourselves lucky. I’m a portsmouth fan how do you think I feel.

My Mrs has bought a new Manchester United lamp for the living room.

It looks good in the middle of the table.

Look, if you’re going to do it, at least do it right, with photo. :wink:

If Manchester United fail to qualify for the Champions League, they are supposedly going to lose 90 million pounds in income, with the Glazers baling out.

If that happened it might curb the absurd spending on transfers for all the top clubs and have a domino effect, with a lot of top clubs going bust :exclamation:


Harry Monk:
As I understand it, anyone who actually comes from Manchester supports Manchester City.

A common misconception I believe due to the fact that City don’t have as many fans outside Manchester (and a much smaller global fanbase overall) as Utd due to their lack of success over the years. No doubt if they turn the massive investment they’ve recently had into success things will change and they’ll attract a wider fanbase but not lose their current supporters.

When I worked in Manchester I was told on more occasions than I care to remember that Manchester United preferred to sell the full coach package deal to people from Devon/Kent etc rather than locals because it was more profitable. Eventually Mancs got fed up with this and over a few generations defected to City.

Is it true? I have no idea, but it was always Mancs telling me this, and I had no real reason to disbelieve them. Personally, I’m not remotely interested in football.

That might not be such a bad idea Dave if the Glaziers do pull out of Old Trafford, or would it :confused: . The bottom line now is that the Premier League and the Champions League are big businesses and if you lose too many games you may lose sponsors’, possibly fans and money and nobody likes to lose money.
Harry, I think that some one might of been pulling yer leg :laughing:. Back in the seasons of 1964/65/66 I can remember seeing an Irish registered coach parked outside the scoreboard end at Old Trafford almost every Saturday home game carrying some of their Irish fans so out of town support is nothing new.
A lot of fans weren’t happy with the way The Glaziers were running things so they started their own club but that’s not to say that they hate United. :smiley:

i think what fc united have done in short space of time is very impressive

Harry Monk:
When I worked in Manchester I was told on more occasions than I care to remember that Manchester United preferred to sell the full coach package deal to people from Devon/Kent etc rather than locals because it was more profitable. Eventually Mancs got fed up with this and over a few generations defected to City.

I can’t see how they can call themselves “fans” if they just change clubs like that :unamused: . I don’t agree with a lot of Ashley’s policies at Newcastle, but believe me, NOTHING would make me go to Sunderland :open_mouth:

United under Glazer’s rule have not tasted failure, so it’s a new era they are entering under Gollum Moyes, if Moyes fails to say qualify for the Champions League and doesnt lift a cup this season who’s to say Glazer’s wont sack him, just because the previous regime didnt sack Ferguson you cannot say the same with new owners.

Since our Arab owners took over at City I have only ever been to a handful of games, just because I feel they dont need my money now, I used to go regular before when we were ■■■■.
I love us beating and being above United, they have dished out so much ■■■■ to us over the years, and ironically call us bitter :laughing: that to see them struggle is a good feeling, Nowt better on a Monday morning than seeing a dirty red sat in the corner sulking because they have lost again :grimacing:

United under Glazer’s rule have not tasted failure, so it’s a new era they are entering under Gollum Moyes, if Moyes fails to say qualify for the Champions League and doesnt lift a cup this season who’s to say Glazer’s wont sack him, just because the previous regime didnt sack Ferguson you cannot say the same with new owners.

Since our Arab owners took over at City I have only ever been to a handful of games, just because I feel they dont need my money now, I used to go regular before when we were [zb].
I love us beating and being above United, they have dished out so much [zb] to us over the years, and ironically call us bitter :laughing: that to see them struggle is a good feeling, Nowt better on a Monday morning than seeing a dirty red sat in the corner sulking because they have lost again :grimacing:


Sorry to revive this thread,…(.OK I aint, I’m loving it really :laughing: )
You Man U fans crack me up :laughing: , I see there is to be a protest against Moyes today in the form of a banner being pulled by a plane during todays game :open_mouth: , …very constructive :unamused: , that is really going to help them win :unamused: , what bunch of dicks thought that was a good idea :open_mouth:
How arrogant are you lot that you have come to EXPECT to win everything, and when you hit a bad patch…, as all the rest of us do from time to time (and believe me I know, being a Newcastle fan :cry: ) and only because of the transition of a new manager into the bargain :open_mouth: , you cry all the way back home (to Surrey :laughing: ) when you lose a couple of games :unamused:
Get a grip, you aint sat 3rd from bottom facing relegation, you are top half, 9th ffs!! the guy needs a chance, at least until next season, and if legends such as Bobby Charlton have faith in him, who are you lot to disagree.

Just to redress the balance if you are thinking that I am gloating/trolling. I watched the Champions league game against the Greeks, admittedly wanting them to lose, but in the second half EVEN I :open_mouth: was wanting them to win (…don’t believe I’ve actually admitted that :blush: :open_mouth: :smiley: ) as they did deserve to in the end.
So give the man a chance, he is no Ferguson, and certainly no Bobby Robson, but he needs time to make it HIS team.

let’s face it, if Manure Nited had been winning all season, the Somerset are would not have flooded :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry to revive this thread,…(.OK I aint, I’m loving it really :laughing: )

Four people in an aeroplane, who probably recorded the game.
75,368 watching at Old Trafford.
I,000s of people watching around the world.
Several Trucknet members sat on a train. :unamused:

Hub Reduction:
Only children crow :unamused: .True supporters do just that, support, through thick & thin ,don’t get so worked up ,after all it’s only a game!! :smiley: :smiley:

Well said that man.


I love us beating and being above United, they have dished out so much [zb] to us over the years, and ironically call us bitter :laughing: that to see them struggle is a good feeling, Nowt better on a Monday morning than seeing a dirty red sat in the corner sulking because they have lost again :grimacing:


we never sulk, it’s funny! :laughing: anyone under 25 has known trophies! Anyone over forty will remember Dave sexton and tommy doc :grimacing: we’ ll be back next year! :smiley: as for siteeeee fans, you can’t polish a turd! :wink: MUFC STRETFORD BRANCH M16 AV it! :smiley:

Breaking news… Metropolitan police officers earlier today recovered the body of a man from the river Thames. A police spokesman said the deceased had been wearing a distinctive Manchester United football top, stockings and suspenders and had a large ■■■ toy inserted into his ■■■■. The spokesman went on to say that they removed the Man U top to save the mans family any embarrassment!