Man Utd

What are you MU fans opinions of Gigg’s appointment? is he long term material
Watched the Norwich game, they do look a tighter side.

What are you MU fans opinions of Gigg’s appointment? is he long term material
Watched the Norwich game, they do look a tighter side.

City fan here.

United started off slow, was only the 2nd half they got going, against a side who lost their gameplan at 1 nil down. Dont kid yourself, Norwich are down the bottom for a reason, they are not that good.
If Giggs wins the next 3 games you would day he has a fair shout, I personally think Van Gall is coming in, but he should keep Giggs and the boys in some position, that is where Moyes killed it and made it hard, he got rid off years of experiance and service in the backroom and beyond, people who are the liver and kidney of the club, you dont see them but they do a damned good job.

Giggs, not this time around, but certainly keep him for the appointment afterwards.

A good player does not necessarily make a good manager, look at when Shearer tried to save us from relegation a few seasons ago, the fans expected miracles but it didn’t happen, although it wasn’t all his fault as it was a similar situation with Man U where the players were not giving 100%

Agreed, Look at Roy Keane, Paul Ince … Glenn Hoddle, Kenny Dalgliesh, Pep Guardiola …
Everyone needs to be given a chance, IMO Giggs is a decent shout for the reds, he has been there and done it under the best manager in recent history, he knows what it takes to win, but would let him have a secondary role for a few years to learn management, at the moment he has a few ‘mates’ in the squad, give it a few years to sever the mates ties and make the relationship manager/coach and player.