Man Utd

Mr Greenfeets gone quiet, he’s maybe noticed The Toon are on equal points to his has beens :sunglasses: also his far superior neighbour club …Maybe be short lived but not bad for a “Wee Club” eh :laughing:
Where’s me black and white tin hat :smiley:

Yeah, Ive been very quiet. Thought about a post last week when the team in red and white stripes beat a team in black and white stripes but i thought i wouldnt lower myself, then i read your post about being equal on points, let me give you a quick maths lesson about numbers in excess of ten. 17 is not the same as 14. got that, ho and the phrase "maybe be" is not really good use of English. So my assumption is you are not really worth the effort of a reply, after this one of course. You have already proven what i said in my original post, you have got yourself a little audience through attacking the 2 easiest targets. My only surprise is nobody from ES has not had a go.

Now go away and practise your counting.


Mr Greenfeets gone quiet, he’s maybe noticed The Toon are on equal points to his has beens :sunglasses: also his far superior neighbour club …Maybe be short lived but not bad for a “Wee Club” eh :laughing:
Where’s me black and white tin hat :smiley:

That [zb] only crow when there winning mate. :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You mean, “when they`re winning mate”, surely. (You see, it is “they are” shortened.)

My God did you lot go to school.

The above post is a classic example of how a spell checker can make even a mancunian misguided football fan seem semi intelligent :wink:
BTW, you missed out the ‘?’ after the word ‘surely’, because it was a question you were asking, just setting you right. :slight_smile:

The above post is a classic example of how a spell checker can make even a mancunian misguided football fan seem semi intelligent :wink:
BTW, you missed out the ‘?’ after the word ‘surely’, because it was a question you were asking, just setting you right. :slight_smile:

You know and I know a spell checker would not pick that up.

Just plain old Mancunian knowledge.


Mr Greenfeets gone quiet, he’s maybe noticed The Toon are on equal points to his has beens :sunglasses: also his far superior neighbour club …Maybe be short lived but not bad for a “Wee Club” eh :laughing:
Where’s me black and white tin hat :smiley:

Yeah, Ive been very quiet. Thought about a post last week when the team in red and white stripes beat a team in black and white stripes but i thought i wouldnt lower myself, then i read your post about being equal on points, let me give you a quick maths lesson about numbers in excess of ten. 17 is not the same as 14. got that, ho and the phrase "maybe be" is not really good use of English. So my assumption is you are not really worth the effort of a reply, after this one of course. You have already proven what i said in my original post, you have got yourself a little audience through attacking the 2 easiest targets. My only surprise is nobody from ES has not had a go.

Now go away and practise your counting.

:laughing: At the time of posting the points were equal, after we beat Chelsea :sunglasses: so no need to practiCe my counting thanks.
Incidentally, I still think my counting skills, and in fact my use of English, are far superior to your poor English grammar and spelling…seeing as you chose to go down the education route.

To get back to football, the performance in the Champions League 0 0 draw shows that
Ferguson is a big miss, illustrated by the drab football played due to Moyes, but seeing as I am not worthy of a reply, I will never get the benefit of your opinion.



Mr Greenfeets gone quiet, he’s maybe noticed The Toon are on equal points to his has beens :sunglasses: also his far superior neighbour club …Maybe be short lived but not bad for a “Wee Club” eh :laughing:
Where’s me black and white tin hat :smiley:

Yeah, Ive been very quiet. Thought about a post last week when the team in red and white stripes beat a team in black and white stripes but i thought i wouldnt lower myself, then i read your post about being equal on points, let me give you a quick maths lesson about numbers in excess of ten. 17 is not the same as 14. got that, ho and the phrase "maybe be" is not really good use of English. So my assumption is you are not really worth the effort of a reply, after this one of course. You have already proven what i said in my original post, you have got yourself a little audience through attacking the 2 easiest targets. My only surprise is nobody from ES has not had a go.

Now go away and practise your counting.

:laughing: At the time of posting the points were equal, after we beat Chelsea :sunglasses: so no need to practiCe my counting thanks.
Incidentally, I still think my counting skills, and in fact my use of English, are far superior to your poor English grammar and spelling…seeing as you chose to go down the education route.

To get back to football, the performance in the Champions League 0 0 draw shows that
Ferguson is a big miss, illustrated by the drab football played due to Moyes, but seeing as I am not worthy of a reply, I will never get the benefit of your opinion.

perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it.
“I need to practise my French”
synonyms: rehearse, run through, go through, go over, work on, work at, repeat; More
train, rehearse, prepare, exercise, drill, work out, warm up, go through one’s paces, keep one’s hand in, get into shape, do exercises, study;
informalknock up

So you are wrong again and what`s worse actually made a big song and dance about it.

I believe that "practiCe that you so laughably spelt would be used in the phrase “Doctor`s Practice” etc.

Now where was I ?

All the best Sidney.


I bet all the Man Utd fans are on a downer at the moment with their team sitting 12th in the league :laughing: (sorry about the laugh just can’t help it) being a Toon fan at least I can empathise with you… being used to pain :neutral_face: (the Everton game is half time as I write this :unamused: ), but look on the bright side, at least the more fickle home fans among you that stop going at the first sign of failure will save on travelling expenses being that most of you “Mancunians” are from Essex, Surrey and Kent :laughing: Sorry about the blatant trolling :blush: but when it comes to Man U (and Stobarts :laughing: ) I just can’t help myself. :sunglasses:

This type of tripe is what spews from your poisoned mouth when you support a wee club. The beauty of being a Man United fan is we know everybody hates us. It drives us on and we don`t look for pathetic friendships from supporters of other wee clubs as obviously that is what you after.
Take a long hard look at your team, you win, have won, nothing, your management team attract ridicule from every quarter and if you want to see fickle fans, take a look in the mirror.
Oh yes, and i would just love it, love it if you win nothing.

As I understand it, anyone who actually comes from Manchester supports Manchester City.

I wonder if Mr Greenstreet would be prepared to say where he lives? Exeter, Southend-on-Sea, Bournemouth maybe? Perhaps we should hold a competition to find the Manchester United fan who lives furthest away from Manchester? :wink:

Harry Monk:
As I understand it, anyone who actually comes from Manchester supports Manchester City.

Very true Harry :wink: that is because the stadium is owned by The Greater Manchester rate payers in Manchester.
I wonder if Mr Greenstreet would be prepared to say where he lives? Exeter, Southend-on-Sea, Bournemouth maybe? Perhaps we should hold a competition to find the Manchester United fan who lives furthest away from Manchester? :wink:

Having been born in Collyhurst into a Red family I was taken to see a reserve match at Old Trafford on Boxing Day 1956 but it was 1961 before I started going to watch all the home games, I even remember seeing a bloke called Stanley Matthews play his last game there for Stoke. It was a couple of years later after I started work at 15 that I could afford to go to see all the home and the away games. After joining the forces and living in different countries over the years it has made it a bit difficult to go and watch United at home but the passion for seeing them on Sky Sports is still there and I still find it exciting to get up at 4 a.m. or to stay up when a game starts at 2 a.m. :smiley:
The O.P has probably been waiting for the last twenty three years to start this thread. :laughing:

B.T.W. does this mean that if you don’t live in England then you can’t cheer on England when they play their games. :frowning:

Harry Monk:
As I understand it, anyone who actually comes from Manchester supports Manchester City.

A common misconception I believe due to the fact that City don’t have as many fans outside Manchester (and a much smaller global fanbase overall) as Utd due to their lack of success over the years. No doubt if they turn the massive investment they’ve recently had into success things will change and they’ll attract a wider fanbase but not lose their current supporters.

Harry Monk:


I bet all the Man Utd fans are on a downer at the moment with their team sitting 12th in the league :laughing: (sorry about the laugh just can’t help it) being a Toon fan at least I can empathise with you… being used to pain :neutral_face: (the Everton game is half time as I write this :unamused: ), but look on the bright side, at least the more fickle home fans among you that stop going at the first sign of failure will save on travelling expenses being that most of you “Mancunians” are from Essex, Surrey and Kent :laughing: Sorry about the blatant trolling :blush: but when it comes to Man U (and Stobarts :laughing: ) I just can’t help myself. :sunglasses:

This type of tripe is what spews from your poisoned mouth when you support a wee club. The beauty of being a Man United fan is we know everybody hates us. It drives us on and we don`t look for pathetic friendships from supporters of other wee clubs as obviously that is what you after.
Take a long hard look at your team, you win, have won, nothing, your management team attract ridicule from every quarter and if you want to see fickle fans, take a look in the mirror.
Oh yes, and i would just love it, love it if you win nothing.

As I understand it, anyone who actually comes from Manchester supports Manchester City.

I wonder if Mr Greenstreet would be prepared to say where he lives? Exeter, Southend-on-Sea, Bournemouth maybe? Perhaps we should hold a competition to find the Manchester United fan who lives furthest away from Manchester? :wink:

I live in Gorton, very much Greater Manchester and the concept that everybody who lives in Manchester supports Citeh is laughable and i suggest posted for the shock value lol.




Mr Greenfeets gone quiet, he’s maybe noticed The Toon are on equal points to his has beens :sunglasses: also his far superior neighbour club …Maybe be short lived but not bad for a “Wee Club” eh :laughing:
Where’s me black and white tin hat :smiley:

Yeah, Ive been very quiet. Thought about a post last week when the team in red and white stripes beat a team in black and white stripes but i thought i wouldnt lower myself, then i read your post about being equal on points, let me give you a quick maths lesson about numbers in excess of ten. 17 is not the same as 14. got that, ho and the phrase "maybe be" is not really good use of English. So my assumption is you are not really worth the effort of a reply, after this one of course. You have already proven what i said in my original post, you have got yourself a little audience through attacking the 2 easiest targets. My only surprise is nobody from ES has not had a go.

Now go away and practise your counting.

:laughing: At the time of posting the points were equal, after we beat Chelsea :sunglasses: so no need to practiCe my counting thanks.
Incidentally, I still think my counting skills, and in fact my use of English, are far superior to your poor English grammar and spelling…seeing as you chose to go down the education route.

To get back to football, the performance in the Champions League 0 0 draw shows that
Ferguson is a big miss, illustrated by the drab football played due to Moyes, but seeing as I am not worthy of a reply, I will never get the benefit of your opinion.

perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it.
“I need to practise my French”
synonyms: rehearse, run through, go through, go over, work on, work at, repeat; More
train, rehearse, prepare, exercise, drill, work out, warm up, go through one’s paces, keep one’s hand in, get into shape, do exercises, study;
informalknock up

So you are wrong again and what`s worse actually made a big song and dance about it.

I believe that "practiCe that you so laughably spelt would be used in the phrase “Doctor`s Practice” etc.

Now where was I ?

All the best Sidney.

:open_mouth: Seriously mate, you do seem to have far too much time on your hands :laughing: :laughing: … but after saying that it did make you respond when you said that you wouldn’t :wink: :smiley:
Don’t really want to carry this on but the problem with attempting to ridicule someone’s English is that you need to make sure that your own post is perfect…looks like you failed again :smiley:





Mr Greenfeets gone quiet, he’s maybe noticed The Toon are on equal points to his has beens :sunglasses: also his far superior neighbour club …Maybe be short lived but not bad for a “Wee Club” eh :laughing:
Where’s me black and white tin hat :smiley:

Yeah, Ive been very quiet. Thought about a post last week when the team in red and white stripes beat a team in black and white stripes but i thought i wouldnt lower myself, then i read your post about being equal on points, let me give you a quick maths lesson about numbers in excess of ten. 17 is not the same as 14. got that, ho and the phrase "maybe be" is not really good use of English. So my assumption is you are not really worth the effort of a reply, after this one of course. You have already proven what i said in my original post, you have got yourself a little audience through attacking the 2 easiest targets. My only surprise is nobody from ES has not had a go.

Now go away and practise your counting.

:laughing: At the time of posting the points were equal, after we beat Chelsea :sunglasses: so no need to practiCe my counting thanks.
Incidentally, I still think my counting skills, and in fact my use of English, are far superior to your poor English grammar and spelling…seeing as you chose to go down the education route.

To get back to football, the performance in the Champions League 0 0 draw shows that
Ferguson is a big miss, illustrated by the drab football played due to Moyes, but seeing as I am not worthy of a reply, I will never get the benefit of your opinion.

perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it.
“I need to practise my French”
synonyms: rehearse, run through, go through, go over, work on, work at, repeat; More
train, rehearse, prepare, exercise, drill, work out, warm up, go through one’s paces, keep one’s hand in, get into shape, do exercises, study;
informalknock up

So you are wrong again and what`s worse actually made a big song and dance about it.

I believe that "practiCe that you so laughably spelt would be used in the phrase “Doctor`s Practice” etc.

Now where was I ?

All the best Sidney.

:open_mouth: Seriously mate, you do seem to have far too much time on your hands :laughing: :laughing: … but after saying that it did make you respond when you said that you wouldn’t :wink: :smiley:
Don’t really want to carry this on but the problem with attempting to ridicule someone’s English is that you need to make sure that your own post is perfect…looks like you failed again :smiley:

He failed as soon as he opened his mouth Rob…enough said. :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I bet all the Man Utd fans are on a downer at the moment with their team sitting 12th in the league :laughing: (sorry about the laugh just can’t help it) being a Toon fan at least I can empathise with you… being used to pain :neutral_face: (the Everton game is half time as I write this :unamused: ), but look on the bright side, at least the more fickle home fans among you that stop going at the first sign of failure will save on travelling expenses being that most of you “Mancunians” are from Essex, Surrey and Kent :laughing: Sorry about the blatant trolling :blush: but when it comes to Man U (and Stobarts :laughing: ) I just can’t help myself. :sunglasses:

:open_mouth: Seriously mate, you do seem to have far too much time on your hands :laughing: :laughing:

Why the name Green Street?? That’s in West Ham.

This type of tripe is what spews from your poisoned mouth when you support a wee club. The beauty of being a Man United fan is we know everybody hates us. It drives us on and we don`t look for pathetic friendships from supporters of other wee clubs as obviously that is what you after.
Take a long hard look at your team, you win, have won, nothing, your management team attract ridicule from every quarter and if you want to see fickle fans, take a look in the mirror.
Oh yes, and i would just love it, love it if you win nothing.

:laughing: :laughing: Just watched Le Toon beat your superstars Mr Greenfeet :sunglasses: , hope your words don’t stick too much in your throat whist eating them. :laughing:
Just like Kevin Keegan said, I loved it, just loved it…[By the way,not bad for a “WEE CLUB” eh? ]
Looks like YOUR management team could attract some of that ridicule you referred to.
Bet half of your “home” fans in the Manchester suburbs of Surrey, Essex and Kent are choking on their prawn sarnies. :smiley:

Wonder who manure’s next manager will be…this one’s got to be on the way out. :wink:
Looks like the WEE CLUB did good :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Why ? did Man U loose again, becoming a habit innit.

My Mrs has bought a new Manchester United lamp for the living room.

It looks good in the middle of the table.

I said at the time Moyes wasn’t the right man & that UTD would be lucky to finish top four with him in charge.

Everyone says he did a good job at Everton but if you look at the difference Martinez has made with virtually the same squad in a matter of 3 months you have to ask the question, what did Moyes actually do that made him the top choice for UTD?

To be fair, it’s not all his fault. Fergie got out at the right time. There are some ageing players in a poor squad that needs a total revamp, how they won the title last year I don’t know.

Is the money available to spend? Possibly.
Is Moyes the man to attract the top players? I doubt it.


Mr Greenfeets gone quiet, he’s maybe noticed The Toon are on equal points to his has beens :sunglasses: also his far superior neighbour club …Maybe be short lived but not bad for a “Wee Club” eh :laughing:
Where’s me black and white tin hat :smiley:

Yeah, Ive been very quiet. Thought about a post last week when the team in red and white stripes beat a team in black and white stripes but i thought i wouldnt lower myself, then i read your post about being equal on points, let me give you a quick maths lesson about numbers in excess of ten. 17 is not the same as 14. got that, ho and the phrase "maybe be" is not really good use of English. So my assumption is you are not really worth the effort of a reply, after this one of course. You have already proven what i said in my original post, you have got yourself a little audience through attacking the 2 easiest targets. My only surprise is nobody from ES has not had a go.

Now go away and practise your counting.

And people wonder why Man Utd supporters are so unpopular… :wink: