Make a special note in your diaries

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I saw an IRL registered artic on the M6 North this afternoon and it was cruising (with nothing visibly wrong with it) at less than 56mph [/b] :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Sadly, it wasnā€™t one of Reidā€™s (NI I think they are anyway) which would have warranted a note in the diary using special diamond encrusted ink. :open_mouth:
The only explanation I can think of is that he knew heā€™d missed the ferry :confused:

I have seen loads of Irish Kits doing less than the speed limit! :open_mouth:

I have also seen(and been overtook by) loads of English Trucks over 60 MPH!

In my experiance its not the Irish that hammer and tong! its the brits! :open_mouth:

In Ireland most Trucks would do well to drive at the speed limits!

Mind you have you been to Ireland? if you have you would know the roads are somewhat bumpy!

I have seen loads of Irish Kits doing less than the speed limit! :open_mouth:

Yes, when theyā€™re parked up at night. :laughing:

I have also seen(and been overtook by) loads of English Trucks over 60 MPH!

You need to get your speedo fixed then or replace the word loads with the word occasional(ly) :laughing:

In my experiance its not the Irish that hammer and tong! its the brits! :open_mouth:

Youā€™re just being ridiculous now :laughing:

In Ireland most Trucks would do well to drive at the speed limits!

Canā€™t comment, never been.

Mind you have you been to Ireland? if you have you would know the roads are somewhat bumpy!

See above. :sunglasses:

ROADSā€¦hahahaā€¦is that what they call them over the waterā€¦there certainly not the best critic are theyā€¦ :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K:
:shock: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I saw an IRL registered artic on the M6 North this afternoon and it was cruising (with nothing visibly wrong with it) at less than 56mph [/b] :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Nothing to worry about Rob, obviously you were unaware he was on his 45 minute Break :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Rob K:

I have seen loads of Irish Kits doing less than the speed limit! :open_mouth:

Yes, when theyā€™re parked up at night. :laughing:

What you mean that they actually have time off. :open_mouth:


Simply an abbreviation ofā€¦

I Run Legal :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Iā€™m sorry but there is an obvious answer.

The Man was Irish so he still hasnā€™t found high range yet. :laughing:

My experience is that English trucks without limiters travel a lot faster than us Irish trucks. I have been overtaken by quite a few. They are mostly at night, usually after 9pm, and more often than not, large parcel companies. Some Scottish Fridge companies also donā€™t have limiters, and travel foot to the board. Even around Preston, there are quite a few tippers travelling at speeds over 70mph, which are mostly clapped out 10 year old Seddons. At least the vast majority of Irish trucks are well maintained modern trucks. Plus, a huge amount of English drivers commit an offence several times per day, by allowing their vehicles to roll faster down hill. This is seen as over riding the speed limiter, and is illegal. In a recent weighbridge check at Stafford, the only fault they found on my rig was the limiter, but there was barely room to move around with all the illegal English trucks they had parked up! Not another Irish truck in sight.

My experience is that English trucks without limiters travel a lot faster than us Irish trucks.

I think youā€™ll find that no English driving trucker would agree with that statement.

I have been overtaken by quite a few.

Nope, just canā€™t see it myself. :laughing:

They are mostly at night, usually after 9pm, and more often than not, large parcel companies.

Yes, I can relate to that bit. TNT & Parcelline seem happy to tram round very close to 60mph. In fact APC (Alternative Parcel Co. :question: ) donā€™t seem to bother with limiters at all I have noticed.

Some Scottish Fridge companies also donā€™t have limiters, and travel foot to the board.

This is true. I canā€™t disagree there.

Even around Preston, there are quite a few tippers travelling at speeds over 70mph, which are mostly clapped out 10 year old Seddons.

Mal, what have I told youā€¦ :smiling_imp:

At least the vast majority of Irish trucks are well maintained modern trucks.

Can give you that.

Plus, a huge amount of English drivers commit an offence several times per day, by allowing their vehicles to roll faster down hill.

And the IRL/NI regā€™d drivers donā€™t do this of course because theyā€™re already doing 70mphā€¦

This is seen as over riding the speed limiter, and is illegal. In a recent weighbridge check at Stafford, the only fault they found on my rig was the limiter, but there was barely room to move around with all the illegal English trucks they had parked up! Not another Irish truck in sight.

No, because the Cops in their Volvo T5ā€™s are still trying to catch up with the [zb]ers :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think youā€™ll find that no English driving trucker would agree with that statement.

I think you will find that Thecritic has already stated something similar about English trucks go faster when unlimited. There was an article in the commercial motor a couple of weeks ago about an English truck that overtook a DOT transit van at over 70 mph. Upon further inspection of the charts, he was found to be regularly travelling at speeds of 130kph. SO IT DOES HAPPEN, just because you canā€™t see it doesā€™nt make it false.

And the IRL/NI regā€™d drivers donā€™t do this of course because theyā€™re already doing 70mphā€¦

In the eyes of the law, anyone caught doing this can still be prosecuted for over riding the limiter, in the same way we are prosecuted for no limiter. I will be the first to admit there are some illegal Irish trucks, but there is a huge amount of 100% legal irish drivers on the road who take great pride in that fact. All I am saying is there are illegal Irish drivers, illegal British drivers, and illegal drivers from Europe, but yet it is only the Irish that get a slagging on these message boards.

ā€¦I will be the first to admit there are some illegal Irish trucks

Was that the word ā€œsomeā€ you used or are my eyes deceiving me :question: I think a word replacement for ā€œplenty ofā€ would be more appropriate for sure, for sure. :sunglasses:

All I am saying is there are illegal Irish drivers, illegal British drivers, and illegal drivers from Europe, but yet it is only the Irish that get a slagging on these message boards.

Hey, I donā€™t speak for anyone else, I speak for myself and that is what I see. You admitted yourself in your last message that youā€™d been nobbled for a speed limiter offence. Iā€™m glad the VI caught up with you and hope you received a nice large figure fine for it (not counting pence). Iā€™ve no doubt you got a ticking off and maybe a GV9 if you were unlucky. With a bit of luck they might start a big crackdown on you bent-running guys and level the playing field for the rest of us trying to stay in business running legally whilst you lot continue to have the advantage of getting everywhere in half the time. Nuff said, point made.

With respect. :sunglasses:

Careful, Robā€¦getting a tad borderlineā€¦L. :wink:

Rob what company was the truckā– ā– ?

I have some news on this front. There is a Reid truck that is on the limiter.It is a Volvo Globtrotter.Me and my dad passed it the other night on the A75.The guy who drives it also owns it but he has it painted in Reidā€™s colours. My dad knowā€™s him. There is a way of telling that its him It has no spotlights :laughing:

jd 123 wrote:
My experience is that English trucks without limiters travel a lot faster than us Irish trucks. I have been overtaken by quite a few. They are mostly at night, usually after 9pm, and more often than not, large parcel companies.

As a fellow countryman jd, I am not trying to take you down here or stick up for the others, but when i have been away in England with my dad, i dont think i have never been passed by an English truck at any time of the day, that has been running over 90kā€™s. But iā€™m sure there are quite a few mainland illegal trucks around, just dont think i have seen any.

large parcel companies. Some Scottish Fridge companies also donā€™t have limiters,

All trucks are limited it is just the [zb] drivers who disable them,pull fuses, fit switches and other devices.

The tacho analysis people should pick this up and report it directly to VOSA

I was on the A42 yesterday and some Richard Cranium was about 3ā€™ off the back of my motorbike doing 85mph in a boxvan

I pulled over because it felt safer with him in front.

Get paid on hours and drive at 50

Small one.L. :wink:

Rob what company was the truckā– ā– ?

I have some news on this front. There is a Reid truck that is on the limiter.It is a Volvo Globtrotter.Me and my dad passed it the other night on the A75.The guy who drives it also owns it but he has it painted in Reidā€™s colours. My dad knowā€™s him. There is a way of telling that its him It has no spotlights :laughing:

YES, that was the one which flew past me at Lutterworth on the M1 northbound about 3 weeks ago doing in excess of 70mph on the flat. No spots on it at all from what I recall of the brief glimpse of the front of it in my mirror before it nearly blew me off the road with the slipstream :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Just going off-topic for a moment, has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a connection with large power output, souped up, polished up, kitted up wagons that have ā€œineffectiveā€ speed limiters :question: :question: :question: It seems that anything with a V8 engine has the option of having a limiter fitted, or maybe itā€™s just my imagination :confused:

Rob K:

Rob what company was the truckā– ā– ?

I have some news on this front. There is a Reid truck that is on the limiter.It is a Volvo Globtrotter.Me and my dad passed it the other night on the A75.The guy who drives it also owns it but he has it painted in Reidā€™s colours. My dad knowā€™s him. There is a way of telling that its him It has no spotlights :laughing:

YES, that was the one which flew past me at Lutterworth on the M1 northbound about 3 weeks ago doing in excess of 70mph on the flat. No spots on it at all from what I recall of the brief glimpse of the front of it in my mirror before it nearly blew me off the road with the slipstream :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

The one im on about has a limiter so it must have been a different one.

Careful, Robā€¦getting a tad borderlineā€¦L. :wink:



Rob K:

Rob what company was the truckā– ā– ?

I have some news on this front. There is a Reid truck that is on the limiter.It is a Volvo Globtrotter.Me and my dad passed it the other night on the A75.The guy who drives it also owns it but he has it painted in Reidā€™s colours. My dad knowā€™s him. There is a way of telling that its him It has no spotlights :laughing:

YES, that was the one which flew past me at Lutterworth on the M1 northbound about 3 weeks ago doing in excess of 70mph on the flat. No spots on it at all from what I recall of the brief glimpse of the front of it in my mirror before it nearly blew me off the road with the slipstream :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

The one im on about has a limiter so it must have been a different one.

Maybe itā€™s on a switch, Karl :question: :bulb:

Rob K:
Just going off-topic for a moment, has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a connection with large power output, souped up, polished up, kitted up wagons that have ā€œineffectiveā€ speed limiters :question: :question: :question: It seems that anything with a V8 engine has the option of having a limiter fitted, or maybe itā€™s just my imagination :confused:

Agreed there, I guess its to get the most out of them :laughing: