Make a special note in your diaries

On the A75 my dad got done the other week for doing 50 mph on a 40 mph stretch. Then you’ve got all the irish boys racing back to Stranraer to catch the ferry that never get stopped. The only thing they do legal is run the right side of the road and even sometimes they don’t do that.
Not having a go just saying my view’s thanks Tim. :smiley:

Rob K:


Rob K:

Rob what company was the truck■■?

I have some news on this front. There is a Reid truck that is on the limiter.It is a Volvo Globtrotter.Me and my dad passed it the other night on the A75.The guy who drives it also owns it but he has it painted in Reid’s colours. My dad know’s him. There is a way of telling that its him It has no spotlights :laughing:

YES, that was the one which flew past me at Lutterworth on the M1 northbound about 3 weeks ago doing in excess of 70mph on the flat. No spots on it at all from what I recall of the brief glimpse of the front of it in my mirror before it nearly blew me off the road with the slipstream :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

The one im on about has a limiter so it must have been a different one.

Maybe it’s on a switch, Karl :question: :bulb:

How did you think of that? :laughing: Nope its on the limiter, no more. He is an owner driver for Reid so i guess he doesn’t want to harm his licence.

On the A75 my dad got done the other week for doing 50 mph on a 40 mph stretch. Then you’ve got all the irish boys racing back to Stranraer to catch the ferry that never get stopped. The only thing they do legal is run the right side of the road and even sometimes they don’t do that.
Not having a go just saying my view’s thanks Tim. :smiley:

Your dad doesn’t drive for N Irving does he? Believe me everyone gets done on the A75. And the Irish boys are usually racing along late at night, and they all ask boys on the CB goin the other direction if there’s anyone up ahead of them.

Legally anything above an “F” Reg must have a limiter fitted, if the driver of vehicles want to go at break neck speed then let them get on with it, it is them who carry the can when things go belly up.

I was passsed by Sandy Kids, Reids and McBurneys last week, and I was sitting at 56mph on the Motorways, these guy’s all passed me at a fast rate well above the 56mph (90kmh)
Obviously they feel they have the right to break the speed limits so let em get on with it, at least I know I wont be the one shedding tears when they’ve commited the ultimate crime of murder due to careless driving.

If the government introduced legislation to prosecute the speeders with “Intent to Kill” then and only then will these morons realise that they are certainly not clever just because they can pass law abiding truck drivers.

As for pulling the fuse or using interrupters, then it should be an automatic ban from the UK roads, along with a hefty fine.

At present plod is quite happy to let these drivers continue with their law breaking because of the difficulties in prosecuting the foreign drivers, the sooner that cross border prosecutions are implemented the better.