Looks terrible. Another fatal it looks like. 3 trucks up the back of each other. Wontbmentiob companies involved as onw has tarpaulun over the cab. Shocked me a bit. Load all over road. Wont be open for hours
Matrix up near Lymm saying it’s closed.
Tailgating again?! I know I wasn’t there but 3 trucks up each others rear does point to one thing. Even so, they didn’t do it expecting to be seriously injured/killed did they! Speedy recovery to all involved!
M6 lorry crash closes motorway
The M6 motorway has been closed in both directions near junction one after a crash involving three lorries and a car.
Police warned of serious delays after the crash on the southbound carriageway near Rugby shortly before 11:00 BST.
Both carriageways have been closed between junction one and the Catthorpe Interchange, junction 19 of the M1.
The Highways Agency said the delays were expected to last until about 17:00.
is this another accident because travel is saying a car and a lorry only?
The back lorry looks to have hit standing traffic at some force. The middle trucks timber load gas smaahed through to the cab so bad that the cab has tilted up as id the locking catxh has failed due to force of impact. Northbound all clear
People die at that junction regular as clock work. Someone at HA or government level should hang their head in shame and say a prayer for all those who’ve died there.
People die at that junction regular as clock work. Someone at HA or government level should hang their head in shame and say a prayer for all those who’ve died there.
Ridiculous junction.
I’ve been saying similar for years.
The twerp or committee who OK’d that M6/M1/A14 junction should be re-prosecuted every time some poor bloody soul perishes or is seriously injured there.
When returning M6 south to join the A14 on Friday afternoons i invariably came off at jct 1, went up to Lutterworth got on M1 sth for a couple of miles and rejoined A14 at the next junction, lost no time and a bloody sight safer to boot.
People die at that junction regular as clock work. Someone at HA or government level should hang their head in shame and say a prayer for all those who’ve died there.Ridiculous junction.
Just for the thick amongst us, a truck hits stationary traffic (a pretty regular occurence) and it’s somebody else at fault other than the driver .
Just after the logic nothing else as it is a frequent occurence at many locations not just there.
People die at that junction regular as clock work. Someone at HA or government level should hang their head in shame and say a prayer for all those who’ve died there.Ridiculous junction.
Just for the thick amongst us, a truck hits stationary traffic (a pretty regular occurence) and it’s somebody else at fault other than the driver
Just after the logic nothing else as it is a frequent occurence at many locations not just there.
I don’t think he meant this particular incident as much as the frequency of incidents at that junction.
The problem, it’s 2 lanes to the ‘roundabout’, you’re told to use left lane for M1(n) and both lanes for A14, as soon as you start on the ‘roundabout’ it merges the 2 lanes, then you go under the bridge and it opens to 2 lanes again with both ok for the A14 (left also goes straight on), then there’s adverse camber as you bear right to join the A14.
The junction is madness. On the slip road, make the left lane slide straight round onto the M1(N) avoiding the lights (kinda like M60 anti-clock does at Simister Island), then the right lane can be the only 1 going under the bridge and leave it as 1 lane to the right and to join the A14 meaning it could be re-shaped to avoid the adverse camber a bit and also less barging.
Far too many roads go 2 lanes to 1 lane back to 2 lanes back to 1 lane, and it only ever ends up in big queues of stop start barging traffic with angry drivers driving too close and too aggressively, yet for miles on the single lane road they were all contempt.
The A5 is a major example.
It is not the road that is dangerous, it is the drivers who use it. Thousands of vehicles use that road without incident. I drove that section couple of weeks ago, with all warning signs flashing ‘40 QUEUE CAUTION’ and still a container truck nearly ran in the back of another truck. Where was he looking? At least three signs telling him there was congestion. It does not help though with all the cars trying to push in at the front, reducing truck’s braking distance. The junction does need improving though. If it is fatal, RIP to those involved.
Hog both lanes coming into it.
Let the buggers behind in their 4x4s hoot away. I’m not killing myself or anyone else today thanks very much, and the 4x4 tailgaters should be grateful that their lives got saved into the bargain.
1 confirmed dead, judging by the state of the cab, probably the MRCT driver. R.I.P. another sad loss.
I note the MP for Rugby bleats on about ‘the traffic coming through the town’ - ahead of the fact someone died.
When you look up the accidents at this junction, they go back a long way. It’s difficult to tell them apart other than the date in some cases…
Why are all those people walking about on the hard shoulder?
Why are all those people walking about on the hard shoulder?
Don’t people do that when the entire motorway has become a car park for several hours?
Also, in the event of an actual breakdown, doesn’t everyone exit the vehicle, and sit on the grass bank?
was a right mess, dangerous conditions, lots of people in a hurry to get to there destination and a tragic end
it aint just people hitting stationary traffic at this junction, it’s idiots pulling out of the queueing traffic coming off for the M1 North and A14 when they realise they are in the wrong lane to carry on down the M1 South even though there are signs telling them for about 2 miles to stay in the right hand lanes. Most of them don’t bother looking in their mirrors when they pull out either,just tootle along without a care in the world even though they nearly end up with 44 tonne of artic up their arse! There must be at least 8 fatals on this junction every year and yet the Highways agency or the powers that be don’t do naff all about it RIP to another driver
Why are all those people walking about on the hard shoulder?
probably been for a ■■■.