M50 Crash lastnight

Anyone else caught up in the accident on the M50 lastnight.

Just as you get to the narrow lanes 3 miles from the M5 a lorry carrying steel bars jacknifed into the outer railing poor bloke must have cacked himself from what i was told by a tanker driver going the other way the steel caused the trailer to snake pushing the unit into the barrier. he was damm lucky not to go over the edge,

and true to form the highway patrol closed the M50 causing a 10 mile tailback for 6 HOURS due to diesel on the road.

just glad no one got hurt, one good thing is booked 14 hours so better pay for that night.

BTW quote of the night from one of the highway patrol men “we might have to turn you all around” no bare in mind i was the second truck from the accident and he expected me and my mate (truck in front) to turn 2 artics using 2 and a bit lanes of the motorway, hummm

BTW quote of the night from one of the highway patrol men “we might have to turn you all around” no bare in mind i was the second truck from the accident and he expected me and my mate (truck in front) to turn 2 artics using 2 and a bit lanes of the motorway, hummm

:bulb: :bulb: Unbolt crash barrier - stop opposite traffic flow - away you go :slight_smile: :question: :question:

thats what i said and he just looked at me as if to say “smart arse” lol

OR - :bulb: :wink: “hop in matey, you’re driving” :exclamation:

in fact Italy has along there stretches of motorway
parts of the crash barrier that are built to be taken
apart in a short time exactly when the roads are blocked, works ever time.

What time did it happen? I went through at about 8.15, but I had stopped at Symonds Yat behind one carring steel rods, then overtook him going up the bank to Pencraig. Our second trunk had to go round the diversion 'cos he took a chance that the signs on the M4 were out of date :laughing: Not sure if Stillers trunk got stuck - he wouldn’t have been far behind me and I didn’t see him at the hub.

I passed it again at about 1.00 a.m. going the other way - they were just starting a convoy of cars back the other way. Y’all should have waved DABenji :laughing:

Glad no-one was hurt; shame about all that overtime though :laughing:

brit pete:
in fact Italy has along there stretches of motorway
parts of the crash barrier that are built to be taken
apart in a short time exactly when the roads are blocked, works ever time.

FFS Pete will you stop using common sense …

… you know it’s not allowed in this country. :unamused: :unamused:


brit pete:
in fact Italy has along there stretches of motorway
parts of the crash barrier that are built to be taken
apart in a short time exactly when the roads are blocked, works ever time.

Italian driving standards don’t improve over time.
So that’s why they antisipate many crashes and design the barriers accordingly.
I’m just waiting for the day that the highways dept cone off a coned off area. :laughing:

What time did it happen? I went through at about 8.15, but I had stopped at Symonds Yat behind one carring steel rods, then overtook him going up the bank to Pencraig. Our second trunk had to go round the diversion 'cos he took a chance that the signs on the M4 were out of date :laughing: Not sure if Stillers trunk got stuck - he wouldn’t have been far behind me and I didn’t see him at the hub.

I passed it again at about 1.00 a.m. going the other way - they were just starting a convoy of cars back the other way. Y’all should have waved DABenji :laughing:

Glad no-one was hurt; shame about all that overtime though :laughing:

I passed going the other way just before 9. HA were there standing around. There was about a half mile queue with a fire engine struggling to get thru cos some pillock in his 4x4 insisted on going on the grass between lane 2 and the barrier instead of pulling into a gap left by someone in lane 1. There was also an 18 tonner driver in lane 2 out of his cab gesticulating wildly to the car driver in front of him to move cos the fire engine will be wanting to come thru in a minute, and the bloke in the car was giving him a totally blank look. Which amused me for a minute, though i bet not Mr. 18 tonner.

The truck that jack knifed was a white Daf XF space cab, and whoever said he must have crapped himself was spot on. Thankfully the railing held and thankfully he’s ok.

On a lighter note, a little bit later on coming down the A449 a cyclist in front of me got something wrong and ended up going arse over ■■■ into the long grass at the side of the road. As i passed thats all i could see was 2 wheels up in the air and 2 feet still stuck in the pedals! :laughing: :laughing: Now i was chuckling about that all the way to Tesco.

I was in the second of the 4 Raymonds scanias stuck in the whole thing gardun i think if you had stayed behind that truck you would have been caught up in it too white and green XF with a green flatbed

At Pallet track where i night trunk, they where still waiting for wagons to arrive at 3am, it held everybody up at the hub, except me for some reason :smiley:

what baffled me was that there were new born babies and families with young children and not once did the highway guys go round and find out if there was anything they needed urgently

Was not there but a couple of points and questions.

Was it closed for 6 hours just because of diesel or did that include the recovery of the truck :question:

If you had followed an hour later when the road had been opened and lost it due to the diesel, would you be happy or possibly dead :question:

Some barriers do unbolt but if not then Incident support units will cut the barrier to make room for heavies to turn.


Careful what you offer, don’t forget some wombles have class 1’s and might take you up on the offer :laughing:

Finally. HA were standing arround/families. Could I ask how many were there :question:

it was closed due to alot of diesel on the road, had to wait for environmental health to turn up. there was enough room to squeeze an artic passed but they wouldnt let us pass for that reason snafu they didnt want to be held liable for someone loosing it there were 2 incident support vans, 3 IICR HA landcruisers and 2 fire engines.

Yeh that makes it a bit clearer. It was prob the Environment Agency have to be informed when diesel, hazchem etc. has run into a river or land in large amounts (a full diesel tank on a DAF is enough) and response time can be huge.

If there were 3 HATO vehicles there then I’m surprised noone went to check on families at all but then don’t have the facts of the incident so there may well have been a good reason.

Sorry if seemed to be having a go but just as I used to get fed up with people saying “flaming truck drivers” when most are good, it is the same with HATO’s. Unfortunately in the times we live in, a risk such as this could leave us wide open to all sorts of claims or prosecution and clink if someone dies. :exclamation:

i wasn’t having a go at the end of the day we all have a job to do


Careful what you offer, don’t forget some wombles have class 1’s and might take you up on the offer :laughing:


And then what a prat you’d feel. :unamused:
Personally there is no way I would allow someone else to move my truck in such circumstances - if I couldn’t do it it can’t be done :open_mouth: :laughing: :wink:



Careful what you offer, don’t forget some wombles have class 1’s and might take you up on the offer :laughing:


And then what a prat you’d feel. :unamused:
Personally there is no way I would allow someone else to move my truck in such circumstances - if I couldn’t do it it can’t be done :open_mouth: :laughing: :wink:

Exactly :wink: :laughing: - but if they think it is then get them to accept responsibility first :slight_smile:

Pardon my ignorance, but Im out of touch with what goes on in the UK these days, but surely the Fire Brigade or council could have put sand on any diesel spillage. That way everyone could have driven past without the likelihood of “loosing it”.

Or is this yet another example of the UK being so risk averse that they just dare not do anything in case something might go wrong?

Pardon my ignorance, but Im out of touch with what goes on in the UK these days, but surely the Fire Brigade or council could have put sand on any diesel spillage. That way everyone could have driven past without the likelihood of “loosing it”.

Or is this yet another example of the UK being so risk averse that they just dare not do anything in case something might go wrong?

SAND :exclamation: :open_mouth: - that might make the road slippy :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: