M50 Crash lastnight

Oh, never thought of that :confused:

Would treacle be any good? That would make everything stick to the road. :smiley:

they put this white powder down to soak up the diesel and then had to get a road sweeper in to clean up up again so it wasent the vehicle causing the problem it was the clean up

As the road was closed for 6 hours I can only assume that the road sweeper had to walk to the job from Worcester pushing his wheelbarrow! :open_mouth:

As the road was closed for 6 hours I can only assume that the road sweeper had to walk to the job from Worcester pushing his wheelbarrow! :open_mouth:

As one who has stood in the peeing down rain waiting for one, don’t even get me started on that :imp:

Spardo and ROG.

Quite right you are. In point of fact a HATO cannot drive a truck even if they have a license. Theoretically even if the driver is say medically incapacitated, theoretically :wink:

Of course add to that that some drivers point blank refuse to turn their trucks around on the spot when there is 3 lanes and a H/S as their not confident.

Quite right that you couldnt turn the trucks around in the limited space available.

How long was the tail back??. how long would it have taken to check on everyone to see if they were ok. My mates from the region and he said car drivers were turning around of their own accord and driving back the wrong way. Smart cookies they were.