M25 protesters jailed

just what i was thinking.

so what your saying is then that the police can “break the law” can you not see how silly this is

Ah, so is that why the courts are full of of Police, Ambulance and Fire drivers on speeding and red-light charges?

There are laws and there are exceptions written into those laws.

For convenience we mostly talk about all killing being murder, although there are some exceptions to the general rule.

Since when do we mostly talk about all killing being murder? Utter nonsense. Laws cover all types of killings.

You seem to be struggling with some of the basic ideas on which society is based; what’s next? Complaining that weirdos in wigs can have people locked up?

Successive governments for the past 200 years have given the Police certain powers to uphold and enforce the law, so when they stay within the guidelines, they are empowered by our legal system to do a variety of things that you and I aren’t.
Here’s an introduction to how this system operates.


bored now for the last time… blockade a road with out permistion go to jaul…organise a rolling demonstration = legal you can argue black is yellow or white is pink as much as you like. this is why as i have said several times no one has been arrested for demonstrating. no one has ever been arrested for driving on the motorway at 40mph there are protests going on today about palistine at imperial on the queens lawn. no one has been arrested, why because they have gone through the proper channels end of no ifs buts or bloody maybes

Fine… Just remind me again where you got your Law degree?

where you get yours… ?

heres the thing though if what your saying is correct then your worry of loosing the freedoms you say we have now lost were lost already so worrying now is pointless… or im right and we still havent lost them so no need to worry which is what my original point was

Just a small point, since the majority of the price of fuel is taxation, i think it is the government that is mostly responsible for setting the price of fuel

and that is exactly what the protest was about the gov put fuel duty up in the end of 2007 and were threatening to increase road tax in 2008

No it wasn’t anything to do with 2007, it was about the rise in fuel prices which happened courtesy of, or concomitant with, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

If a bunch of truck drivers had the political power to force the government to s-lash the taxation on fuel, (yes, autocensor bans the use of the name of Stoke’s most famous guitarist) then they would also have had the power to get Big Nige into No.10, because on every online truckers site I looked at, everyone was going to vote for big-man-down-the-pub-with-the-lads Nige. It didn’t happen, so there’s a measure of the political clout this section of the electorate has.

As for Law degrees, true I don’t have an LLB or LPC, (I have previously toyed with the idea of using the option for existing honours graduates to do the one-year conversion PGDL to get a law degree) but I do already have the qualifications needed to guide an operator through several aspects of the legal system, including making sure none of their drivers get involved in road traffic offences such as those described by the legislation I provided in post 27 above.

what source would you like
guardian… Lorry drivers converge on London in fuel protest | Transport | The Guardian

bbc … BBC News | UK | Truck protest spells motorway misery

or maybe our very own forum Fuel Protest - 27th May '08

tell you want here is the google link for you to find your own preference

this is why big nige as you call him is campaigning for a different way of counting the votes as the liberals had less overall votes but got more seats the reform. I know of three truckers in my constituency one of which is a member on here the other i worked with. i also know 10 young - middle age people that voted labour because someone told them that labour was for the working class and would get them better wages etc,

i toyed with the idea of getting a mcse or ccna but didnt that doesnt make me a computer expert or the second coming of babbage as both courses when you look at them actually teach you nothing about how computers work and just teach you a few tricks that can be done with their software/equipment

TN post from 2008? how is that relevant?

The Guardian article is also from 2008, so again, how is that relevant?
Even if you yourself can see some relevancy that I can’t, the article doesn’t mention 2007 apart from:
"I believe that if Gordon Brown was to pass a drowning man, he would help" Peter Carroll of Transaction 2007 told the Marble Arch rally.
How is that relevant?

It does say that “The protest organisers want a reduction in duty for hauliers of around 20 - 25p, which they say would bring the UK into line with fuel taxation in the rest of the EU.” but as you’re a pro-Nige Brexit fan, the irrelevancy of that should be fairly obvious.

You’re kinda losing the plot there

“Whaaaaa… I lost. but if the rules change I might do better next time” Whines man down pub with his fan club hanging on his every word.
Maybe that might work for the England football squad as well?

the protests were in 2007/8 so its relevant to post links from then. its called common sense why would i look for news stories and links from this year for information on ww2 maybe looking at news articles from 1938/9 would be a good idea.

Ill tell you what is irreverent though is posting links to do with stgo and saying people are getting fined for incorrect paperwork when the point is about speed on the motorway

tell you want you find me a link of one person being prosecuted for driving slowly on the motorway with permission since 1965ish

Complaints in 2007 are not relevant to protests in 2023, there are vast differences in the circumstances

If you go back further up the thread you will see that it was YOU who began talking about STGO (post 28)

I’ve already given you the actual legislation, which you have ignored, why would I spend my time looking for something else for you to ignore? This is just you conflating both the Slothful Induction Fallacy and Burden of Proof Fallacy.

The rolling go-slow to Ellesmere Port I was referring to was on Wednesday 13th September 2000. I had shipped in at Portsmouth. When I explained to officials at Ellesmere that I was tipping in the industrial park behind the terminal, I was duly escorted past the lines of stationary wagons.

What some here are ignoring is that the legislation used to jail the protesters is quite new. 2022.
Some of those previous protests which did not end in prison for protesters might do so if they happened today.

Good!!! Hopefully others will think before they cause problems

Well yes.

No more rolling road blocks.
No more picket lines.
No more strikes.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller