M25 protesters jailed

Unlike all of us, this bloke knows a bit about the law.

Aye, that one word “Conspiracy” carries a heck of a lot of weight.

Contrary to my usual stand point I did actually watch this video, mainly because I’ve watched others of his in the past, though I wasn’t aware he was linked to The Sun :open_mouth: still, I guess he’s just trying to reach Joe Bloggs.

I feel I now have to redress the balance by watching RRs latest Nige-related offering :smile:

I didn’t know he had any connection to the Sun, is that bad?
I’ve watched a few of his videos on traffic and driving matters, they’re interesting and very similar to our legislation.

One shouldn’t judge just by the company one keeps, but The Sun isn’t much of a plus point in someone’s CV.

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Yes, five years in jail is too harsh, but the Just Stop Oil Five shouldn’t have done it | Sonia Sodha | The Guardian

Article from The Guardian. Not my usual read but goes into the sentencing in some depth, very informative.

Haven’t seen the Sun in years.
Do they still do page 3?
My earliest memory was when Sam Fox first appeared in the 70s, me and my mates who were similar age passing the paper around.:joy:
It was very much non pc and of it’s time.
I remember they had a nationwide poll on whether or not a very young and petite Jordan should have a 8oob job or not…a bit like the Brexit poll but much more fun.:grin:

There was a tv comedy…was it ‘Drop the dead donkey’ ?..or similar anyhow.
The editor of the newspaper printed 3D pics of top less girls with special 3D glasses, where when you moved the glasses up and down fast (a bit like Eric Morecambe used to) it had a ‘jiggling’ effect. :joy:
The paper sold out that day, and the tv advert for them showed blokes all over the country in groups on street corners working these glasses up and down at speed.:joy:
The programme is probably banned from being repeated now. :roll_eyes:

I see b oobs and top less are also on the censor list now ffs.:roll_eyes:

He himself slipped into the conversation that he writes for The Sun. I thought you’d have your own version of that paper, its one of Murdoch’s. It’s a tabloid, a rag, something I personally wouldn’t want to be seen reading on a bus :smile: though probably not the worst tabloid around these days (that’s probably The Daily Mail) .

In the UK The Sun is most historically associated with “Page Three”, which featured attractive “ladies” who couldn’t afford upper body coverings :wink: Needless to say those ladies have long gone now.

A week in and I wager that they are crying out for petroleum products now!

I see what you did there .:joy:

Yup, apparently it eases things a tad. Especially when “Big Bubba” decides you’re his new boyfriend.

So… Seeing your mates get 4 and 5 year doses of porridge doesn’t deter you from protest action? Oh well, they can’t say they weren’t warned

they do at least have a criminal comviction. and a decent sentence for the disruption they caused

My point was that the substantial sentences of those already convicted don’t seem to have had much of a deterrent on the rest of them who decided to protest today

Whilst i get what theyre talking about, qe cannot go back to the dark ages, can anyone see electric trucks being viable,

Me personally, no, but all the major manufacturers have been pressing ahead with development and have called for better infrastructure.

My personal feeling is that hydrogen is a better option, probably because I know far too well what the dangers of lithium batteries are.

Hydrogen is indeed the way forward, but it will be blocked at every turn on account that it’s one of the most plentiful elements in the universe and also how do “they” tax water?

Maybe not so great on the driest continent, but that hasn’t deterred the curious.

At least one company is taking it seriously, and I’m sure there will be others too
Volvo to launch hydrogen-powered trucks.

Getting back to the protesters, for the ones gluing themselves to the road, just put a whitches hat in front of them and let the traffic wizz on by. The ones climbing gantries could be detered by letting Moaster keep his eye in. I wouldn’t want to see them hurt, so definitely below 50 cal.

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