Lucky to be alive.. hold on a sec chaps

That’s right but as professional drivers I’d hope you’d be aware of the other drivers around you and their shortcomings. You then make allowances for them and act accordingly. It’s something we all do (many of us without even thinking about it)
Imagine the carnage on the roads if we all drive around with this guys attitude? That’s what makes US professional.
I have mentioned the love for him on TruckNet in his YouTube comments to see if he’s prepared to come here and defend his honour - might get comfy while I wait.

Yeah you can perceive what the majority of the lemmings are likely to do before they know, but there is always that small percentage that seem to go out on a limb to out smart us, by doing something that defies all logic, Fortunately our reactions and driving skills are no match for them,normally

As for Thurrock bee, visiting this site & giving an inteveiw (his side of the story) You may be in for a long wait, he’ll bee too busy uploading his vidz to you tube, he looks a bit like that copper out of road wars

We could do with Angus Nairn taking a look at this muppet , he must know how to reach somebody in the MET traffic office who can have a friendly chat.

Good to see the Bertie Smalls approach is still alive and well.

I have mentioned the love for him on TruckNet in his YouTube comments to see if he’s prepared to come here and defend his honour - might get comfy while I wait.

tommy t:
As for Thurrock bee, visiting this site & giving an inteveiw (his side of the story) You may be in for a long wait…

I feel like I’m banging my head against a wall here.

He is already on TruckNet.

His username is bee chris.

He last visited TruckNet earlier this afternoon.

He can be seen posting on the third page of this thread -

I feel like I’m banging my head against a wall here.

He is already on TruckNet.

His username is bee chris.

He last visited TruckNet earlier this afternoon.

He can be seen posting on the third page of this thread -


Are you saying he’s already a member here ?


I feel like I’m banging my head against a wall here.

He is already on TruckNet.

His username is bee chris.

He last visited TruckNet earlier this afternoon.

He can be seen posting on the third page of this thread -


Are you saying he’s already a member here ?

Who’s a member?

lol. :laughing:

I’m Sparticus!

lol. :laughing:

I’m Sparticus!

No, I’m Sparticus :smiley:

Rob K:

It’s a alien.

He may be a knob but everyone please think carefully before progressing this elsewhere in case he gets sacked!

He may learn from the criticism on here.

You have clearly not watched his YT videos or you wouldn’t have any problem with the above.

Right, i’ve watched most of them now, I don’t think any of them are that bad.

Ok the guys a ■■■■ drag racing cars in the right hand lane & then moaning if they come up his inside but just because he has a small willy & not up to pro standard, he shouldn’t lose his job over it & I don’t think there’s anything out & out dangerous in there. Dunno why he was so upset about the dairy crest artic merging left, it’s a traffic jam ffs.

The first one where he hits the silver car on the roundabout, he could of avoided if he was on the brakes sooner but I think the car driver was asking for it by doing that.

Why was he phoning the police on the a14 near miss one?


lol. :laughing:

I’m Sparticus!

No, I’m Sparticus :smiley:

I’m Sparticus and so’s my wife!

Bugger, wrong film :smiley:

That is so disappointing. He’s a menace and an embarrassment.

Maybe it should go the traffic commissioner route?

That is so disappointing. He’s a menace and an embarrassment.

Maybe it should go the traffic commissioner route?

How about doing our own jobs to the best of our abilities and letting the people who actually get paid to police the roads do the policing?

The first one where he hits the silver car on the roundabout, he could of avoided if he was on the brakes sooner but I think the car driver was asking for it by doing that.

The silver car was indicating right when it was well it was well ahead of the lorry so that should have at least prompted bee chris to slow down.

There is something else in that video which might explain why that silver car continued in its manoeuvre across the path of the lorry.

If you listen carefully ( over the sound of Jeremy Vine’s Talk-in) you can hear a regular pulsating noise.

I don’t think it is the windscreen wipers. Could it be bee chris’es own indicators in operation?

In other words:

Did bee chris leave his right turn indicators on when he changed from lane 1 to lane 2 before that roundabout?
If he did it might explain why the silver car driver felt it was safe to continue with his/her own right turn.

There is usually more than one factor that contributes to an accident.


Assuming that he isn’t on, somebody should make him aware of the opinions of his driving on here…

He is on here. His username is bee chris.

:unamused: :blush: :blush: Sorry, promise I’ll try and keep up next time :smiley: and for everybody as slow as me :blush: you’re right, he’s on the “Lucky to be alive” thread owning up, so not only a crap driver, but a bad decision maker :laughing:

I thought I heard something like that turbovision, bee Chris seems to look for it on my opinion. The car driver was at fault fair enough she should have been in the correct lane in the first place but atleast she had the decency to indicate her intentions, people do the exact same thing to me weekly if not daily but don’t even have the decency to indicate and still I don’t hit them its about reading a situation, havin one eye infront and the other checking what the other idiots are up to. If someone keeps glancing in there mirrors turning there head it’s a sure sign way there just about to cut me up and 9/10 they do but I know it’s coming so avoid it. The women put her indicator on well in advance off her manoeuvre and it wasn’t as if he was a foot away from her there is no excuse to find your horn in a split second but not your [zb] foot break, he knew she was at fault, he knew the speed they were goin would probably not kill her so he thought he’d teach the silly cow a lesson and that’s exactly what he done, taught her a lesson. He’s a [zb] menace and a bully who hasn’t even got the [zb] to come on here and explain his own version off events and the reason he won’t come on here is he knows full well what he’s doing to people, he knows he’s ■■■■ he’s read all theese comments for sure and had a good laugh at them but he don’t care because he drives a big lorry and he’s really hard and macho and he will continue to do it because he’s an absolute tool. I think you’ll be waiting along time contraflow for a response from this spineless little [zb]k!.

Edit: a few choice words before the mods get me :slight_smile:.

Silver car’s reg looks like A555TNE to me, but tries that, and variations of it, in a vehicle lookup and it doesn’t come up with anything. Anyone make out what the reg might be?

I dread to think of any cyclist’s fate if anywhere near this idiot.

Rob K:

Look at the pics above with lots of Ford trailers in the background

I’ll take your word for it Clint :smiley: . I’m just seeing some blurry blue curtainsiders.

It’s obvious that he works for ford as they are clearly ford curtainsiders and from the reflection of his truck in the videos you can see its an m.a.n from the mirror arms. :wink:

Reg of car is AO59 TNE, silver Volkswagen. Not exactly sure what can be done with this info though?

I thought I heard something like that turbovision, bee Chris seems to look for it on my opinion. The car driver was at fault fair enough she should have been in the correct lane in the first place but atleast[zb]k!.

The vid has been cropped so we can’t tell where the car came from but isn’t it possible that the car (and others)couldn’t get in the correct lane because a dirty great HGV was hogging the outside lane on approach to the junction .Also silver car breaks to allow the convertible to exit creating a gap to pull into but TB doesn’t allow the car in instead keeps ploughing on mindless of what is around him.I would say the crash was as much (if not more) his fault as the silver car

Reg of car is AO59 TNE, silver Volkswagen. Not exactly sure what can be done with this info though?

It might be worthwhile someone relaying that video on to the police as, after all, it is “evidence”.

The police can then decide (or not) whether to pass that evidence on to the Volkswagen driver.

On these Roundabout accidents I would love to know how the insurance companies apportion the blame.

I imagine they just do it on a 50/50 (knock for knock) basis as it is your word against theirs.