Lucky to be alive.. hold on a sec chaps

Just reading the latest posts on the Paul H’s melodramatic “Lucky to be alive” thread and this ■■■■■■■ clown’s antics have caught my eye and shirley deserves a separate thread :

Have a watch through his videos. With driving like that is it any wonder he had a “head on crash on the M1” ( :confused: ) ?

Of note :

  • dual carriageway in 1st clip, turning left into an industrial estate. Corner is wide enough to get an oil tanker round yet he turns left from the right hand lane of the dual carriageway :open_mouth: then moans like ■■■■ about the Merc driver that comes up his inside. What a [zb].

  • most of the other clips he deliberately pulls into the outside lane at every set of lights even when there’s only a couple of cars waiting in lane 1 then starts ranting at cars undertaking him and giving him coffee bean signal out of the window. :unamused: How about driving your TRUCK like a TRUCK instead of an F1 car? :bulb: Of course the fact that there’s a V8 engine note and distinctive turbo blow off howl doesn’t give us any clues as to the type of driver it is behind the wheel… :unamused: :bulb:

  • blasting his horn at the reefer driver who clearly wants to be in lane 1 for whatever reason. Why not try being a professional and letting him in instead of making a monumental issue out of it, ragging your truck up on the kerb when you left him a gap then accelerated and closed the door and started moaning about your ■■■■■■■ mirrors? What the actual ■■■■ is wrong with you ffs? :unamused:

I don’t say this lightly but you, sir, are a knob of the highest order and should have your driving licence revoked.

Proper knob.

OMG! if I were you I would be embarrassed to post those videos. You are the reason we are given the title “hairy arsed sweaty truckers”. You are a moron of the highest order and simply from watching your first 4 videos I would sack you instantly if I were your boss.

Video 1, turning left from the right hand lane of a 2 lane road…how long was your trailer? 150ft? then you gob off at the merc doing you on the inside because you are clearly holding him up.

Video 2, what is your obsession with being in the outside lane? no wonder vehicles are passing you on the left and yet you see fit to sound your mouth and horn at the Astra that does you on the inside without causing you to brake or swerve in any way whatsoever. You are a drama queen.

Video 3, Again you were hogging the outside lane in the hope of showing the bus who had the faster motor and you sulk when you are left out there like a right knob. The mini didn’t do you on the inside, you were in the wrong lane for the type and speed of your vehicle. This is why car drivers hate us all.

Video 4, It was a closer call in lane one where you nearly rear ended the ■■■■■■ van. You were not planning ahead or reading the road.

Video 5, You would not give way and you blame him for nearly hitting you?

Video 6, Big deal, that happens all the time

Video 7, I’m not going to waste my time watching any more of your horrors. You are a bloody maniac and a very bad driver end of!!!
Don’t suppose its a Scania you are driving by any chance? because you certainly fit the image. You should have your licence revoked immediately because people like you give us all a bad name. The thing that really bothers me though is that you have posted these clips thinking that you are the one in the right and everyone else is wrong…very worrying.

that car was in a good place to get crushed broken down near the entry to the motorway,i think i’d of tried to get it on the grass at least.

Lol pwned. I haven’t watched the vids yet but can guess what they’re like from the comments, another I am the road ■■■■■

Anything to say, bee chris? :laughing:

Rob K:
I don’t say this lightly but you, sir, are a knob of the highest order and should have your driving licence revoked.

I couldn’t be arrsed to watch more than 2 of them but with what i saw i’ll agree so it’s a +1 from me.

Lovely demonstration of how not to drive.

The Irony that the book on his dashboard (see window reflection) is called ‘Found Wanting’ by Robert Goddard is not lost on me…


I think there’s enough evidence on camera to prove this so called professional driver needs his HGV licence taken away before he kills somebody ASAP.
Oh by the way ‘keep left unless overtaking’. Your truck with 1000hp is still not going to beat most cars away from junctions .

And the point of reading out all the car reg plates is what exactly……? Every incident in those videos was of his own making

And this prick had the gaul to come on here expecting sympathy from us and then be abusive towards us when he didn’t get any. :unamused: It wouldn’t surprise me if it was him who cut across to get off at the T5 junc on the M25 and he nearly took The other truck out judging by them shocking clips he has posted. The one where the car pulls out on him at the roundabout and gets caught by old bill is ironic because its a shame they weren’t behind this ■■■■■■ on some of them clips! :unamused:

That first video is quite shocking! Not sure why he needed to go on the other side of the road, you could of easily have made that turn staying in the left hand lane and if he really felt like he needed more space well he should of blocked both lanes… Thats a very simple turn and something your taught on day one!

can’t help thinking how lucky you were to get away with the 1st video, sheer stupidity. You’re lucky the merc driver didn’t give you a slap, people have received one for less!

To ensure there’s no confusion it should be made clear that the videos in question were not posted by the OP (Paul-H) in that other thread, they were linked to by another member who later admitted that he made the videos.

I noticed them the other day, I have to say I was a little shocked by the appalling standard of driving by a lorry driver who seemed to criticise everyone else, but appears to have no inclination of how bad his own driving is :open_mouth:

Copied from the OP message on Youtube

i were in the right hand lane, indicatoring left to turn left when this car decided to come up my inside…

And I thought I was bad !

To ensure there’s no confusion it should be made clear that the videos in question were not posted by the OP (Paul-H) in that other thread, they were linked to by another member who later admitted that he made the videos.

Yeah, his username is bee chris.

No comment from the man himself yet though; I suspect he’s probably registering a new username as we speak.

What a plonker.

I see the perfect candidate for the middle lane hogging fine and a permanent driving ban +1


To ensure there’s no confusion it should be made clear that the videos in question were not posted by the OP (Paul-H) in that other thread, they were linked to by another member who later admitted that he made the videos.

Yeah, his username is bee chris.

No comment from the man himself yet though; I suspect he’s probably registering a new username as we speak.

What a plonker.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: