Lost some sort of virginity today

And it wasn’t in a good way, some moany old security guy referred to me as ‘drive’, and it felt just as bad as I imagined it would, I actually died a little inside I think.

I’m not the tarmac where you put you car outside your house when you get home, henceforth i am not a ■■■■■■■ drive and please refraining from calling me it…is what I’m planning as my next tattoo

I must be weird because I actually liked being called ‘drive’ - well, it’s better than some other names I’ve been called… :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

I dont mind being called drive at all, after 4 years working in pubs and managing for wetherspoons it is very much “up there” if I was to write a list of names I have been called at work over the years :grimacing:
Stop being mardy, wasnt long ago you were desperate for a job you could be called drive :stuck_out_tongue:

If the name Drive upsets you then you should go back to the pub, you go to France as a Chauffer you will get called Cheff, as in most countries, but here it is common to be called Driver / Driver, once youve met him a few times he`ll probably call you mate.

Stop being mardy, wasnt long ago you were desperate for a job you could be called drive :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s far from being mardy mate, its just that slowly I realise I’m becoming a trucklorryistdrivesattendant, and I can do nothing to stop the spiralling transformation, I bet i’ll be stocking u[ on yorkies by the weekend :open_mouth:

Driver, no problems with that

Drive, I’m NOT A STRIP OF ■■■■’ING TARMAC :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

When I saw the title I thought it was about the Poofs thread… :open_mouth: :confused: :unamused: :grimacing:

When I saw the title I thought it was about the Poofs thread… :open_mouth: :confused: :unamused: :grimacing:

I would say don’t worry i’m not that way inclined, however they say,those who deny it are more likely to try it, so you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

or buggered if you do and buggered if you don’t :unamused:

Get yourself up to scotland and get called ‘Big Man’. it’s much more satisfying! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Just call him ‘Secure’. That’s what I do and they tend to stop calling you ‘Drive’ after that, mainly because they think you are some kind of nutter and don’t want to set you off. :stuck_out_tongue:

Get yourself up to scotland and get called ‘Big Man’. it’s much more satisfying! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

scottish chappie that i sometimes switch shifts with always calls me “big man” :slight_smile:

in scotland i get “big yin” a lot,makes i larf,but i do detest “drive”,and refer to anyone who calls me it as their chosen proffesion!,ie" how many cars have you got for me drive?“,i respond with " 11 car salesman”.

childish however very satisfying!!

lothian and borders police once referred to me as "squadron leader"and enquired if i needed more runway to take off.?

Any pub manager who calls me “drive” gets called “barkeep” although I prefer “drive” to the ones who read my name off the paperwork and call me by it. For some reason it creeps me out. If I’ve delivered a few times when they’ve been on duty it’s fair enough because I know them then.

some moany old security guy referred to me as ‘drive’, and it felt just as bad as I imagined it would, I actually died a little inside I think.

No offence intended but after reading that sentence I know exactly how you felt mate :frowning:

Is it temperament or an exaggerated view of your own importance as a professional driver ?

Sorry but it has to be said that some of you are just tooooo temperamental for your own good, it’s just an abbreviation of “driver” and isn’t meant as a derogatory name, ffs drive :unamused:

Is it temperament or an exaggerated view of your own importance as a professional driver ?

Having met Jon (and his family) I would say definitely not :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Can’t see the problem with being called Drive, its never worried me, As said its a friendly name to give you as you, I assume, are the driver (of a large machine) and you could have instead - oiii you - or worse.

far better to be called drive than hey you when someone says hey you i reply do i look kin chinese

i’ve never bothered with being called drive i see it as more personal than ‘mate’
It really freaks me out though when people i’ve never met before read my name plate and call me Dave.

Yes , I agree with you entirely there Dave.Mate. :wink: :wink: I didn,t use to give a ZB ,(owzat JD??), what they called me; so long as they said it with a smile on their face. :laughing: :laughing:

Mr B:
i’ve never bothered with being called drive i see it as more personal than ‘mate’
It really freaks me out though when people i’ve never met before read my name plate and call me Dave.

I have to ask, why do you have a name plate displayed then ?