Lost some sort of virginity today


Mr B:
i’ve never bothered with being called drive i see it as more personal than ‘mate’
It really freaks me out though when people i’ve never met before read my name plate and call me Dave.

I have to ask, why do you have a name plate displayed then ?

i think 2freaks me out" was a bad expression what i mean is if a total stranger say’s “hello Dave how are you” and i have to try to remember if we’ve ever met before. i have a terrible memory for names and faces

Mr B:


Mr B:
i’ve never bothered with being called drive i see it as more personal than ‘mate’
It really freaks me out though when people i’ve never met before read my name plate and call me Dave.

I have to ask, why do you have a name plate displayed then ?

i think 2freaks me out" was a bad expression what i mean is if a total stranger say’s “hello Dave how are you” and i have to try to remember if we’ve ever met before. i have a terrible memory for names and faces

I see what you mean, yes, point taken.

Dont mind in the slightest being called ‘Drive’… as has been said, there are a lot worse things.

A friend of mine is a pilot who on a recent trip went out to meet his passengers. One guy apparently referred to him as ‘Drive’ on the way out, which, as he pointed out, is exactly what he does :slight_smile:

(bet the passenger was a forkie) :smiley: :smiley:

just dont try shortining a certain rank of policeman when talking to them trust me they dont like it

I’m not the tarmac where you put you car outside your house when you get home, henceforth i am not a [zb] drive and please refraining from calling me it…is what I’m planning as my next tattoo

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Hmmm…:unamused:…that’s gonna hurt… :blush: :cry:

And you’re either going to have to put it somewhere very big :open_mouth: :wink: or make the tattoo very small

Perhaps put the tats on hold for a while… :smiley: :grimacing: