Look what the wind's blown in

Who’s Rob■■?

welcome back now get posting please,

Guy Rope:
Who’s Rob■■?

you might think twice on asking that question once you find out who he is :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Guy Rope:
Who’s Rob■■?

oh dear,me thinks you are going to find out.

welcome back rob i did see you on the other site.

are you on probation :question: :question:

Welcome back Rob K :smiley:

Oh my God!!! It’s back!!!

Now instead of taking 2 hours to catch up on a Friday night, its gonna take 4 but at least I shall be chuckling at the latest adventures of “Mr Bean” :laughing:

I said i wouldnt be coming back and i didnt think i would be posting again due to some people in authority deciding to change my posts to suit them and blame their mouse or keyboard or was it the drink they had?.

Who knows but WB Rob i look forward to your cynical views in the future but i fear posting too much as some may change it to suit their views :slight_smile::).

but being a jammymut you saw an excuse to post so thats the 2 of you back on

I said i wouldnt be coming back and i didnt think i would be posting again due to some people in authority deciding to change my posts to suit them and blame their mouse or keyboard or was it the drink they had?.

Who knows but WB Rob i look forward to your cynical views in the future but i fear posting too much as some may change it to suit their views :slight_smile::).

welcome back yourself jammy, two long time members back posting, can we handle this in one week… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh my God!!! It’s back!!!

Now instead of taking 2 hours to catch up on a Friday night, its gonna take 4 but at least I shall be chuckling at the latest adventures of “Mr Bean” :laughing:

nice one :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

welcome back Rob…now perhaps i can have a break while you do some writing…and i can sit back and read for a change…

Have you been in Prison again?

wb :stuck_out_tongue:

The Rustler:
Now then trouble, welcome back, i’ve been following your " adventures" on t’other website. :wink:

:confused: Who are you ?

now get posting and reclaim your rightful position on the total posts list, I mean even kitkat has overtaken you.


jon boy 100:
who are you steering for these days

Archbold’s out of Morley.

jessicas dad:
are you on probation

:open_mouth: :confused: :unamused:

Wheel Nut:
Have you been in Prison again?

Wrong person Malc - that’s Mop ‘n’ Bucket Tony :confused: .

Thanks for all the welcome backs; very kind of those of you that have taken the time to do so.

I have just been reading an old thread regarding myself and another member about a matter which was not anything to do with Trucknet and should never have appeared on these forums. I find the replies by certain long-standing members quite startling and to a degree, also upsetting.

Back in the ‘old days’ many of those members concerned I would have had no doubts in putting them on my mental ‘trustworthy and loyal’ online-mates list but I see as soon as my back is turned they stab me based on the views - and lies - of one other person.

I would like to extend a special thanks to those members who didn’t judge me on the basis of one other person’s opinion and waited until the full facts were known. True mate’s for sure, cheers. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Remember, there’s always two sides to every story.

That aside, I hope you all enjoy reading my comments and about my travels as much as before :slight_smile: .

Robs back & so is Jammy

There goes the neighbourhood

welcome back both of ya

Welcome back Rob

Welcome back to the fold Jammymutt! :laughing:

Real good to see you posting again.

Welcome back to the fold Jammymutt! :laughing:

Real good to see you posting again.

Thanks CM i wont be posting much just popping in for a look occasionaly, I,m still ■■■■■■ off about what happened to my post so i have developed a fear of writing too much in case it gets changed to say i condone law breaking. whether it was a mistake or not it just SHOULD NOT happen to other peoples posts.


Welcome back to the fold Jammymutt! :laughing:

Real good to see you posting again.

Thanks CM i wont be posting much just popping in for a look occasionaly, I,m still [zb] off about what happened to my post so i have developed a fear of writing too much in case it gets changed to say i condone law breaking. whether it was a mistake or not it just SHOULD NOT happen to other peoples posts.

regardless jammy, nice to c u r still around. LURKER… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing::wink:


Welcome back to the fold Jammymutt! :laughing:

Real good to see you posting again.

Thanks CM i wont be posting much just popping in for a look occasionaly, I,m still [zb] off about what happened to my post so i have developed a fear of writing too much in case it gets changed to say i condone law breaking. whether it was a mistake or not it just SHOULD NOT happen to other peoples posts.

Just get posting Jammy :exclamation: :smiley: I know we’ve rarely seen eye to eye because you’re a bit of a do-gooder and I’m not, or should that be re-phrased as you’re a normal law-abiding citizen and I’m a naughty lad :question: :laughing: but knowing my history on here of saying exactly what I think then ‘the management’ will have enough on their hands keeping a beady eye on what I’m up to than removing/editing/changing your posts, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
