Long Departed Southampton Hauliers (Part 1)

Mappo alias Tir Tone alias The coach driver and probably some more,now you know that you only hurt the ones that you love…'corse there is always the exception to the rule…could it be YOU…

Hi everyone found this loadig docket for a job i did for E F PHILIPS back in 1976 funny how but i can remember doing this job in my Mamoyh Minor twin steer Mandator with home made sleeper cab which was a 1971 model on a J plate still got the old green card for this vehicle which i’ll post later,By the way i loaded out of James and Hodder at Avonmouth any body remember them?

Hi everyone found this loadig docket for a job i did for E F PHILIPS back in 1976 funny how but i can remember doing this job in my Mamoyh Minor twin steer Mandator with home made sleeper cab which was a 1971 model on a J plate still got the old green card for this vehicle which i’ll post later,By the way i loaded out of James and Hodder at Avonmouth any body remember them?

Hi John I loaded a few Phillips trailers from James and Hodder of Avonmouth for Roy Gover it was usually on a Friday and I seemed to always be kept waiting for extra goods to come back to their warehouse to add to the load!

Also did a lot ot trailers for Sea Route Ferry from Sevalco, Avomouth a lovely clean load Carbon Black!!!

Regards Pat


Hi everyone found this loadig docket for a job i did for E F PHILIPS back in 1976 funny how but i can remember doing this job in my Mamoyh Minor twin steer Mandator with home made sleeper cab which was a 1971 model on a J plate still got the old green card for this vehicle which i’ll post later,By the way i loaded out of James and Hodder at Avonmouth any body remember them?

Hi John I loaded a few Phillips trailers from James and Hodder of Avonmouth for Roy Gover it was usually on a Friday and I seemed to always be kept waiting for extra goods to come back to their warehouse to add to the load!

Also did a lot ot trailers for Sea Route Ferry from Sevalco, Avomouth a lovely clean load Carbon Black!!!
Hi pat iv’e loaded a few times out of there to but they did have a good shower if my memory serves me well

Regards Pat

Hi All
I think james & Hodder became Lovell Hodder Whitwell I will ask Bubbs when I see him.
Cheers Rich

A couple of Monty’s pics he asked me to post on here.

I used to load James & Hodder for LTS, mainly paper products from Bristol Area, they were in the Ind Est just off the M5 @ Avonmouth & when they were taken over by Denholm they moved into the containerbase.
Bernard Hodder & Steve James were the main men & nice bloke as all the staff were, I really enjoyed doing their work easy clearances & good tips in France & Yes I did do 1 trip to Italy for them, See Mr Gazzer Burton I did leave the Le Havre area!!!, they ran their own 6 wheeler Volvo F86 /F7 rigid tilts on the Benelux & Germany work subbed all the rest out, If i remember no strip out like on JCB’s & the rest of LTS work or did I get all them Jobs, Mr Evans■■?

Another of Bubbleman’s pics from his excellent Scrapbook Thread

This time Merrick Bros who shared part of Jamesons yard at Ryde Terrace, their manager at the time was John K who I went to school with!

Regards Pat

Another of Bubbleman’s pics from his excellent Scrapbook Thread

This time Merrick Bros who shared part of Jamesons yard at Ryde Terrace, their manager at the time was John K who I went to school with!

Regards Pat

Hi Pat it’s a small world ain’t it i remember John K got a feeling he married an old girlfriend of mine called Rita Churchill from Downton does that ring a bell with you Pat?


Another of Bubbleman’s pics from his excellent Scrapbook Thread

This time Merrick Bros who shared part of Jamesons yard at Ryde Terrace, their manager at the time was John K who I went to school with!

Regards Pat

Hi Pat it’s a small world ain’t it i remember John K got a feeling he married an old girlfriend of mine called Rita Churchill from Downton does that ring a bell with you Pat?

Hi John

I haven’t seen John for years he used to be a very good friend of Andrew Danelli the Jameson traffic manager. Last time I saw him was in Ringwood where I think he was the manager of a Nissan Garage.

His mum used to live in Station road near my yard.

His real name was John Kuzniar.

Regards Pat

I used to load James & Hodder for LTS, mainly paper products from Bristol Area, they were in the Ind Est just off the M5 @ Avonmouth & when they were taken over by Denholm they moved into the containerbase.
Bernard Hodder & Steve James were the main men & nice bloke as all the staff were, I really enjoyed doing their work easy clearances & good tips in France & Yes I did do 1 trip to Italy for them, See Mr Gazzer Burton I did leave the Le Havre area!!!, they ran their own 6 wheeler Volvo F86 /F7 rigid tilts on the Benelux & Germany work subbed all the rest out, If i remember no strip out like on JCB’s & the rest of LTS work or did I get all them Jobs, Mr Evans■■?

Phil Garrett was the shift supervisor in the Townsend Thoresen freight office in Southampton. I next met him in Pompey when he was freight manager for P&O Ferries in the tower at the roundabout of the M275. He had a reputation for being a tad brusque but neither I nor Sonya had any issue with him. A good man to have on your side.

The Armstrongs F10 driver is a “Scouser” but for the life of me cant remember his name.

HA! Liar, it’s Ray Routledge! See, senile debenture isn’t resident yet!

Todays jobs are:
Micheldever-Soton docks
Tomorrows work:
Micheldever- Soton Docks

“Fares please!” Bus route!

Only 5 weeks more of that to go!

Phil Garrett was the shift supervisor in the Townsend Thoresen freight office in Southampton. I next met him in Pompey when he was freight manager for P&O Ferries in the tower at the roundabout of the M275. He had a reputation for being a tad brusque but neither I nor Sonya had any issue with him. A good man to have on your side.

The Armstrongs F10 driver is a “Scouser” but for the life of me cant remember his name.

HA! Liar, it’s Ray Routledge! See, senile debenture isn’t resident yet!

When I first knew Phil he was just a nipper working in the freight office in Soton.You say that Sonya didnt have any issue with him.Im glad to hear that! Regards Charlie :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Gazzer Senile dementia is measured by how long it took you to remember ! :laughing: :laughing: be truthful now :unamused:
Hope your well Gaz the Joker is safe in the shed :unamused:

Regards Jimski

But I shipped out YEARS after you charlie and he had been promoted by then!

Actually he did have one spat with her. He didn’t believe she had a licence and refused to allow her as second driver one sunday night. After she nearly poked the licence (provisional) between his eyes, he was an absolute gent after that! Jeff, Mark and the skinny gay one dived for cover at a distance! Ha! Skinny gay one was Richard with the black american limousine. See Jimski, twice in one night!

Phil Garrett was the shift supervisor in the Townsend Thoresen freight office in Southampton. I next met him in Pompey when he was freight manager for P&O Ferries in the tower at the roundabout of the M275. He had a reputation for being a tad brusque but neither I nor Sonya had any issue with him. A good man to have on your side.

The Armstrongs F10 driver is a “Scouser” but for the life of me cant remember his name.

HA! Liar, it’s Ray Routledge! See, senile debenture isn’t resident yet!

Hi Gazzer here you talkin about Townsend Thoreson Ferries i found this bit of useless paper memorybeelia a currency exchange note don’t know why i kept it maybe i thought it would be valuable one day it has not got a date on it but must be early don’t know when they jacked it in at southampton. ps .its of MS Viking 111

That was a new trailer, I probably stripped it out in the yard to put JCB’s on, Cheeky Basxxxx■■?
I was pretty good at it though, even Mr Hales paid me a compilment as there were 3 other traliers in the yard at Anderson rd the time all stripped & loaded he said look at all of them they are tidy like yours, I did say they were mine, he then went back in the office.
& before anyone says it!!! yes I did lose one of the front of a flat trailer & damaged the back of the cab but that was a loadall & you couldn’t keep them still!

Badger, are you the same Jeremy who had his own motor pulling ISO tanks around for Armstrongs, had some sort of inflatable wind deflector thay tou used to put on the front of the tanks■■?

I know, I know, some people are saying WTF is he going on about :confused:


Puppy Pete
Yes that was me, It was a cack idea but it work as they were a big drag it was my version of the cowling they had on the wim vos trailers & it only a couple of mins to blow up & deflate, I also strapped the tank down which save the bulbs as the tank bounched about alot, I blew 3 sets just getting to Piat’s @ Macon so after that I used the strap, Armstrongs didn’t like as it marked the tank but hey ho! & as the lids leaked like a siv not to bad with white wine but a real mess with red■■?