Not referring to anything specific here, so if you feel the need to lock this one do not use that as an excuse. :bulb:


When a complete and utter moron comes on here every now and again, and digs his own grave by his display of apparrent lack of social skills,
For eg maybe starting off as an Alpha male, and descending into a jibbering wreck when he realises everybody can see through him and does not take him in the slightest serious manner.
Why do certain trigger happy mods feel the need to lock the thread. :open_mouth:
Ok it can go off topic, but Christ it’s both funny and entertaining, and most of us are grown ups (afaik) so what exactly IS the problem by letting the perpetrator dig himself to the bottom and making as big a fool of himself as poss… :bulb: Will it not deter him from doing it again (and again) under a different username …as they ALL do, the same suspects every ■■■■ time, it is soooo obvious.
Surely that is a better way, then if the go too far ban the ■■■■ ers :bulb:
Or are we now preferring (in a whiny voice :smiley: ) ‘‘Which sat nav’’ or the ‘‘How to make a manual ■■■■ entry’’ over comedy gold.

I have not referred to any specific locked thread, so please don’t lock this,… if you do things are far more bloody worse than I thought on here. :unamused:
What about the rest of you■■? or is it just little moi?

Yeh…I know, I don’t have to come on here if I don’t like things, but I’m on the sick the Mrs is at work and I’m bored. :smiley:

I don’t see a problem when someone gets called out on things that they instigate more often than not by their own hand. Particularly if they should happen to be obnoxious idiots with delusions of grandeur.

It’s not usually even particularly aggressive or vindictive.

More of a “just stop acting like an embarrassing ■■■”

If mods really feel the need just delete posts instead of locking threads. Better approach IMHO.

Edited to remove any specific thread references!

Not referring to anything specific here, so if you feel the need to lock this one do not use that as an excuse. :bulb:


When a complete and utter moron comes on here every now and again, and digs his own grave by his display of apparrent lack of social skills,
For eg maybe starting off as an Alpha male, and descending into a jibbering wreck when he realises everybody can see through him and does not take him in the slightest serious manner.
Why do certain trigger happy mods feel the need to lock the thread. :open_mouth:
Ok it can go off topic, but Christ it’s both funny and entertaining, and most of us are grown ups (afaik) so what exactly IS the problem by letting the perpetrator dig himself to the bottom and making as big a fool of himself as poss… :bulb: Will it not deter him from doing it again (and again) under a different username …as they ALL do, the same suspects every [zb] time, it is soooo obvious.
Surely that is a better way, then if the go too far ban the [zb] ers :bulb:
Or are we now preferring (in a whiny voice :smiley: ) ‘‘Which sat nav’’ or the ‘‘How to make a manual [zb] entry’’ over comedy gold.

I have not referred to any specific locked thread, so please don’t lock this,… if you do things are far more bloody worse than I thought on here. :unamused:
What about the rest of you■■? or is it just little moi?

Yeh…I know, I don’t have to come on here if I don’t like things, but I’m on the sick the Mrs is at work and I’m bored. :smiley:


I don’t see a problem when someone gets called out on things that they instigate more often than not by their own hand. Particularly when they are obnoxious idiots with delusions of grandeur.

It wasn’t even particularly aggressive or vindictive.

More of a “just stop acting like an embarrassing ■■■”

If mods really feel the need just delete posts instead of locking threads. Better approach IMHO.

Yeh, but please don’t refer to specific threads to give them an excuse to lock this one.
Ok my post was instigated by a certain anon thread, but this has happened many times on here.
Your way sounds better, I agree.
I just do not see any prob with a bit of entertainment, especially when it is at some idiot’s expense, who can not sustain the level of self confessed ego that he started all the controvesy with in the first place, and any derisory feeble attempts to salvage credibility.
Ok if they threaten to murder you or call you a ■■■■ ■■■■, rule break time, job knackered, but 9 times out of 10 they do not.

Imho certain threads would be better left to just let certain individuals dig their hole further. However, if it just descends into abuse (although entertaining and funny) i suppose the line has to be drawn somewhere…

Let go pal.It’s easier .

Let go pal.It’s easier .

No probs with letting it go…pal.

It aint real life, it’s a Trucker’s forum, I fully realise that, and understand that there are more important and relavent things in life.
I was just coming at it from that particular direction tbh, and pointing out that it would be maybe better with maybe not as much unnecessary regulating, and suggesting maybe the majority of the users would think the same, so let us wait and see if that’s so eh?

Ah, I see the thread has been put in the ‘‘Graveyard Forum’’ dept, rather than lock it or risk upsetting the applecart on the most popular and used part of the forum eh?
You may as well just have locked it lads :unamused: Cheers .
Prove my theory wrong and put it back up there…or don’t.

Didn’t you get the memo, having a bit of banter and a giggle isn’t PC so must be stamped out. :imp:

It will be so much better when the forum is 100% sterile, and only factual information is posted devoid of any humour or entertainment… :unamused:

Well it got me looking in the unused part of the forum. Another day that my virginity has been lost!

In Motorcyclenews last week in a Q&A Mick Grant said if he could pass a law it would be banning PC.
I like Mick.

Sent from my X17 using Tapatalk

I agree with Rob. If someone wants to troll - and if others want to feed the troll for a laugh, let them get on with it. If the original post has been dealt with and the op is happy, why shouldn’t the conversation move on?

This is actually quite an easy question to answer, and there have been a couple of very good answers so far…

The Mods have to make a judgement call, so if somebody makes a complete ■■■ of themselves and banter is returned, then that’s fine.

The line is crossed when it gets personal, because that’s against the forum rules.

For those who might be unsure, the rule is that it’s OK to say anything you like about what a person WRITES, because that’s what forums are all about, so whoever writes something daft can expect a response.

What we don’t do is to make an attack on the PERSON.

This is actually quite an easy question to answer, and there have been a couple of very good answers so far…

The Mods have to make a judgement call, so if somebody makes a complete ■■■ of themselves and banter is returned, then that’s fine.

The line is crossed when it gets personal, because that’s against the forum rules.

For those who might be unsure, the rule is that it’s OK to say anything you like about what a person WRITES, because that’s what forums are all about, so whoever writes something daft can expect a response.

What we don’t do is to make an attack on the PERSON.

Ok Dave, fair comment, and can not really argue, but usually an attack is edited rather than a thread locked.
It’s been locked now, so it aint really an issue specifically, but what about generally.

That said why is there not a link to this particular thread on the main forum, running concurrently, as on other threads in the past.
It is a valid point on the way the forum is ran and would attract a whole lot more discussion on the subject on a much more active part of the forum, where as on here it is only seen by a small percentage of users.
Are you prepared to sanction this just to give it legs or not.
Cheers Rob.

Looks at title of this forum… Feedback, looks at the content of the post… it feedback.
Post in right place- job done right by the mods… end of issue, now move along nothing worthwhile to see here

That said why is there not a link to this particular thread on the main forum.

Why would you need that? Surely most people use View new posts to see what has been posted, rather than trawl through individual forums?

Looks at title of this forum… Feedback, looks at the content of the post… it feedback.
Post in right place- job done right by the mods… end of issue, now move along nothing worthwhile to see here

Ok Rikki card well and truly marked mate.

Looked and participated in entertaining thread.
Locked by mod with sense of humour by pass.
Started other thread to try and see if I was the only one who thought it was a bit ott…started to prove to contrary.
Moved to forum that not many bother to read.
Tried to salvage it by an appeal of sorts.
Debate stifled by use of forum trump card.
End of issue, moving along.

Just to explain here…Always thought a mountain out of a molehill and a song and dance was justified over a point of hidden principle. :bulb:

Not referring to anything specific here, so if you feel the need to lock this one do not use that as an excuse. :bulb:


When a complete and utter moron comes on here every now and again, and digs his own grave by his display of apparrent lack of social skills,
For eg maybe starting off as an Alpha male, and descending into a jibbering wreck when he realises everybody can see through him and does not take him in the slightest serious manner.
Why do certain trigger happy mods feel the need to lock the thread. :open_mouth:
Ok it can go off topic, but Christ it’s both funny and entertaining, and most of us are grown ups (afaik) so what exactly IS the problem by letting the perpetrator dig himself to the bottom and making as big a fool of himself as poss… :bulb: Will it not deter him from doing it again (and again) under a different username …as they ALL do, the same suspects every [zb] time, it is soooo obvious.
Surely that is a better way, then if the go too far ban the [zb] ers :bulb:
Or are we now preferring (in a whiny voice :smiley: ) ‘‘Which sat nav’’ or the ‘‘How to make a manual [zb] entry’’ over comedy gold.

I have not referred to any specific locked thread, so please don’t lock this,… if you do things are far more bloody worse than I thought on here. :unamused:
What about the rest of you■■? or is it just little moi?

Yeh…I know, I don’t have to come on here if I don’t like things, but I’m on the sick the Mrs is at work and I’m bored. :smiley:

I get sick of the missus to and go to work.

Apart from what’s already been said, the reason there was no link left in the PDF when this thread was moved to this forum was because, in spite of your protestations to the contrary, it was painfully obvious that this thread was started in protest about the Courts thread being locked.

You started this thread just 24 minutes after the Courts thread was locked, you told other posters not to mention the other thread so it wouldn’t look like there was a connection, you even hijacked another thread to complain about how you would not be able to get this thread to several pages because it’s been moved without a link being left in the PDF, in other words you started this thread in the hope that you would be able to stir things up on the board, leaving a link to this thread in the PDF would have been assisting you in your aims of stirring things up, it really is that simple :unamused:

Looked and participated in entertaining thread.
Locked by mod with sense of humour by pass.

As you well know, and appear to have already acknowledged the other thread was locked because it had sunk to no more than personal attacks, as for me having no sense of humour I’m hardly going to worry about what’s said by someone who can’t stop crying over a forum thread being locked :unamused:

Apart from what’s already been said, the reason there was no link left in the PDF when this thread was moved to this forum was because, in spite of your protestations to the contrary, it was painfully obvious that this thread was started in protest about the Courts thread being locked.

You started this thread just 24 minutes after the Courts thread was locked, you told other posters not to mention the other thread so it wouldn’t look like there was a connection, you even hijacked another thread to complain about how you would not be able to get this thread to several pages because it’s been moved without a link being left in the PDF, in other words you started this thread in the hope that you would be able to stir things up on the board, leaving a link to this thread in the PDF would have been assisting you in your aims of stirring things up, it really is that simple :unamused:

Looked and participated in entertaining thread.
Locked by mod with sense of humour by pass.

As you well know, and appear to have already acknowledged the other thread was locked because it had sunk to no more than personal attacks, as for me having no sense of humour I’m hardly going to worry about what’s said by someone who can’t stop crying over a forum thread being locked :unamused:

:laughing: …Yeh right :unamused: , The only one on here who appears to be crying is you mate. (btw an opinion, not a personal attack, so don’t be locking this thread also just cos …you can :unamused:)

Yeh it was a reaction to you locking THAT thread, and I asked others not to mention it to not give you an excuse to ‘‘show us who’s boss’’ :unamused: again, that is why. :bulb: if you had read it properly instead of jumping you would have seen that.

As for your soh, …you aint exactly renowned for it on here, I seem to remember a guy who is a well known helper of newbies being slated for jokingly calling a new qualified rigid driver a van driver, and you as a mod…who should be impartial giving him a plus one, which appeared to ■■■■ the guy off to the extent where he hardly bothers to help anymore.

Look mate I know all this stuff is painfully trivial :unamused: , but I have never liked over zealous regulation in ANY walk of life.
Your trump card will be ‘‘Well if you don’t like it zb off’’ but arguing with any form of ‘‘authority’’ however trivial is never a level playing field is it?
I’m ok with moving on, I’ve said my piece, unless you want to pursue it then crack on, but it’s done now as far as I’m concerned.

You and me have never really hit it off,.(…not a problem btw) I have no intention of getting kicked off the forum, I enjoy it too much, but as I said I aint arguing on a level playing field here, so let’s just agree to differ, I have voiced my opinions which I stand by, and in the politest and most constructive way I know.



No probs with letting it …pal .

Your obviously a very emotional person robroy .The signature you have is spot on :laughing:
I wont say pal as that obviously offended you. :unamused:
But i would suggest breathing deeply through your nose and out of your mouth a few times ,It helps to vent ,but it is no good hanging on and on and on . :unamused: