


No probs with letting it …pal .

Your obviously a very emotional person robroy .The signature you have is spot on :laughing:
I wont say pal as that obviously offended you. :unamused:
But i would suggest breathing deeply through your nose and out of your mouth a few times ,It helps to vent ,but it is no good hanging on and on and on . :unamused:

Look bud no need for the therapy, I have said my bit I am ALL for letting it go, too right :unamused: it’s becoming both boring and a trivial saga, :unamused: BUT if you and others keep adresssing me on it I’m gonna keep answering.
I aint emotional in that respect, (not to keen on pal admittedlly :smiley:
I just feel the need to challenge authority, saw it was locked and started a new thread…tbh wish I hadn’t bothered my arse now :laughing: …like maybe the majority on here. :blush: :smiley:

If this is boring the arse of everyone, sorry, tbh it is starting to with me too, but if so don’t read it.
Not trapped in the house today like yesterday, so you will be spared my arsey ramblings. :wink:

I’m even starting to sound like a precious drama queen to myself ffs ! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
I have my ice cool butch trucker image :sunglasses: to salvage and maintain here …now where are my shades cowboy boots, and lumberjack shirt to I snap out of it.
Walks away to Good Bad and Ugly soundtrack :laughing: :laughing:
Back to normal.! :sunglasses:

I think you are taking the ■■■■ far too much Robroy. Tachograph and the other mods do an invaluable job on here.

You can’t just be allowed to ’ give it large ', and not be reprimanded. In fact, if it was a fight, I reckon ANY of the mod’s would batter you.

Now pipe down and stop causing trouble. That’s my role.

Morning. Just popped in. So what’s going down in groove town guys? Have I missed something?

Glad I’ve found this thread, saves me starting 1 myself.
Right then, here is my rant.
I started a new topic last night asking a question about a certain heavy haulage company that has been said to have shut up shop. Now I’ve looked for the info on the net and all there is, is word of mouth from several sources saying that they are finished and shutting up shop in 30 days. Now all I wanted was some information regarding what I’ve heard and read, and 1 of the mods got a bit touchy when I told 1 of them to crawl back under his rock when he got lippy. Then just as the true news started to filter through, my thread got locked and deleted and then the said mod started a new thread slating me but locked it, so no one could reply to it.
This forum is for debate, questions and answers, not your platform for what you want to see. So grow a set and let people have their say you knob.

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

Glad I’ve found this thread, saves me starting 1 myself.
Right then, here is my rant.
I started a new topic last night asking a question about a certain heavy haulage company that has been said to have shut up shop. Now I’ve looked for the info on the net and all there is, is word of mouth from several sources saying that they are finished and shutting up shop in 30 days. Now all I wanted was some information regarding what I’ve heard and read, and 1 of the mods got a bit touchy when I told 1 of them to crawl back under his rock when he got lippy. Then just as the true news started to filter through, my thread got locked and deleted and then the said mod started a new thread slating me but locked it, so no one could reply to it.
This forum is for debate, questions and answers, not your platform for what you want to see. So grow a set and let people have their say you knob.

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

Or you could set up your own forum? Do what you like then or follow the rules you signed up to.

So asking a question is not allowed then?

Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

You can ask, but if the answer is not one you wanted then grow a pair.

Would you go into specsavers for a pound of mince?

I think you are taking the ■■■■ far too much Robroy. Tachograph and the other mods do an invaluable job on here.

You can’t just be allowed to ’ give it large ', and not be reprimanded. In fact, if it was a fight, I reckon ANY of the mod’s would batter you.

Now pipe down and stop causing trouble. That’s my role.

Cheers for the backing EagerB…I think :neutral_face:
(You git ! :laughing: )

Batter me :open_mouth: Nah not a chance have you not heard mate…I’m dead 'ard me. :sunglasses:
ok, fair do.s, Tachograph could maybe play dirty and put me to sleep tallking about hours compensation and working time directivvvv zzzzzzzz oh sorry :smiley:

…but anyhow it looks like theres a bit of a big old reptile here gonna take them all on for me. :smiley:

At least he’s took the pressure off me, and now evn I can stock up on popcorn.
.oooooh! …bad move taking on Rik ‘The Modfather’
Lizard mate, watch out for Shergar’s swede under your duvet anytime soon. :laughing:

I started a new topic last night asking a question about a certain heavy haulage company that has been said to have shut up shop. Now I’ve looked for the info on the net and all there is, is word of mouth from several sources saying that they are finished and shutting up shop in 30 days. Now all I wanted was some information regarding what I’ve heard and read, and 1 of the mods got a bit touchy when I told 1 of them to crawl back under his rock when he got lippy. Then just as the true news started to filter through, my thread got locked and deleted and then the said mod started a new thread slating me but locked it, so no one could reply to it.
This forum is for debate, questions and answers, not your platform for what you want to see. So grow a set and let people have their say you knob.

The rule on this board is that you do not start or pass on rumours about companies without providing some evidence that what you’re posting is true, you’ve admitted yourself that what you posted was just “word of mouth” i.e. gossip, you say the thread was locked “just as the true news started to filter through”, but what you describe as “true news” was just more “word of mouth” not evidence that the rumour was true, without anything to back up what was heard it remains unsubstantiated rumour and as was pointed out to you in the thread in question that’s against the forum rules.

In this case I know some folks involved, and in fact spent quite a few hours Friday trying to get official confirmation. HOWEVER the policy of this forum is we get official confirmation from the company or other source we can point too such as a news outlet before we name the company on the site. I am still waiting to hear back with that.

This is because in the past we have had issues with malicious rumours leading to possible legal action. Our own legal advice is what has set the policy. We cant adjust it for some members and not others -even me.

In this case I know some folks involved, and in fact spent quite a few hours Friday trying to get official confirmation. HOWEVER the policy of this forum is we get official confirmation from the company or other source we can point too such as a news outlet before we name the company on the site. I am still waiting to hear back with that.

This is because in the past we have had issues with malicious rumours leading to possible legal action. Our own legal advice is what has set the policy. We cant adjust it for some members and not others -even me.

Fair enough. I get what you are saying but all I was asking was a question and you all got on the band wagon and then deleted the topic. A simple answer of “we have also heard rumours and are looking for conformation if it’s true or not, until then we will lock the tread until further notice”. It’s a free country and freedom of speech has yet again been silenced because everyone is scared of the nanny state. I don’t give a ■■■■ what comes out me gob (most of my colleagues, management, family and freinds expect me to voice what’s in me head).

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If your boss doesn’t care what comes out of your gob, next time he is with a client walk in and say that you have heard that he is closing the gates next week.

Would that be ok?

If your boss doesn’t care what comes out of your gob, next time he is with a client walk in and say that you have heard that he is closing the gates next week.

Would that be ok?
