Loading Bay Etiquette

Oh dear, I’m out. No reasoning with this one. :unamused:

Am i wrong?

I’d say so. People that clog up bays (especially when there’s only one bay for goods in and 5 drivers waiting), ■■■■ me off. Urinate or get off the pot. As long as you don’t charge about nothings gonna fall off, and while you’re dicking about someone else can tip what they need to and be on their way, possibly back home. Especially annoying when you’re doing multi-drop (not that most members of this forum would even dream of doing multi-drop. An auto-wagon with the trailer already hooked up or they’ll go home :unamused: :laughing:).




So the general consensus is that i am a nob who is wasting everybody else’s time? HaHa

You got it :bulb:

Ever seen the film Fight Club Immigrant?

No :slight_smile:
But i came to a Place in Italy where an were circling his Artic which were standing with Flat Tyres on all 5 Axles.
So much to frustrated Drivers in Action.

Had Luxembourg Number Plate. Was in Verona.
So,no one of here :grimacing:

Carl Usher:
Oh dear, I’m out. No reasoning with this one. :unamused:

Try reasoning with me then instead of making snide insinuations about my character and abilities then…


Carl Usher:
Oh dear, I’m out. No reasoning with this one. :unamused:

Try reasoning with me then instead of making snide insinuations about my character and abilities then…

Provide us with some evidence that I am wrong then as thus far you’ve demonstrated that you’re a jobsworth and crap driver. You’ve spent the entire thread arguing with everyone that we are all wrong and you do not see any issue hogging the bays while you ■■■■ about with your trailer as you reckon it’s too dangerous to move it 50 yards.

Carl Usher:
Provide us with some evidence that I am wrong then as thus far you’ve demonstrated that you’re a jobsworth and crap driver. You’ve spent the entire thread arguing with everyone that we are all wrong and you do not see any issue hogging the bays while you [zb] about with your trailer as you reckon it’s too dangerous to move it 50 yards.


Carl Usher:


BreakFreak I’m sorry but you are wrong. Why sit on the bay strapping up when there are others waiting to get on! It will cost you nothing in time or effort to pull off the bay and park up in the yard to strap up. The knock on effect of you taking up that time could mean the difference to the driver five loads behind you getting home or not.

What’s wrong in your eyes might be right in mine.Like i’ve said previously in this post it was alcohol i was collecting and to be fair i like to have it all strapped up before i move an inch.Also i mentioned that i observed other drivers (including this companies own) securing their loads before pulling off the bay.There wasn’t a queue waiting to get on the bays,in fact there were numerous empty ones.

Are you really saying to me that i should worry about someone else having a night out over the safety of my load?

:unamused: But it isn’t going to suddenly fall off from moving 50 yards from the bay is it. Your underlying tone throughout this entire thread is one of selfishness, “me me me” and [zb] everybody else. You’re also either a very crap driver and/or a jobsworth - possibly both. Instead of using all your energy arguing with everyone on here that’s told you you’re doing it wrong why not instead focus it on moving your truck out of the way and you’ll probably find your efforts are reciprocated by way of a cheery wave and thanks from the driver waiting behind you. :bulb:

Calm down dear…

I prefer to move off and let the next driver in, then do what I’ve got to do with straps, paperwork etc.

I do this. ^^

Carl Usher:


Carl Usher:
Oh dear, I’m out. No reasoning with this one. :unamused:

Try reasoning with me then instead of making snide insinuations about my character and abilities then…

Provide us with some evidence that I am wrong then as thus far you’ve demonstrated that you’re a jobsworth and crap driver. You’ve spent the entire thread arguing with everyone that we are all wrong and you do not see any issue hogging the bays while you [zb] about with your trailer as you reckon it’s too dangerous to move it 50 yards.

Or maybe just a new driver finding his way as he goes…

You can think whatever you like about me but don’t ever ask me to explain myself to you.If you interperet me asking questions as arguing with people well that says alot about your state of mind doesn’t it.

You see this is the problem with internet forums,you can be whoever you want to be.And you are obviously the guy who gets people told haha.

Now if you’d excuse me i’m just about to pull on a bay.Its probably going to take me numerous attempts on account of me being such a crap driver so i may be gone sometime [emoji3]

Unusual for a thread on here to escalate.

Think tachograph has nailed it.

In life there are 4 types of people, those who will go out of their way to help another sister, those who will go out of their way to hinder and those who can’t count.

Not a one size fits all due to varying loads, vehicles, yards etc. So I must assume the OP made the correct choice, well until he started giving it the bigun. :wink:

I can only apologise for my abhorrent behaviour.I hope i didn’t offend anyone by casting aspertions on their character or capabilities.And that my aggressive manner did not scare anyone.

Please be assured that i am seeking help for these problems and can only ask that the good members of TruckNet UK can see it in their hearts to forgive me [emoji14]

and what makes you think anybody is frightened of you ,have you seen my mrs? she can frighten a fly off a bucket of ■■■■■ from fifty yards and i’m not frightened of her :open_mouth:

To change the subject :laughing:
I occasionally have to block the odd RDC bay, as having a ramp on the back of my trailer kind of prevents me backing onto them.
I drop my ramp, get a big forklift truck off my wagon go pick the dead slightly smaller forklift truck up with it, shove smaller flt onto my wagon and cellotape them down securely.
At the point of shoving the little flt up the ramp (this must be a signal) a driver will limp over and ask how long I will be…“54 foot”, generally goes over their head, so I refrain from sarcasm and say “half the time if you want to help”…that’s when their friggin limp vanishes and so do they :laughing:

In life there are 4 types of people,(1) those who will go out of their way to help another sister, (2) those who will go out of their way to hinder (3) and those who can’t count.

Must be me then :slight_smile:

When I was on curtainsiders I would always move off the bay before strapping up and doing up the curtains etc. I had less pressure to rush the job and more time to do it properly. I nearly always had empty pallets to move, or a full pallet to make more accessible for handballing on the next drop etc.