Loading Bay Etiquette

So here’s the scenario…

I was sat on a a bay at a well known alcohol distributors today,picking up a back load to run up to the North East with.Light turns green so i have a wander over the office to collect my paperwork.

On my return to the wagon i opened up the curtains and started strapping the load.As i was closing the first side up a voice behind me asks how long i’m going to be.Without even turning i replied that i was going to strap the other side and then i’d be done.The reply i got was well hurry up i’m on this bay next.At this i turned round to see some bloke swaggering off towards another wagon.

It must of taken a maximum of 10 minutes for me from start to finish to put the straps on and secure the curtains but the whole thing has left me a little confused.

I always thought it was good manners to let a driver put his house in order …secure the load,sort the paperwork whilst he was on the bay,rather than pull off and have to find somewhere else to do it.

Am i wrong?

I prefer to move off and let the next driver in, then do what I’ve got to do with straps, paperwork etc.

A bit like pulling off the pump to let the next one on before you go and pay, some do some dont

I prefer to move off and let the next driver in, then do what I’ve got to do with straps, paperwork etc.

^^^^^^^This every time…the guy behind you has been waiting long enough get out of the way and let him get on.

So it’s all down to personal choice then?

Same here, if there is a guy waiting I will pull off and faff around somewhere out of the way, that seems to be the overriding etiquette with most drivers/places.

Why block a bay when you are on green, unless there is some local H&S rule, I will move out of the next guy’s way. If everyone took 10-15 minutes to move off green, that soon adds up over the day and the guy coming in 8 hours after you will have to hang around for an hour and a half if everyone did it.

So it’s all down to personal choice then?

Sort of yeah, i just like to be helpful to other drivers so if pulling off the bay got them 10 minutes in front then i would do it, if you dont think you should then thats your choice


So it’s all down to personal choice then?

Sort of, i just like to be helpful to other drivers so if pulling off the bay got them 10 minutes in front then i would do it, if you dont think you should then thats your choice

You see i don’t visit many RDC’S.Only for back loads usually.But as i’ve been sat waiting my turn in the queue i’ve watched other drivers habits and i thought strapping up on the bay was the norm.

When I was on general haulage work going to the likes of morrisons rdc’s when guys use to do the curtains buckles up on the bay knowing full well there’s a good number of trucks sat waiting,plus the fact you know full well they would take an age to get your paperwork back off them really used to boil my pi$$

Wonder who’ll be the first to chime in with either “guy did this to me once and I knocked him spark out” or “Id have took my sweet time and went as slow as possible”

I agree with the posts above.

If the load’s safe enough to move the vehicle and there’s somewhere convenient to go, move off the bay and let other drivers use it.

It depends. If there is plenty of space to park out of the way, I will pull off the bay and strap up elsewhere in the yard. If there is nowhere, because the yard is to small to deal with the volume of traffic that the company has to serve, I strap down on the bay. If a driver walks over, and asks nicely, I’ll move over too… if a driver grunts at me, it takes a little longer to get my trailer ‘just so’…

Manners maketh man.


I prefer to move off and let the next driver in, then do what I’ve got to do with straps, paperwork etc.

^^^^^^^This every time…the guy behind you has been waiting long enough get out of the way and let him get on.

+2 . There’s always a corner in the yard to park up and do the strapping.

Doing the buckles up on an empty trailer when you can park elsewhere and do it really takes the pi$$…

I agree with the posts above.

If the load’s safe enough to move the vehicle and there’s somewhere convenient to go, move off the bay and let other drivers use it.

You see that raises another issue all together.

As i mentioned this place was an alcohol distributors and the amount of drivers i saw just pull off the bay and drive out the gates without even bothering to secure the load was unreal [emoji54]

Doing the buckles up on an empty trailer when you can park elsewhere and do it really takes the pi$$…

It wasn’t empty…

bald bloke:


I prefer to move off and let the next driver in, then do what I’ve got to do with straps, paperwork etc.

^^^^^^^This every time…the guy behind you has been waiting long enough get out of the way and let him get on.

+2 . There’s always a corner in the yard to park up and do the strapping.

You have lived a sheltered life. . :laughing:

the nodding donkey:

bald bloke:


I prefer to move off and let the next driver in, then do what I’ve got to do with straps, paperwork etc.

^^^^^^^This every time…the guy behind you has been waiting long enough get out of the way and let him get on.

+2 . There’s always a corner in the yard to park up and do the strapping.

You have lived a sheltered life. . :laughing:

What some places don’t have a corner in to park up !!


As i mentioned this place was an alcohol distributors and the amount of drivers i saw just pull off the bay and drive out the gates without even bothering to secure the load was unreal [emoji54]

They could well have had Load bearing curtains, as I mentioned on another thread even Stobart went to all load bearing curtains on their trailers, guess they got tired of getting tugged at Carlisle on a daily basis.

You can’t really get away with not strapping your load in anymore, it is a bit of a hot topic for the boys/girls in their Galaxies.


I agree with the posts above.

If the load’s safe enough to move the vehicle and there’s somewhere convenient to go, move off the bay and let other drivers use it.

You see that raises another issue all together.

As i mentioned this place was an alcohol distributors and the amount of drivers i saw just pull off the bay and drive out the gates without even bothering to secure the load was unreal [emoji54]

All you need to worry about is what your carrying,forget what other people are doing just worry about yourself.
Your load is secure and you feel safe to take it then do so,if you see the offending driver with his load strewn all over the road outside then feel free to let me know so I can get some free booze before they start to clean it up.