Loading Bay Etiquette

Spot on winseer… i do try and be helpful, but if there is a chance i can pull forward and off the bay to strap up undisturbed then i will, if the yard is so small you have to pull outside, then i wont, etiquette is all about waiting your turn, the same as fuelling up, if i can i will, if i cant i wont, and whilst i`m in the shop, i will buy what i need, and if my water bottle needs filling up, i will do that too.


the maoster:

If you pull off the bay, and an unsecured part of your load falls off whilst you are still in the yard… Guess who gets it in the neck?.. It won’t be Mr Impatient who couldn’t be arsed to wait his bloody turn properly… :imp:

If you pull off the bay in order to strap up and part of your load falls off I suggest that you have driven like a [zb] for them few yards and you need to bear in mind it’s a HGV and not a bloody RS turbo!

The “driving like a helmet” starts the moment you move before you’ve secured the load…


Dude, seriously! No one expects anyone to move a load unsecured that looks like the slightest side wind and the whole lot will come crashing down. But 26 pallets of shrink wrapped beans etc ain’t going anywhere moving from a bay to the corner of the yard. Simple commonsense

So the general consensus is that i am a nob who is wasting everybody else’s time? HaHa

You got it :bulb:

So the general consensus is that i am a nob who is wasting everybody else’s time? HaHa

No not a nob, obviously whether or not moving off a bay is appropriate will depend on conditions, but where the vehicle can be moved safely it should be moved off the bay so others can use it.

Use your initiative and if you can make the bay available for someone else do, if you can’t because you’re not happy with the loads security or anything else they’ll have to wait until you can move.

I love the way people talk about moving off a bay as if it’s inevitably going to lead to mayhem, what happened to using a bit of common sense and treating each load and situation on it’s merits.



the maoster:

If you pull off the bay, and an unsecured part of your load falls off whilst you are still in the yard… Guess who gets it in the neck?.. It won’t be Mr Impatient who couldn’t be arsed to wait his bloody turn properly… :imp:

If you pull off the bay in order to strap up and part of your load falls off I suggest that you have driven like a [zb] for them few yards and you need to bear in mind it’s a HGV and not a bloody RS turbo!

The “driving like a helmet” starts the moment you move before you’ve secured the load…


Dude, seriously! No one expects anyone to move a load unsecured that looks like the slightest side wind and the whole lot will come crashing down. But 26 pallets of shrink wrapped beans etc ain’t going anywhere moving from a bay to the corner of the yard. Simple commonsense

On a Box Trailer you cant open the Side and you have no access to Warehouse. Wot now? Its always a Rest Risico that the Warehouse messes anything up.
But other Drivers will go Home too. We have a own Place where everyone can stop to check Load and do Pre-Trip Checks,with Light all around to see even under the Trailer.

on my cpc we was told that the drivers and the loaders have to work together ,i know this doesnt happen and they dictate there rules to you but wont listen to the laws that you have to comply with ,that load should of had a strap every x baskets which meant opening the curtains ,it would have needed driver loader co-operation ,which wasn’t forthcoming is my guess,if the driver had put a chock across the back would it have helped ? i doubt it but he couldn’t close the doors because of limited space ,who was at fault ? in my opinion ,every body ,wrong vehicle ,should have been a box,loaders throw them on and bugger it ,and driver , without access to chock and strap to standard should have refused to move ,every body involved has wrong attitude hence end result ,in the past even recently i have asked fork lift drivers to do/load such a way ,we don’t do this and that ,well get the manager or leave it were it is, i don’t give a ■■■■ because i’m in charge

Tachograph has it spot on Beak. If there is space to do so, move off and let others get on. If you aren’t allowed, well there’s your answer.

If on the other hand, a driver comes to you and is rude, I would recommend slapping yourself in the face, and shouting " I don’t like fish ". (Or some other weird/random statement).

You will find the driver will walk away thinking you have issues, and would rather eat his/her toenail’s, rather than approach you again.


Wonder who’ll be the first to chime in with either “guy did this to me once and I knocked him spark out” or “Id have took my sweet time and went as slow as possible”

I was somewhere sometime and I was asked to move so this bloke could get on the loading bay and knocked him spark out one punch out cold and said to him "I will move when am [zb] ready not when you say " so what I did was because it was int good ole days I unfasten mi sheets pulled him of folded em back up ggot ladder out carried em back up and resheeted load and took mi time, then I went to canteen and had a breakfast for 25p because in them days it wa subsidised, :unamused: then filled in me log book fo week and then decided to have a night out there so I got planks of wood from behind seats and mi foam I got from an ol settee coz I like to be comfy and pulled mi curtains round ar lass med me and got head darn till 8 next morning the bloke had just come round so I said oye tha can get on nar pal and he never said a word. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But wot thee dint think, were theet kid thee clouted, wud’have give thee hand wit sheets, then thee wud’have got t digs fort neet, and wud’have got jar or 2 down thas neck, ant belly buster brekfost t wake up on :unamused:

modern times unfortunately

So it’s all down to personal choice then?

No its just a courtesy to other people, you may be glad of it when your pushed for time someday

BreakFreak I’m sorry but you are wrong. Why sit on the bay strapping up when there are others waiting to get on! It will cost you nothing in time or effort to pull off the bay and park up in the yard to strap up. The knock on effect of you taking up that time could mean the difference to the driver five loads behind you getting home or not.

BreakFreak I’m sorry but you are wrong. Why sit on the bay strapping up when there are others waiting to get on! It will cost you nothing in time or effort to pull off the bay and park up in the yard to strap up. The knock on effect of you taking up that time could mean the difference to the driver five loads behind you getting home or not.

What’s wrong in your eyes might be right in mine.Like i’ve said previously in this post it was alcohol i was collecting and to be fair i like to have it all strapped up before i move an inch.Also i mentioned that i observed other drivers (including this companies own) securing their loads before pulling off the bay.There wasn’t a queue waiting to get on the bays,in fact there were numerous empty ones.

Are you really saying to me that i should worry about someone else having a night out over the safety of my load?


So the general consensus is that i am a nob who is wasting everybody else’s time? HaHa

You got it :bulb:

Ever seen the film Fight Club Immigrant?

Its First on the Company as all other Driver do.
If everyone moves off and you block the Bay,then,well,…
If everyone secures Load on Bay then Yes,you do,i recommend.

Otherwise,… “Be Polite and Helpful” Other have a Home and Family too



So the general consensus is that i am a nob who is wasting everybody else’s time? HaHa

You got it :bulb:

Ever seen the film Fight Club Immigrant?

No :slight_smile:
But i came to a Place in Italy where an were circling his Artic which were standing with Flat Tyres on all 5 Axles.
So much to frustrated Drivers in Action.




So the general consensus is that i am a nob who is wasting everybody else’s time? HaHa

You got it :bulb:

Ever seen the film Fight Club Immigrant?

No :slight_smile:
But i came to a Place in Italy where an were circling his Artic which were standing with Flat Tyres on all 5 Axles.
So much to frustrated Drivers in Action.

That’s you told breakfreak81 :smiley:




So the general consensus is that i am a nob who is wasting everybody else’s time? HaHa

You got it :bulb:

Ever seen the film Fight Club Immigrant?

No :slight_smile:
But i came to a Place in Italy where an were circling his Artic which were standing with Flat Tyres on all 5 Axles.
So much to frustrated Drivers in Action.

Well that’s a shame because i was going to say you’ve got more personalities than Ed Norton’s character in the film.

But it’ll probably go over your head now [emoji57]

I think he has seen it.

But he doesn’t talk about it!


BreakFreak I’m sorry but you are wrong. Why sit on the bay strapping up when there are others waiting to get on! It will cost you nothing in time or effort to pull off the bay and park up in the yard to strap up. The knock on effect of you taking up that time could mean the difference to the driver five loads behind you getting home or not.

What’s wrong in your eyes might be right in mine.Like i’ve said previously in this post it was alcohol i was collecting and to be fair i like to have it all strapped up before i move an inch.Also i mentioned that i observed other drivers (including this companies own) securing their loads before pulling off the bay.There wasn’t a queue waiting to get on the bays,in fact there were numerous empty ones.

Are you really saying to me that i should worry about someone else having a night out over the safety of my load?

:unamused: But it isn’t going to suddenly fall off from moving 50 yards from the bay is it. Your underlying tone throughout this entire thread is one of selfishness, “me me me” and ■■■■ everybody else. You’re also either a very crap driver and/or a jobsworth - possibly both. Instead of using all your energy arguing with everyone on here that’s told you you’re doing it wrong why not instead focus it on moving your truck out of the way and you’ll probably find your efforts are reciprocated by way of a cheery wave and thanks from the driver waiting behind you. :bulb:

Carl Usher:


BreakFreak I’m sorry but you are wrong. Why sit on the bay strapping up when there are others waiting to get on! It will cost you nothing in time or effort to pull off the bay and park up in the yard to strap up. The knock on effect of you taking up that time could mean the difference to the driver five loads behind you getting home or not.

What’s wrong in your eyes might be right in mine.Like i’ve said previously in this post it was alcohol i was collecting and to be fair i like to have it all strapped up before i move an inch.Also i mentioned that i observed other drivers (including this companies own) securing their loads before pulling off the bay.There wasn’t a queue waiting to get on the bays,in fact there were numerous empty ones.

Are you really saying to me that i should worry about someone else having a night out over the safety of my load?

:unamused: But it isn’t going to suddenly fall off from moving 50 yards from the bay is it. Your underlying tone throughout this entire thread is one of selfishness, “me me me” and [zb] everybody else. You’re also either a very crap driver and/or a jobsworth - possibly both. Instead of using all your energy arguing with everyone on here that’s told you you’re doing it wrong why not instead focus it on moving your truck out of the way and you’ll probably find your efforts are reciprocated by way of a cheery wave and thanks from the driver waiting behind you. :bulb:

HaHaHa are you for real? …or are you just trying to pick a fight with me from the safety and comfort of behind your keyboard? [emoji1]