Lets count to a MILLION

41 tonnes - the weight my truck was last night. (Honest :sunglasses: )

I only posted this so I could get the next one :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

42 - the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

43 aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhgggggghhhhhhh my age yes i am old then

44 droopy drawers only heard now at seaside bingo and social clubs :smiley:

Showing my age…before CDs, 45 r.p.m.

46 - my age since last week :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

47 - number of hours i have put in playing Call of Duty 4 since its release!!!

Sad but true. (Highly addictive)

48 - my age as of 2 years ago :slight_smile:

49 - my age as of last year :slight_smile:

50 - my age as of yesterday…
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

51 - the age Rog will be soon after I get to 50 :frowning:

52 weeks in a year

53 - The number of loose live rounds i had in my cab in afghan :open_mouth:

54 - number of cards in a pack IF you also count the jokers

55 - “the double nickel” as the septics would say National Speed Limit in US mostly outdated now.

56 stupid limiters :laughing:


58 million immigrants in Britain

59 million brits leave each year (lol)

60 Speed limit for trucks on a UK motorway