Lets count to a MILLION

21- just my age

i wish :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

22 ■■■■ on 11 women

23, my old house number

24 - less than half my age :frowning:

25 of December, always seems like Christmas. :smiley:

26- hungover

27- my number of posts. :blush: must do more!!!

28, notorious for being the number of days in February

29p, the projected price increase on fuel next week… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

30 My age

31 My age on 3rd June

32 double 16 on a dart board

33… guaranteed to be one of the winning numbers in the lottery some day…

All i need now is the exact date that will be and im sorted

Oh yeah and the other 5 numbers…■■■■ forgot about them.

34, the age I think my missus is, but shes not its 33 :blush: :blush: :blush:

35 … only ten years to first medical. better start the diet now then

36 - The number of silly rules H&S will come up with at any given site, only to ignore each of them because they “don’t apply to office workers” :unamused:

37, the temperature of a normal human body in degrees Celcius


38 used to be the max gross wt of an artic

39-the order number for singapore noodles on the menu in my local chinkie

40 my age less 3 yrs …am i old now :open_mouth: