Lets count to a MILLION


The code for international direct dial phone calls to Australia

62 … number of the motorway from Liverpool to Hull …nearly

63… the amount in pence of spare change i found when i last cleaned the car out

64 Minutes is 3840 seconds

65…the number of planned Post Office closures in Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire


66 - I think something happened in the football world in this year :exclamation: :exclamation:

that dont count rog, thats 1966
it winds from Chicago to L.A.
More than 2000 miles all the way
Get your kicks on Route 66

Sixty-seven is the 19th prime number (the next is 71), an irregular prime, a lucky prime, and the sum of five consecutive primes (7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19). It is a discriminant to the Heegner number -67.

Since 18! + 1 is divisible by 67 but 67 is not one more than a multiple of 18, 67 is a Pillai prime.

In a Voronoi diagram created using points from the prime spiral, no prime less than 10242 will have a rounder Voronoi cell than 67.

See? Wikipaedia does it again!


The registry of the U.S. Navy’s aircraft carrier USS Nimitz ( CVN-68 ), named after Admiral Chester Nimitz
The number of sectors on one cylinder of MFM hard disks with 4 heads and 17 sectors per track (geekiness strikes!)

And all in order to get to…


Do we need to be told what this number represents? :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing:

Wine me, dine me… you get the idea.


Do we need to be told what this number represents? :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing:

Wine me, dine me… you get the idea.

I know this one - it is the number of the motorway I use to get to work :slight_smile:

cleopatra was born in 69BC or does that count as -69

70 - the age I’ll be when my driving licence expires :cry: :laughing:

71 is a centered heptagonal number.

or so it says on Wikipedia. :laughing:

72 how many virgins are supposed to be waiting for the idiots going by the name of islamic martyr

Psalm 73. Quam Bonus Israel!

Sixty-seven is the 19th prime number (the next is 71), an irregular prime, a lucky prime, and the sum of five consecutive primes (7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19). It is a discriminant to the Heegner number -67.

Since 18! + 1 is divisible by 67 but 67 is not one more than a multiple of 18, 67 is a Pillai prime.

In a Voronoi diagram created using points from the prime spiral, no prime less than 10242 will have a rounder Voronoi cell than 67.

74…the number of times I read this lot…still can’t work it out :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Got a sore head now :confused: :confused: :confused:

Interstate 75 (abbreviated I-75) is a major north-south interstate highway in the midwest and southeastern United States. It travels from State Road 826 (Palmetto Expressway) and State Road 924 (Gratigny Parkway) in Hialeah, Florida (northwest of Miami) to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, at the Ontario, Canada border.

It’s 1786 US miles long.


Is the name of the Philadelphia 76ers,a basketball team from the USA.


77, the number of posters who need to get a life…

I’ll get my coat…