Lesson learned the hard way


So, pulled into Magnet’s yard at High Wycombe on Wednesday afternoon and cranked open the curtains so that the FLT could take the pallets off. One of the pallets was on top of another one, in the middle of the trailer and up against the head board. The pallet was leaning over so couldn’t get the forks in because of the angle.

I climbed up on the trailer and grabbed hold of the plastic strapping securing the stuff the pallet and started ragging on it to level the pallet. Next thing I know is the strapping snaps, I lose my balance and then find myself airborne off the side of the trailer with ground zero approaching at a rapid rate of knots :open_mouth: . I hit the deck hard and instantly got a horrendous pain through my back. I was winded and couldn’t move at all; I thought I’d broken my back :cry: .

I’d actually landed on my left shoulder and elbow, and my legs had landed on a piece of wood laying on the ground so the back of the knees took a real hammering too.

They were going to call an ambulance but once I got my breath back I was able to sit up okay so luckily my back wasn’t broken after all :astonished: but it was painful at the bottom. I managed to get stood up by meself and hobbled around for a bit then went and sat down inside while one of the lads made me a brew. Bit battered and bruised but nothing broken fortunately and once I’d filled in their site accident book I was on my way to get parked up for the night.

Hardly slept all night because my legs were so sore but managed to get a couple of hours late on. Tried to get up in the morning and thought I was paralysed. My shoulder, back and elbow are okay now except a bit of bruising and a scab, but the back of my knees are in a bad way and walking is very difficult. Thankfully the job doesn’t involve too much walking so I’m managing okay… just.

Lesson learned the hard way : I won’t do THAT again :open_mouth: .

Funny that Rob,'cos I did the same thing about 2 weeks ago at the back of our customers York store,and landed on my left side in the same way you did as well.

Managed to get back to the yard,with clutchless gear changes in the rigid,and once home,got the missus to take me up to Staincliffe hospital,where all was well,albeit very sore.


Funny that Rob,'cos I did the same thing about 2 weeks ago at the back of our customers York store,and landed on my left side in the same way you did as well.

Managed to get back to the yard,with clutchless gear changes in the rigid,and once home,got the missus to take me up to Staincliffe hospital,where all was well,albeit very sore.


Clumsy [zb] ! :laughing: :laughing:


Rob K:

Funny that Rob,'cos I did the same thing about 2 weeks ago at the back of our customers York store,and landed on my left side in the same way you did as well.

Managed to get back to the yard,with clutchless gear changes in the rigid,and once home,got the missus to take me up to Staincliffe hospital,where all was well,albeit very sore.


Clumsy [zb] ! :laughing: :laughing:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Glad you’re OK Rob!

Doesn’t look too far from top of pallet on trailer to floor does it? But it’s a different story when you fall off of one. Hell of a shock to the system. Main thing is you’re ok Rob :slight_smile:

Lucky escape there rob :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

One that happened to me a couple of years ago working for mastercare, i was dragging a washer up the back of a 7.5 tonner to send down on the tail lift only thing is i hadnt put the tail lift up so i ended up stepping of the back of the truck into mid air and the sack truck that was on the tail lift on the floor scraped up the inside of my leg and just missed my ■■■ :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: needless to say i will never do that again :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


unlucky rob but has anybody noticed that rob k has something to say about every trip or tuck he drives just my veiws any way

unlucky rob but has anybody noticed that rob k has something to say about every trip or tuck he drives just my veiws any way

And this is a problem because … ?

well u seem to be accident prone or very stupid rob

well u seem to be accident prone or very stupid rob

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

thats a bit uncalled for.

sorry jess dad but everytime he goes out or drive,s a truck u never here a good report

well u seem to be accident prone or very stupid rob

Grow up Carl. If you haven’t got anything constructive to contribute then please don’t bother replying, oe better still don’t read the thread’s with my name on i nthe first place. :unamused:

Glad you are OK Rob, I think you are lucky the banding didn’t remove one of your fingers when it went. Nasty stuff that.

You either didn’t have your Hi Viz on or had a faulty one, a good un would have just bounced you back onto the trailer with no pain involved obviously. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Glad you are OK Rob, I think you are lucky the banding didn’t remove one of your fingers when it went. Nasty stuff that.

I had me gloves on Neil :slight_smile: .

You either didn’t have your Hi Viz on or had a faulty one, a good un would have just bounced you back onto the trailer with no pain involved obviously. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

:open_mouth: Ah, I didn’t have my hi-viz on :open_mouth: :open_mouth: . No wonder I’m in so much pain :unamused: :laughing: .

no disrespect but i wonder weather he belives his own crap

Carl, take it to PM or email if you have an issue with Rob and keep it off the forum please. Thank you.

More to the point…

Is the ground ok Rob? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Sorry to hear about your injury ROb, hope it doesn’t make you bitter, twisted & angry :laughing:

I did a similar thing within my first few weeks of driving, but my little truck had sideboards, flipped me over & I went down vertical onto my bonce :blush:

Never been the same since :smiling_imp:

Rob K:
If you haven’t got anything constructive to contribute

pot calling the kettle burnt arse there :imp:

Rob K:
I lose my balance and then find myself airborne off the side of the trailer with ground zero approaching at a rapid rate of knots

Tis painful when you land hard like that isn’t it?! Have you had a medical checkup??


However, that might be a bit OTT. Next time be more careful :slight_smile: :smiley: :smiley:

Still, good to hear you’re still alive. We couldn’t do without A Rob K here :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: