Lesson learned the hard way

We couldn’t do without A Rob K here :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Some :confused: would disagree …

Thanks for the kind words to those of you who’ve said them :slight_smile: .

Glad your ok Rob :sunglasses: :slight_smile: :sunglasses:

Glad your ok m8.Alway’s the same one’s that want to make issue’s with ppl’s thread’s/comment’s etc. :confused:

One that happened to me a couple of years ago working for mastercare, i was dragging a washer up the back of a 7.5 tonner to send down on the tail lift only thing is i hadnt put the tail lift up so i ended up stepping of the back of the truck into mid air and the sack truck that was on the tail lift on the floor scraped up the inside of my leg and just missed my ■■■ needless to say i will never do that again

You have just made my night m8,sorry but i could not help but pmsl as i could see what was coming b4 i read it all.brilliant. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I, for one, am glad Rob relates all his little escapades on here!!!

I might not always agree with his views or comments BUT this is a Forum and if he wants to post them then thats his right!

Until he becomes offensive to another poster, where is the problem, Carl■■?

Or is it because he has FAR more interesting things to say than you ever have??

By the way, Rob, I AM glad you never hurt yourself too badly

I can’t see why clambering around on trailers is any good for anyone …
Never catch me up on there fanny arseing about, the drop would go back …

Now don’t do it again :wink:

we all know you like to post interesting topics but chucking yourself off a trailer to make a good story is a bit extreme! “some” would say your that full of a certain material it must have been a soft landing :smiley:
seriously though, it could’ve been much worse, you could’ve landed on your back side and suffered concussion :wink:

Glad your ok m8.Alway’s the same one’s that want to make issue’s with ppl’s thread’s/comment’s etc. :confused:

One that happened to me a couple of years ago working for mastercare, i was dragging a washer up the back of a 7.5 tonner to send down on the tail lift only thing is i hadnt put the tail lift up so i ended up stepping of the back of the truck into mid air and the sack truck that was on the tail lift on the floor scraped up the inside of my leg and just missed my ■■■ needless to say i will never do that again

You have just made my night m8,sorry but i could not help but pmsl as i could see what was coming b4 i read it all.brilliant. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Beleive me jim when i say i had cold sweats for days after thinking about what could of been :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:



Glad your ok m8.Alway’s the same one’s that want to make issue’s with ppl’s thread’s/comment’s etc. :confused:

One that happened to me a couple of years ago working for mastercare, i was dragging a washer up the back of a 7.5 tonner to send down on the tail lift only thing is i hadnt put the tail lift up so i ended up stepping of the back of the truck into mid air and the sack truck that was on the tail lift on the floor scraped up the inside of my leg and just missed my ■■■ needless to say i will never do that again

You have just made my night m8,sorry but i could not help but pmsl as i could see what was coming b4 i read it all.brilliant. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Beleive me jim when i say i had cold sweats for days after thinking about what could of been :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


Just out of interest was it a tumble dryer/washer :laughing: :laughing:

You either didn’t have your Hi Viz on or had a faulty one, a good un would have just bounced you back onto the trailer with no pain involved obviously. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

PMSL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Glad to hear your ok Rob, and what is Carlbrum like, STOP PRESS ROB HAS A VEIW / FUNNY STORY, whats he expect your from Yorkshire, GOBS own County :wink: keep up the good work :wink:

eddie snax:
Glad to hear your ok Rob, and what is Carlbrum like, STOP PRESS ROB HAS A VEIW / FUNNY STORY, whats he expect your from Yorkshire, GOBS own County :wink: keep up the good work :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: This is the best thread I’ve read in ages. Glad you’re OK Rob. That’s the sort of thing that happens to me. If it’s not falling off trailers, it’s ladders going one way and me the other. :unamused: Easy done mate, bloody sore though.

Fell backwards out of the cab once!!!.. In Sarajevo, opened the passenger door and climbed up onto the footwell, leaned across the passenger seat to grab a ration pack off the bunk to throw to some kids, threw it out and went to climb down at the same time :unamused: …missed first one grab handle started to fall backwards then tried to ■■■■■■ the other and missed…went backwards as if my feet were on a hinge on the footwell (a fair height up if your standing on the edge of the footwell of a DAF 3300 ATI :laughing: )…landed on a cut off small guage railway sleeper that was sticking up about 2 feet out of the ground as a marker post!!! …OUCH was an understatment!!

Fortunatley I had my bullet proof vest on, hit the edge of the kevlar back plate and I bounced off the top point of it!!..I let out a few choice words in anglo saxon, my mates came round the back and thought I had been shot :open_mouth:

Anyway, got bundled into the back of one of the few V W Golfs still running around the city and ended up in a French Foriegn Legion Field hospital :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Recieved loads of sympathy and understanding :laughing: :laughing: (Not)

Result was one broken and two cracked ribs…■■■■ painful!!..But could have been worse, could have ended do a fair impression of a kebeb if it hadnt of been for the vest.

BUT…not as painful as when I had to peel off the 6 inch wide sticky backed bandage/tape that the kindly Legion doctor wrapped around my upper body…after they had dry shaved my chest with a blunt Bic razor!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing:

Oh what fun memories… :smiley: :smiley:


Rob…glad everything worked out fine…but can you please finish the story…did you get the pallets off… :laughing: :laughing:
Did you receive the £250 from Kirstys home videos??
or from candid camera…ha ha
Like you say rob…we all learn from our mistakes…
Few years ago i was unloading some pallets with a pump truck…anyway …thought i would be clever and show off how clever i was…and ended up off the back of the trailer…with a pallet and pump truck as well…just missing some vital organs…lesson learned…and the pump truck was a write off too…all ended up ok cos i was wearing a hard hat and hi viz. :laughing: :laughing:

Glad your ok Rob :smiley:

Pleased your OK Rob, a lesson for all of us in there somewhere. Are you out of action for a while now…or made of sterner stuff?

Pleased your OK Rob, a lesson for all of us in there somewhere. Are you out of action for a while now…or made of sterner stuff?

Made of stronger stuff :smiley: . Worked Thursday, Friday, Saturday and today. Now I’m having two days off :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: .

Rob K:

Pleased your OK Rob, a lesson for all of us in there somewhere. Are you out of action for a while now…or made of sterner stuff?

Made of stronger stuff :smiley: . Worked Thursday, Friday, Saturday and today. Now I’m having two days off :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: .

Good man :laughing:

then went and sat down inside while one of the lads made me a brew
Thats the Time when someone had to serve a hard Drink (as Medicine for your Nerves,and Nerves for Eyewidnesses as well) :laughing:

paul b:
seriously though, it could’ve been much worse, you could’ve landed on your back side and suffered concussion :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :unamused: :smiling_imp: Okay, I’ll let you have that one as it was quite funny :stuck_out_tongue: .

My first fall from grace was as a very new driver of a little Commer Bantam Karrier which broke down on the way to Grantham (long distance :slight_smile: ). A Mk 1 Atki driver gave me a lift to the phone box (somebody explain that concept to the youngsters :wink: ) and I was so in awe of this mighty motor that I fell backwards out of the doorway with my feet getting jammed under the seat. As a result I was hanging upside down with my head 1" from the road and bouncing gently on the tyre :blush: . (The face I’ve just created is nowhere near red enough to paint a true picture as I hauled myself back).

A driver of mine years later fell out of his TM Bedford (anyone remember that little ‘trip lip’?) and fractured his skull. He managed to get to a phone box but was so dazed couldn’t tell me where he was. I got him to persuade a passerby waiting for the phone to tell me and then keep him on the line while I phoned the ambulance with another phone. That unknown hero deserves a medal for waiting 20 minutes in the cold to make his own call. Hope his wife wasn’t having a baby :open_mouth: .

It’s bad enough falling 6 feet Rob, but when you’re 6 foot tall your head has 12 feet to go. Glad you’re ok.

Salut, David.
