Leccy trucks coming thick & fast

At the start of the journey perhaps, but wait until the ‘spin cycle’ phase…

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At the end of this YT vid it says by 2029 truck manufacturing data shows that they will be making over 200,000 electric trucks & more electric trucks will be sold than diesel trucks. His IVECO electric truck has some cool features.

Although I’ve not been driving trucks for quite a while, I’ve not been to truck stops or read much about truck infrastructure charging in the UK.

The German charging infrastructure is years ahead of the UK & yet ‘Electric Trucker’ still has some problems finding chargers.

When I was at school I was told that by the year 2020 I’d be travelling around in flying cars, instead I was grappling with the concept that there are in fact 157 genders!

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet (Abraham Lincoln 1832)


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Love it.:joy:

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No just keep them on the spin cycle!

Nah, I just read data from official channels & he was correct in what he said, The new Euro 7 standard in July will mean fleets will have to start buying Electric trucks sooner rather than later.

And there lies the crux of the problem and the illustration of a true agenda.
The use of the phrase ‘HAVE TO’ as opposed to ‘Want to’ or ‘Choose’ to.

The EU’s take is, the polluter pays. All those company car drivers who went for PHEV for BIK are going to get clobbered with the new PHEV testing standards.



Nah, I just read data from official channels & he was correct in what he said, The new Euro 7 standard in July will mean fleets will have to start buying Electric trucks sooner rather than later.

I don’t disbelieve you at all. That’s the edict and unfortunately we will be forced to adhere to it.

In the meantime until this happens I suggest that you take a stroll to two of the sites I’m familiar with; GXO/Iceland at either Enfield or Swindon and take a look at what has happened to their EV trucks.

I’ll save you a walk mate, they are all parked in a corner of the yard where they are being cannibalised for anything useful, you know, useful things like wheels, tyres, seat etc. stuff they can actually use in the real world.

The only way European truckmakers can conform to the new Euro 7 standards is either diesel hybrid or full electric. Each year from 2025 to 2030, truck emissions have to be reduced.

“To achieve environmental targets set by the EU, manufacturers should reduce
CO2 emissions from new trucks by 15% by 2025 compared to 2019-2020 levels
and by 30% by 2030. The EU targets apply to new vehicles only, suggesting
that fleet-level emissions will be decreasing more slowly, as used lorries
will still be used in fleets after that date.”

Fleets will be using old trucks until they’re no longer reliable or viable to use.

Orrrrrr alternatively we could get real and simply ignore any bloody EU diktat, tell them to stuff it and carry on feeding and servicing our nation?

The alternative is complete subservience to Davos and everything else that they claim is for our benefit or security.

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We’re tied to the EU standards & underpin them, but we do have our own UK decarbonisation of road transport emission standards & they’re 13% stricter than the EU’s 55% green deal at 68%. The same goes for the ETS (emission trading system) we have our own for carbon credits but we’re tied at the waist with Brussels despite Brexit.

Wouldnt mind but when the batteries are “flat” they are still at 300 bloody volts. Each cell drops about 0.7 volts between fully charged and flat. They can supply about 1500 amps for about 3 seconds then the protector circuits kick in. Also you have a 12/24 volt battery that controls everything and if that goes flat you aint going nowhere.

Even if we were not tied in with Brussels, (which we used to influence) would major car makers etc really produce a different set of standards for UK cars etc?
I doubt the UK is a big enough market to justify the expense involved if we were really different.

(And was the UK an outlier in the earlier EU legislation when we were still in the EU?
No, between 1999 and 2016 we voted against the EU majority on 2% of votes.)

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The last year the UK was self sufficient in food was…
…wait for it…

China is using a lot of coal, but is changing. And not all of it’s new coal plants will be fully on stream permanently.
Because of politics they can also build coal stations as reserves without needing to justify that to share holders. China’s coal-fired power boom may be ending amid slowdown in permits | Coal | The Guardian

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let me guess we imported sugar or something that doesnt grow in this country so bloody what.

we can grow/produce our own meat, cheese, milk, butter, native vegetables etc etc we did it for centuries. it was only joining the common market and later the eu that screwed it up.

I am old enough to remember proper working farms in the late 70’s early 80’s. then bureaucrats came along and said no sorry you cant sell that anymore because france (or some other country) can do it cheaper (using the official line) of course the real reason was they were producing far too much and rather than them loosing money the british farmer had to so they paid small subsidies to leave the land fallow.

what did we end up with a load of poor quality food stuffed with preservatives so it lasts long enough to be sent over and a nation of people with health issues and allergies


trouble is britain is between a rock and a hard place as far as vehicles go. we could ignore the legislation cobblers and carry on as normal use our own fossil fuels and carry on using petroleum etc. However, the eu is following brussles so there will come a time where you cant buy ice powered vehicles.

the solution is to draw a happy medium use what we have and invest in nuclear power instead of all this green crap

I remember as a kid being sent to the local farms for a chicken & eggs & having to wait while the farmers wife killed the chicken & plucked it foe us in the early 60s.

You’re right about the foods flooding in from abroad with those tasteless golden delicious apples whilst all our native cox varieties seemed to die a death.

The motor industry has got so much money invested in EVs now, I doubt they’d want to change again.

As for the green renewable energy, it now generates more electricity than gas-fired power stations in the UK in https://eciu.net/media/press-releases/2024/uk-renewables-generate-more-power-than-gas-over-winter-2023-24Winter.

Any EU laws banning Cox’s etc? No.
But supermarkets are partly responsible for altering the supply chain as shoppers choose to buy the “prettier” produce.

“In 1984, the UK was 95% self-sufficient in indigenous food types. In 2009, the most recent year where figures are available, this figure had dropped to 72%.”
Farmer’s Weekly 2011.
And what now we have left the EU?
In the search for cheaper produce we can import foods grown to lower ie cheaper, standards than our own farmers must uphold!

Customers talk about farming standards and trying to support farmers, but end up looking at the price tag alone.

The US has cheaper food than the UK but how much is welfare friendly? Free from GMO? Cleanly produced?