Cant be arsed to look it up mate tbh, I’ll take your word for it.
I’m totally pi55ed of hearing words like…
‘The previous government’
black f ‘kin holes’
being used by Labour and their supporters as a cushion and excuse to pre empt the latest cluster ■■■■ coming our way perpetrated by them.
I aint an apologist for the Tories nor Johnson either, they made a right Horlicks of things…and I voted for em last time.
But this shower of sh is in charge now, if they did not wholeheartedly agree with this economic suicide type stuff, they would have chucked it out and scrapped it faster than you can say ‘Deportations to Rwanda’.
So whoever the ■■■■ it was who had the initial bright idea…is irrelavant.
It is what it is NOW.
We have an absolute fruit loop calling the shots on this scheme as I said.
Strap yerselves in.
That sounds to have a parallel to what we refer to as a ‘Chelsea Tractor’ over here. More likely to have big rims and street tyres though, and no winches or extra lamps on the roof!
And as I understand it, the minerals needed for the batteries need to be mined, so as things ramp up, the mining will also ramp up bringing a whole new set of environmental problems?
Yeah, not many mass-produced goods are free of emissions & that goes for EV as well as ICE. Legacy auto is totally screwed, they’ve literally dug their own graves not transitioning to electric & getting a supply chain started. Nissan, Stellantis, Honda, VAG, VW, GM Ford & Toyota will be sad reflections of what they once were in the coming years. They just can’t compete whatsoever & sanctions won’t save them either.
The Nissan, Honda, Mitsubishi merger, Merger my 'arris, It was a face-saving term, but it was a takeover by Honda & those orders came from the government to stop a hostile takeover of Nissan by the likes of BYD or Geely, The Chinese auto brands are already hovering over Stellantis brands to see what they can acquire, They are going to do what SAIC did to the MG brand, they just want the brand names & not the ICE business with unwanted ICE production line auto plants.
It’s a short term stave of execution for Nissan has they have a $7billion repayment coming up in 2025 & they have zero chance of repaying that as their credit rating is junk status & has been for quite some time. Their sales in China & the USA has fallen drastically. The lay-offs will be enormous for Nissan workers & their suppliers, as Honda will be the top dog & will cut the workforce massively.
As most of Japan’s GDP comes from the auto industry, they’re going to be up to their necks in the brown stuff in a few years time as they’ve been overrun in technology, software & design by the Chinese EV industry.
Real interesting & scary times coming up by the end of the decade.
Crikey, combined with AI and the employment cuts that will supposedly come as a result, I wonder if some form of Universal Basic Income will be the only way to keep the economies running as they need to for the people at the top to keep creaming them.
There’s an interesting bit in this video from ‘Electric Trucker’ when he rides along in a Scania diesel hybrid overhead contact line truck from 16:26 in the video.
It needs the LKA (lane keep assist) activated to use the pantograph system safely & what’s cool, the pantograph has its own monitor screen in the cab.
Was in Holland last year on my bike and a Dutchman pulled into the fuel station in a electric Volvo.I wandered over to have a look. The driver got out and we got chatting.I asked him how heavy was the tractor he said 12tonnes. As he was pulling a bulk trailer I said didnt that cut down the payload. He said no because the Dutch government allowed electric trucks to run at 50 tonne gross but diesel units could only run at 44 tonne. I asked him about charging he said he had to charge it twice a day about an hour at a time but if there was other trucks on the charging point (night time) the current dropped and it might be three hours if you could get a charging point.He and his boss hated the bloody things but in Holland if you want to buy ten new trucks three of them have to be electric.
New Euro 7 emission rules coming in starting 1st July 2025 which will impact new HGVs.
New stricter emission rules for PHEV cars started t’other day too on 1st January 2025 too.
“The Euro 7 emissions standard, set to take effect on 1st July 2025, introduces stricter limits on harmful pollutants. This applies not only to exhaust emissions but also to wear-and-tear emissions from brakes and tyres. These changes will affect all new commercial vehicles and may require manufacturers to adopt cutting-edge technology to meet the tighter regulations.”
Electricity only works for urban buses which can return to the garage to recharge during the course of the day. But then look at the size of the fleet needed to cope with the peak vehicle requirements for the morning and afternoon rush ‘hours’, and have spare vehicles available.
Wouldnt be so bad if you used battery voltage ie dc but the losses converting dc to ac through an inverter are around 30%. The drive motors are really just washing machine induction motors that are controlled by the frequency supplied via the “throttle” pedal from the inverter.The idea is that these electric vehicles dont depend on current flow like a starter motor they are frequency modulated, they are an ac motor driven from a dc source . Ok if your running at a constant speed but any acceleration causes magnetic “slip” thats why you can have regenerative braking.But you can never have as much regeneration as the losses used in acceleration. All a big con.
It’s hardly surprising that the agenda of all that is to lead othewise reluctant customers kicking and screaming into purchasing these abortions as an alternative.
Does not matter that in real terms they are downright impractical
Does not matter that they are not (yet) fully fit for purpose.
Does not matter that the non brainwashed realists can see them for what they really are.
Does not matter that they are a lot less efficient than what they are replacing, …
But what does matter to the morons behind all this stuff, is that they fit the leftist and green mad assed agenda.
So consequently one way or another they will force us to buy them.
I predict (and sincerely hope) that it all comes back to bite these f’ ers on their arses big style.
The country will be donald ducked by then, but at least it will give people like me something to laugh about gloating in the knowledge that I was not convinced, let alone conned and manipulated like the rest.
Did I mention btw that I am totally against all this sort of crap?
If they are intent on outlawing the use of fossil fuel then EV’s are anything but ‘abortions’.With the exception of alternative fuelled ICE they will be the difference between the continuation of private motoring or walking, cycling, or using the bus and train.
We all know that the continuation of the freedom of private car use and Socialist ideology are mutually exclusive in that either way.
There seems to be a lot of these ironic “green” developments lately.
They have now covered the South Wales Valleys in windmills, pumping hundreds of tonnes of concrete into the upland areas. There have since been some major flash flood events. We’ll never know how much impact the windmills have made, but they can’t be helping. At least we’ll have cheaper energy bills eh!
Haha of course not. They must be making a fortune too because they keep giving handouts of hundreds of thousands to local community projects to keep everyone sweet.