Immingham charging station opened. 8 bays.
Yeah, I watched that, bloody painful. He’s game taking his missus Honda-E on a trip like that,
It’s got a range of around 110 miles at best & has a paltry 56kw maximum charging speed. Who was he trying to kid using that model? horses for courses as they say.
You’re going be spending a long time at chargers with that kind of charging speed. It’s a city car/grocery run/commute car.
Electric are still very much in a minority compared with ICE. But more facilities are coming on line and with the correct vehicle for the job it is not too bad.
This is a supported run, not Joe Soap out for a run , but 15hrs30 is not too shabby. About 90 mins charging during the run.
EV charging record set for John O'Groats to Lands End run - Zapmap.
1MW chargers being rolled out with those charging hubs, “It aims to create a network of electric HGV charging hubs using Voltempo’s 1MW HyperCharging technology, and rolling out articulated electric HGVs across fleets for various companies, such as Marks & Spencer, Eddie Stobart, Wincanton and Maritime, amongst others.”
They will be rolling out hydrogen as well, " Finally, there is the Hydrogen Aggregated UK Logistics (HyHAUL) project, which is specifically aimed at the M4 corridor to develop a hydrogen supply chain and provide public access hydrogen refuelling infrastructure. "
I hope they get the hydrogen sorted out unlike the Polish city of Poznan!
All 25 of the fuel cell-powered buses in the Poznan, Poland fleet failed at the same time yesterday morning, forcing the city to scramble diesel buses into action due to poor grade hydrogen.
Hydrogen has to be 99.7% & can only have 0.03% in other gases.
I saw a 1st generation electric van for sale. 30 or so real mile range. 24 hours or so to recharge. It was really cheap. Then it dawned on me. Of course it bloody well was. Only someone with a transporter else within 20 miles of the dealer could buy it else they’d spend a month driving it back home.
There’s nothing wrong with being so consumed and invested in something I suppose. Just make sure that you’re nailing your colours to the right mast or you’ll look frankly ridiculous.
It’ll soon be the industry standard, so I’ll be good with that unlike your delusional self. You must have nailed your colours to the same mast as legacy auto & look at the mess they’re in with sticking their head up their derrieres hoping it would go away.
The definition of delusional is that people think it’s forever, its not they always pay more in the long run
And that’s electric doing your washing in the middle of the night thinking your getting a bargain, there just roping you in
I’ve nailed my colours to no mast. However I’m not gullible enough to be landed hook line and sinker on an idea that makes rich people richer to the detriment of others.
You just keep on repeating your bilge buddy, it’s a busted flush that’s already dead in the water, but too many people have too much invested in this farce to actually admit it.
History will tell
Yep absolutely agree.
Anybody who thinks these abortions are gonna be a cheaper option let alone a better and more efficient one,.are in Cloud Cuckooland.
First few months,.even a year when ‘proper cars’ are being phased out, yeah maybe so, but after that…severe tax clampdiwn to re.coup the revenue.
People get real ffs.
All you end up with is a less efficient option with a higher depreciation and paying same (or more) tax for the privilege.
See you at the ‘‘pumps’’ in a few years tine when we are both killing an hour ‘‘fuelling up’’.
There’s only one condescending git that’s repeating bilge & it ain’t me, buddy.
Have a look at the 2020 decarbonisation of UK road transport bill, the clues in the title!Yeah!.
Sorry, but you are wrong.
You are making a numerical error.
Number of condescending gits > 1
Not at all like oil companies and their owners getting richer then?
And do you deny that fossil fuels cause cause harm?
The fossil fuel lobby is very similar to the tobacco lobby years ago.
A money making cartel suppressing the information about harms caused by their product, and not caring about the damage done to others.
Sweet Jesus! I expect at least one of you two to embrace, repeat and worship any edict from your “betters “, looks like the terminal gullible quotient is expanding now however.
Consider me roped in them, I’ll keep on paying buttons versus filling up at the petrol station as I have done for the last six years.
You’ll be on the bus and walking just like all the rest at 30p per kWh + equivalent of road fuel duty and 20% VAT.
The Milence truck charging station in Immingham is now online. First Milence charging park in Great Britain in operation -