Leccy trucks coming thick & fast

Scrolling through this thread and seeing several mentions of how In cab fashion has evolved from this

To this

And the latest must have in cab accessories has gone from a couple of scaffolding boards, to neon signs and frilly curtains

I daresay SDU will give summat more up to date, but a few weeks age he mentioned a night trunk running with battery pack swops.

There are a number of trials running, Janus are running trial between Brisbane and Sydney and local Brisbane, Linfox (IIRC) are conducting trials between Sydney and Melbourne and have recently ordered 22 (IIRC) electric trucks but I’m not sure if they or any will be dedicated local trucks.

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No franglais , the factory loads were our backhauls in the majority of cases , tip then reload a factory to another , load then back to yard , electric trucks will now do all the factory work , so there will no backhauls for us to pick up anymore , we will run 2/3/4 hrs , tip , then run back empty
As I say empty running was a big issue not long ago , but now with this green madness it doesn’t seem to matter .
As for your shortage off oil / diesel , I can only speak personally I have never had that issue , though 90% of the companies I’ve worked for have had there own diesel pumps that obviously helps .
As for the lorry’s , does it makes sense to junk 23/24 plate Lorry’s than can do any work ( just about ) to Lorrie’s than are limited to what the can do , a bit of shuttling around .
We shall see come June , but I’m sure it will be can’t run a ■■■■ up in a brewery !!

There is one positive , instead of 14/15 hr days I’ll only be doing 8/9/10 , planner did suggest when I got back I could do a few factory shuttles in a electric truck
I don’t drive death traps !!!

I watched Elliot Richards do a 1700km trip across a Chinese region in a Nio ET5T Ev & It managed no problem with the battery swapping stations along a desolate route.

Surprised to see him driving himself.
I could well be wrong but I believe you need a local driving licence to drive in China? No other country’s or international licences recognised.

Anyway, cheers for the link.

He’s lived in China for quite a while & has a Chinese wife & family there.

Cheers, That explains it then I guess.
No fly/drive to China yet for us.

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just checking the weather for tomorrow morning made me think
If leccy trucks are more likely to run back empty because it’s not seen as so wasteful as proper trucks.
Are we gonna see more blow overs, I know the batteries are heavy, but is that going to stop an empty 40’ blowing over and blocking single carriageways making 4 wheelers hate us even more (except the teslas that are quietly burning in some field)

Blimey, when did you last see a 40’ trailer? We increased to 45’ (13.5m) 35 years ago :rofl:

heh be nice, I’m having a REALLY bad day at work today

I should have typed 44 or 46 can’t type 4 five because my five key ist kaputten

Over here too. in the Heavy thread of the Ole ■■■■■ section.

Electric trucker goes international this week with a 5000km trip to southern Spain & back. Germany & France rest/charging areas are miniscule compared to what they have in Spain, ten times the space in Spain where you don’t need to drop your trailer to get on a charger.

Still happens way too much in Europe, having to get on a charger unit only & the amount of chargers not working is ridiculous.

The electric e-truck freightway infrastructure that Gridserve is building out in the UK is still scarce on details as to how many & where they are/will be.
I see their demo video shows a Volvo FM charging at one of their charging hubs unit only though.

MAN trucks is out to get you! Time for the TM to go back to school.

Average distance a lorry drives per trip is 65 miles, I was surprised at that statistic.

Work on the first two charging hubs for heavy goods freight lorries start next month at Exeter & Tamworth. :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:

"A new national network of charging stations for electric heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) will be built, with the first 15 ‘superhubs’ to be opened by the end of 2027.

Motorway services operator Moto plans to install up to 300 charging bays for electric HGVs at 23 strategic locations by 2030."

How many parking bays will these charging points take up , I see Donington / tibshelf ( I know roadchef ) have both extended the lorry parks , but you take 10 bays for electric charging points & your back to square one , then I’ve no doubt it will be like the electric hook ups for tri,s that get used by everyone , the electric charging bays will have every Tom/ ■■■■ & Harry parked in them .
We popped into Donington on way back from football & mrs parked in a electric bay as there closer to the services entrance than normal parking bays , and she wasn’t getting wet ha ha ha

From what I’ve seen watching the electric trucker in Germany, they’ll be needing a lot of extra land/space to build these charging areas out.
Truck manufacturers can’t even decide which side to put the charging port which causes lots of hassle with having to drop the trailer somewhere to get on the charger unit only the opposite way.
He said Germany & France truck stop charging areas are too tight with not enough room & they’re light years ahead of Blighty. Only Spain comes out on top with extra large areas for charging infrastructure.
Here’s Frank with some advice :grinning_face:

While back was a programme on TV.
Guy Martin drove from landsend to John o groats in an electric car. They charted his journey.
How he was going to charger’s to find them full up .or not working.or going off route to find a place to charge up.
He then drove same route in his transit van

Upshot was transit van trip was cheaper hell of a lot quicker than electric.
He wasn’t impressed with electric cars.