@franglais I haven’t had time to watch the video yet, but without seeing it, I am sitting on the fence a bit. It is possible that the change is a natural phenomena, as has happened many times before, but without a doubt the world’s human population is a contributing factor.
How many species have become extinct, due to climate change? The human race has evolved to the degree that we can recognise the change, minimise our contribution and adjust to suit the new conditions.
Climate change deniers, like Carryfast, deserve a Darwin Award, but no doubt will freeload on the backs of the enlightened.
You think that Pole melting heat is consistent with cold enough Polar air for it to send snow to the sub tropics and Arctic temperatures to North African type latitudes.
The answer was clearly about the difference between the freedom of choice we had then v imposition we have now and how the latter will destroy the automotive engineering industry.If you are going to accuse me of posting random crap then at least provide your reasons why.Bearing in mind I was simply agreeing with you.
CF, it was precisely because this wasn’t in the least bit clear, that I was unable to connect the post to anything I’d said. I can’t read your mind. You probably needed a preamble or a connecting sentence to stop it looking quite so random.
I luuuurve official figures on sales. Does anyone actually believe these btw? As someone who is married to an industry insider let me tell you; electric sales aren’t what they want to believe, just take a drive past any field full of pre reg EV’s that will NEVER turn a wheel. All there just to meet ridiculous imposed targets.
In the meantime if you are in the market then there are some incredible deals around. You just have to accept that when it comes time to sell it’ll probably be worth slightly south of a cup of Klix coffee from your nearest vending machine.
Electric trucker isn’t in his usual Iveco S-eWAY 645HP 738 kWh electric truck this week, He’s using a Volvo FM electric truck with less power & range.
I find it interesting how he goes about his charging stops & 45-minute breaks in Germany, which are light years ahead of Blighty at the moment. There are still too many truck charging stations where you have to drop the trailer & charge up unit only, unless you’re charging in the nighttime or early hours when it’s quiet & you can get away without dropping the trailer. Definitely need more drive through charging bays.
Are we going to see a ZEV mandate for HGVs like we have for cars? There are growing calls from businesses & transport companies for a clear regulatory framework for decarbonising trucks, buses and coaches.
“Together, we call on the Government to bring forward the consultation on regulatory proposals for decarbonising the heavy-duty sector by the 1st of March at the latest. We believe this is necessary to ensure the UK HGV industry begins to get the certainty and investment it needs to make progress on decarbonisation.”
^^^^ all very commendable of course, but perhaps they should have the courage of their convictions and refuse to buy anything that has been on a planet killing HGV and really show them that they’re serious!
I don’t know where they think all these new e-trucks will come from, the big six Iveco, DAF, Scania, Volvo, Renault, MAN couldn’t possibly manufacture enough of them in the 2040 timeframe.
China’s Sinotruck & Windrose have/are setting up shop in Antwerp Belgium to manufacture their e-trucks there, they’ll be the only people with expertise that could build them at scale with deliveries in Europe starting second half of 2025.
Going by the position of the ( non adjustable ? ) fifth wheel they are obviously worried about steer axle weight.
Also a heavy 6x2/6x4 is going to be an interesting concept in the land of the 4x2 unit and 5 axle 40t gross artic.Until someone has the bright idea why not just put the trailer with a 4 axle rigid loaded with batteries and do the job properly.
At which point the Swedes are back in business together with some strategic trade barriers.
Maybe you’re right.The British pension funds will bet the farm on Howo shares and the idea of EV artic outfits working.With the win win of paying for more Chinese aircraft carriers and fighter aircraft.
Leccy trucker finally gets the IVECO back & they’ve installed a fridge in it free of charge + software updates.
The Volvo FM electric doesn’t even curtains in it, Probably wasn’t meant to do nights out I suppose.