Leaving PCV and joining LGV/HGV

Congrats on passing your test,I think that you will take well to tipper work,because like a bus it just about loads and unloads itself.Remember its your licence some tipper guys run about like scalded cats.

Shame on me!
Forgot to name my hero who manage to win my bus driving habits!
Brian from Aberdeen Training Services!
Thank you so much!
Mario :wink:

weldone zanfta. how was the test like is it like passing car thing??

On the test day you are expected to go on:
Dual carriage ways,
Country roads,
Controlled stop,(stop/start)
I had only town driving and about 5 controlled stops on uphill/downhill.
Mario :wink:

…Passed my Class2 driving test on tuesday
got my licence back next monday!!! :open_mouth:
Already booked Class1 training for 11-15 November with test on 19.
Great! Just two week waiting!
Well…Same truck with trailer. Plenty of time for reversing and coupling/uncoupling.
Mario :wink:

:smiley: :smiley:

First day of training for C+E Wag&Drag.
Driving and cornering:
Was enjoing to drive on Bendy Buses. W&D is the same
so no issues here.
Aaaargh. First couple attempts was fine. Next four was awful.
Loosing trailer every time. Trainer said that’s because am already tired :smiley:
Hard to get used to stearing when reversing.
I mean stear opposite way of trailer tends to go.
Well. Four more days to sort it out.
Thats for today. Shouldn’t be a problem.
I already have DCPC for PCVs
Expiry date 2016.
Had 21hr periodic on 10/2011.
Done Mod2 for LGVs this year.
Mod4 to go after passing C+E.
Question is:
What will be expiry date on passing Mod4 this year?
What will happen with 21hr periodic? Will they expire on 2016?
Thank You!
Mario :wink:

I already have DCPC for PCVs
Expiry date 2016.
Had 21hr periodic on 10/2011.
Done Mod2 for LGVs this year.
Mod4 to go after passing C+E.
Question is:
What will be expiry date on passing Mod4 this year?
What will happen with 21hr periodic? Will they expire on 2016?

How can you have dcpc for PCV when you have only done 21 hours periodic? - does not make sense

Do you have a DQC - driver cpc card - for PCV?

Did you do mods 2 + 4 for PCV or do you have acquired/grandfather rights for PCV?

Had initial DCPC for PCVs, Mod2 and Mod4 on passing PCV.
After an accident had three day course which count towards DCPC periodic training.
Mario :wink:

Had initial DCPC for PCVs, Mod2 and Mod4 on passing PCV.
After an accident had three day course which count towards DCPC periodic training.
Mario :wink:

Now it makes sense :smiley:

You must have a DQC expiry dated in 2016 because you passed PCV mods 2 + 4 in 2011

you then did 21 hours periodic dcpc in oct 2011

Passing LGV mods 2 + 4 this year will add LGV to the 2016 DQC expiry date on the DQC

You need another 14 hours of periodic dcpc before the DQC expiry date in 2016 so you can continue driving both PCVs and LGVs commercially after that date

The 14 hours needed can be either LGV, PCV or 7 of each

It used to be that passing the mod 4 for LGV would get 5 years added to the current DQC expiry date but that was changed some months ago by a further EU directive on this issue according to the DSA DCPC hotline on 0191 201 8112

Can I also assume that you passed car test after 1996?

EDIT - just seen in your signature …

CAT B-2000
CAT C-2013
CAT D-2011

Zanfta did you do any course for awerness planning. How can i improve my awerness planning. And Good Luck With Your Test Dude.

Zanfta did you do any course for awerness planning. How can i improve my awerness planning. And Good Luck With Your Test Dude.

When I was doing training for PCV, company provide training in Smith System.
Smith System 5 keys:
1.Aim high in steering,
2.Get the big picture,
3. Keep your eyes moving,
4. Leave yourself an out,
5. Make sure they see you.
More detailed here:
Good luck with that!
Mario :wink:

Can I also assume that you passed car test after 1996?

EDIT - just seen in your signature …

CAT B-2000
CAT C-2013
CAT D-2011

Yes ROG. It’s after 1996.
I just thought that I will loose my 21hr periodic training once I get DQC for LGVs with new expiry date.
Thank you for your answer ROG. Thats makes sense.
Mario :wink:


Looks like its based on the advanced driving system in roadcraft which is used by IAM and ROSPA

LGV/PCV driving and advanced driving are so close to each other that Adelaide insurance give the virtually the same discounts to both for the insurance of private cars

To prove how close they are I, in my role as IAM observer, have gone with a few COOP LGV drivers from a local depot on a single 5 or 6 hour drive (this is doing their usual job) and have advised what the IAM look for on test during the first half of the drive then let the driver put that into practice on the back half
That always resulted in them putting in for the IAM LGV test and passing it every time
The COOP paid for the drivers and loaned them a LGV free for the 90 mins on a late Saturday morning (after they did a short run for the job) to do the test

IMO those who have already passed the advanced test in a car will make the LGV training and test much easier because all they will be doing is transferring that knowledge to a larger vehicle

One of the main things holding back many trainees doing LGV or any upgrade test is that the instructor is often having to take time to get the trainee back to basics

The DSA want a certain style of driving done to pass their test but using the advanced style and adding a few DSA procedures will always set the trainee up for a pass

Day two of training:
Sometimes confuse myself with gears because when did Rigid and unloaded
normaly was 3-5-6 and so on. Now with trailer and loaded
on little uphill it’s 2-4-5 and so on. Just need to get used to.
It’s soo slow on uphill. Try to change gear as quick as I can but still loosing 5mph :open_mouth:
4 of 6 with first attempt. Not that bad if you have spare shunt.
Am I right in thinking that it’s little easier to reverse an Artic?
Coupling/Uncoupling Wag&Drag:
Not that easy to get that pin in such a small hole :smiley:
Looks that you are in the straight line with trailer but you are couple inches away!
Still you have number of attempts.
So far happy with that!
Three more days to play around!
Mario :wink:


Zanfta did you do any course for awerness planning. How can i improve my awerness planning. And Good Luck With Your Test Dude.

When I was doing training for PCV, company provide training in Smith System.
Smith System 5 keys:
1.Aim high in steering,
2.Get the big picture,
3. Keep your eyes moving,
4. Leave yourself an out,
5. Make sure they see you.
More detailed here:
Good luck with that!
Mario :wink:

Additionaly our fleet was fitted with these
Quite annoying thing :smiley:
Records all your moves like accelerating, braking, cornering.
Over some amount of G force and you have flashing amber or red
with average weekly score. Over some amount and you have one day in class
studying Smith System. Closer to nil and you have bonuses. Never had it :blush: :smiley:
Overall good thing if you carry moaning and unstrapped loads :smiley:
Mario :wink:

Day three today.
Of course some minors coming out but I would say my driving is great! :wink:
No probs at all.
Manage to get 3 of 3 but not 100% clear.
I think that next two days will be the same and not much to pick up.
So waiting for test on next tuesday at 10:30. Great time for test.
Bus lanes are open, no flashing 20, no traffic and same nice examiner as 4 weeks ago! :wink:
Mario :wink:

Unfortunately didn’t pass Class1 today.
Great reversing.
Great Uncoupling/Coupling.
Overall great driving (examiner said that), but…
Been asked to pull over. Stopped nicely. On you go. And…
Little uphill. Need to go for second gear. Put in, but not pulling out.
Hm. Might be put wrongly in fourth. Neutral. Second again. Engine stalls :blush:
When I restart the engine I realise that I am still in high range :blush: :blush:
Later on some tight uphill T junction. Stall in second gear with all the 310bhp(this time real second).
That was enought for fail!
Never had a problem before with switching high/low range.
Next time should be easier! Do not know yet when.
Mario :wink:

Retest on 6 of December at 2:30pm.
Great time. Friday traffic and test finish in the dark! :smiley:
Mario :wink:

Zanfta why don’t you wait for automatics to come out dude. Christmas is nearly over, you are a professional bus driver I am sure vehicle size wont be any problem for you, And you can get an easy pass as well.