Leaving PCV and joining LGV/HGV

Decide to leave PCV business.
So far done LGV theory tests.
Waiting for LGV practical training. The queue is for TWO moths.
Not too much options in Aberdeen where to do that!
There’s no rush. But…
I still can’t get clear what should I do with my CPC. I already have it, but it’s for PCV.
So the question is: 1.Which module should I do to get it for LGV?
2. Can I do that before I pass my Driving Tests?
Many thanks!

Module 2 and Module 4 I think, someone will be along shortly to confirm… Rog??

Don’t blame you for switching to HGV. I have my PSV/HGV CPC Digicard etc. and currently doing my class 1 but under no circumstances would I return to the bus/coach industry…

Module 2 and Module 4 I think, someone will be along shortly to confirm… Rog??

Don’t blame you for switching to HGV. I have my PSV/HGV CPC Digicard etc. and currently doing my class 1 but under no circumstances would I return to the bus/coach industry…

Not that I have ever driven PSV , but surely theres a lot more chance of that load of 52 people on a coach having a whip around for the driver than a load of pallets, and when away you get to stop in hotels and stay clean.
But I must admit the truck wins every time for me !

Enjoy becoming one of us !.

3 wheeler:

Module 2 and Module 4 I think, someone will be along shortly to confirm… Rog??

Don’t blame you for switching to HGV. I have my PSV/HGV CPC Digicard etc. and currently doing my class 1 but under no circumstances would I return to the bus/coach industry…

Not that I have ever driven PSV , but surely theres a lot more chance of that load of 52 people on a coach having a whip around for the driver than a load of pallets, and when away you get to stop in hotels and stay clean.
But I must admit the truck wins every time for me !

Enjoy becoming one of us !.

Done all that mate, coach tours Amsterdam, Paris and shuttles to Italy, Spain etc. The tips stopped years ago, you get nowt now but if you get a good tour say 10 day for Shearings, Wallace Arnold etc. you might but it is hard to get on with them. I made more than my wages smuggling san Miguel etc. back from Spain in the 80’s but the good times were over when cheap flights came in. Then you got the d1ckheads and p1ssheads from council estates fighting on your coach and threatening you if you did not drop them off at their doorstep. Once and a while you get a trip to Skeggy with 52 grey hairs on the coach who will tip about a tenner on the return journey. Another disadvantage is you can’t take a power nap when you like or pull in the services for a pee and get a costa coffee etc. You have to drive tired and pinch your self on the leg to stay awake as THEY are watching you through the center mirror Oh and of course the cameras these days …nah

Rather drive trucks…

I used to drive buses for over 7 years. I was so fed up with it, so decided to go on trucks and taken a significantly pay cut.
I do not regret a single second on a truck. It so much better. Nice and quiet. No one gets on/off every 300 yards. No questions to answer. No one mourns when I brake. Easy life…

i have a local job driving buses,if I could find lorry work nearby I would take it.The day of living off of your tips are long gone though I receive the odd £20.00 whip round and a meal with the coach group.

No one mourns when I brake.

Bet they were glad to get off your bus alive! :open_mouth: :laughing:

1985 - 1992 I did shuttles and tours sometimes working the top end, England - France & sometimes “the bottom end”, France - Italy/Spain.

A typical driver on the top end would make in a week:
£186 net pay straight into his bank account
£120 approx. from tobacco (Golden Virginia, Old Holborn) San Miguel, Spirits
£ 50 Raffles, Bingo Selling on the coach

He would do 2 trips to Lyon and back

A Driver on the bottom end also made
£186 net pay straight into his bank account
£ 70 expenses night out money
£ 20 Raffles, Bingo Selling on the coach (Passenger were skint by this time)

(I made money from pig skin shoes and jackets bought in Italy and sold in France approx. £80 per week)

At the end of the season a typical driver would save £3500 - £5500

Then we would sign on the dole for 2 months then start the skiing trips and tours Austria - Switzerland - Black Forrest etc.

The best times of my life. It wasn’t even a job, 2 drivers and a hostess and we lived like a little family. There would be 9 - 11 Siesta International coaches going down the M1 Swapping passengers at Woodall services then racing to get the 3pm ferry from Dover :smiley:

A hostess had the hardest job. She was on her feet for 3 days to Spain and back serving Coffees/Sandwiches/Pot Noodles so she was on the coach with the top end drivers and also the bottom end drivers. She would buy the San Miguel etc. in Spain for the top enders. She made the most money:
Buying her stock from Cash & Carry at wholesale and selling to 76 passengers for 6 days of the week she made £600 approx. in a bad week. I had one hostess Scotch Sue who was a genius and a joy to watch go to work :smiley: made £900 a week regularly! In the winter the hostesses usually had no work unless they ummm got on well with a top driver and went on tour with him.

Thank you guys!
You were right! Module 2 and Module 4 must be done again.
For some reason I thought that I must do only Module 4.

Look on the bright side ,once you pass your practical bus test you only need one set of DCPC.This goes to show how much use the thing is.

Look on the bright side ,once you pass your practical bus test you only need one set of DCPC.This goes to show how much use the thing is.

I have done one week 35 hours periodic that covers my PSV and HGV. My view is that the safe loading/unloading and the tachograph etc. is useful ONCE for new drivers and this could be condensed into 1 day. The rest is pretty useless and you certainly don’t need to refresh it every 5 years but hey its a tax…

Like Alder I see no real need for the DCPC apart from raising revenue for the Man.I can find out most things on here or coachdriverforum.Time spent browsing the internet should count for the DCPC.

Done my LGV DCPC Mod2 47 out of 50
Have been trained for it over here
When I start to study Case Studies I realise that LGV Drivers book won’t be enaught.
Driver hours, Operator licence types, AETR, CMR documentation and so on made my brains boil!!! :smiley:
But in real test…
Didn’t had any driver hour related question,
Didn’t had any multiple choice answer,
Scenario was long to read but not much related to questions.
Over all was easy enaught because answers was obvious. I mean 3 of 4 answers for question was obviously wrong.
Still waiting for my Driving which is booked for 07/10 aaaargh

Oddly I have just had a call from a LGV training school who needed clarification on one of their senarios

The senario related to multi manning and it stated in the explanion that because driver 1 had driven for 1 hour alone to pick up driver 2 that driver 1 did not need a driving time break until 5.5 hours had been reached inferring that the first hour of driving alone did not count as driving !!!

I found it strange aswell, but here’s it is
Denzil drives a 26 tonne curtain-sided lorry distributing logs across Europe. Denzil is delivering to Germany today and is multi-manning with Derek. Denzil starts driving at 00:00am and picks Derek up at 01:00am from his house.
Denzil and Derek are in scope of EU drivers’ hours. Denzil drives for 5.5 hours and has a break at 05:30am. Derek then takes over from driving at 05:30am. Both drivers take it in turns to drive. It is Wednesday and neither Denzil nor Derek has worked a 10 driving shift this week. Denzil and Derek make the delivery in Germany and finish their shift after 20 hours driving time.
And explanation:
For the first 1 hour of multi-manning the driver can set the tachograph to ‘other work’. The second driver does not need to be present during the first hour of the shift either.

I found it strange aswell, but here’s it is
Denzil drives a 26 tonne curtain-sided lorry distributing logs across Europe. Denzil is delivering to Germany today and is multi-manning with Derek. Denzil starts driving at 00:00am and picks Derek up at 01:00am from his house.
Denzil and Derek are in scope of EU drivers’ hours. Denzil drives for 5.5 hours and has a break at 05:30am. Derek then takes over from driving at 05:30am. Both drivers take it in turns to drive. It is Wednesday and neither Denzil nor Derek has worked a 10 driving shift this week. Denzil and Derek make the delivery in Germany and finish their shift after 20 hours driving time.
And explanation:
For the first 1 hour of multi-manning the driver can set the tachograph to ‘other work’. The second driver does not need to be present during the first hour of the shift either.

thats the one !

Email sent to them explaining the error

reply from Driving Theory 4 All:
Dear Roger,

Thank you for your emails.

Thank you for making us aware of this and this will be looked in to.

Kind Regards

The Driving Theory 4 All Support Team
email: support@drivingtheory4all.co.uk

Class 2.
My driving training started on last tuesday.
First hour was horrible. Could not used to gear shifting.
I mean high to low range. Had to think in which gear I am.
Vechicle size didn’'t bother me at all. Actually like all other guys
who already have PCV get used to to bigger vechicles and different
positioning for junctions. Still better mile from curb rather than over it.
By the end of day two I realize that theres nothing new to me
because had sorted out issues with gear box, positioning for junctions and
approaching speeds for them and to be honest
by the third hour of driving start to feel bored.
On the last two days practice with reversing and some driving. Wasn’t problem at all.
Class 2 driving test day today.
Passed with 7 :blush: minors.
Twice manage to get from 5th straight to 8th :blush: I would say cold gear box :smiley:
Twice decide to get minor instead of serious for not passing parked cars with oncoming traffic on tight road.
Once signal before mirror.
Once late signal
And one for Miss Dazy driving style :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: And again. Better Miss Dazy than seeya next time and take with you 250 quid.
Another step towards Class 1.
I am even not doing DCPC4 to get my Class 1. Only after that.
Because already been offered Class 2 Tipper and if I will go for it
I will stay on it.
Yes. I know. Many of drivers are happy with Class 2 work or even done Class 1
licence and never been working on it. I have time. I have funds. So no rush for me!
Thank all of yous!
For such a great site to get and share all kind of info!
Mario :wink:

:smiley: :smiley:

weldone zanfta. how was the test like is it like passing car thing??

Congrats fella. That’s one minor better than me :blush:

Just a series of stepping stones and only three left; Class 1, Final CPC and Class 1 job :slight_smile:

All the best :wink: