Lazy mods tossing it off all day

It seems to be taking longer recently for you guys to approve posts for Pre-Mod Prison lifers like me. I’m sure one of my posts took over two days for approval and there’s been a few that were waiting for about a day.

Now I know you’re all busy lying on the bunk and driving around a bit, but it never used to be like this. I can’t get in amongst it if my posts take a day to appear, plus it can sometimes make other people look silly when my post magically appears before theirs a day later.

Any chance we can pick up the pace a bit and get some work done around here? Coffeeholic must have been carrying you lot, standards have definitely dropped off since he did a runner.

This post has been approved yet there are others from before that are still waiting.

Very funny.

You don’t get it do ya? Say sorry privately, post nice and Roberts yer’ Father’s brother. SSHHHH! :wink:

SCF, did ya get the cake with the surprise inside I sent ya? :wink:

You don’t get it do ya? Say sorry privately, post nice and Roberts yer’ Father’s brother. SSHHHH! :wink:

Yes, I do get it. Brown nose the elite or the ■■■■■■■■ stays firmly strapped to my face. That’s not the way I roll though, I like causing trouble and they’ll never change me.

SmashedCrabFace’s struggle continues…

Or simply post within the same standards that the huge majority seem to be able to achieve - If that is beyond your capabilities then the team are more than happy to assist by checking posts before they are public.

Most of the moderators are volunteers and look in on the forums as and when they can… so posts under pre mod may take a time to appear- it is unfortunate but if you managed to post within the house rules then you wouldnt have this issue…

TruckNet is not a free for all where you can do or say what you want, the folks that pay for you to have this free space ask for certain standards of posting - If you cant conform to that you have a number of choices - go elsewhere, self moderate your posts or even start your own forum.

Posting moans that your posts take a while to appear because you are on pre mod, just shows that you still dont understand you are on pre mod because of your own actions/posts - and therefore need to be pre modded for a lot longer,

When you finaly get, you cannot be a prat all your life drop me a mail and we will look at the pre mod again, until then post away and we will deal with your posts as and when we have time. Until then ■■■■ it up… you screwed up on multiple occassions and now have to pay the price

That’s not the way I roll though, I like causing trouble and they’ll never change me.

and thats why you are in the situation you are

SmashedCrabFace’s struggle continues…

Sounds good except when the other guy always holds 4 aces :wink:

Rikki, may I ask how many posts I’ve had disapproved and how many I’ve had approved in the last four weeks?

Back to the naughty step lol

Rikki, may I ask how many posts I’ve had disapproved and how many I’ve had approved in the last four weeks?

You can ask… but I have no idea and far better things to do than look through the logs- such as scratch my testicles, unblock the drain or even clean the loo…

Sorry but my world does not revolve around looking after someone who cannot respect this site and its guidelines… so I have noted your request and filed it in the big round filing cabinet in the corner - getting the hint yet ? :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :wink:

Yeah, I’m getting the hint. I will no longer post under the SmashedCrabFace name.

Yeah, I’m getting the hint. I will no longer post under the SmashedCrabFace name.

Don’t forget to disguise your IP address while you’re about it, catches a lot of sock puppets out that one does.

Also you might consider not posting in the SmashedCrabFace style under your new user name, otherwise I predict it will just end in the same way. :wink:

you think some of the mods on here are lazy or too harsh…dont come onto a drifting forum im on, youd have been banned just for the hell of it.

I said bullshi…on another and that was enough! :slight_smile:

44 Tonne Ton:
I said bullshi…on another and that was enough! :slight_smile:

You’re even allowed bullshi… on here, so we can’t be that bad really :smiley:

It seems to be taking longer recently for you guys to approve posts for Pre-Mod Prison lifers like me. I’m sure one of my posts took over two days for approval and there’s been a few that were waiting for about a day.

Now I know you’re all busy lying on the bunk and driving around a bit, but it never used to be like this. I can’t get in amongst it if my posts take a day to appear, plus it can sometimes make other people look silly when my post magically appears before theirs a day later.

Any chance we can pick up the pace a bit and get some work done around here? Coffeeholic must have been carrying you lot, standards have definitely dropped off since he did a runner.

Only just noticed this, i tend not to read much from you as its usually drivell. But you’ve a point. Maybe when you said you only post to make work for the mods its bit you on the arse? Anyway, if i was you i’d get your solicitor onto it, Barry Saunders was his name if i remember correctly. Or maybe get a new one as he was crap and never done anything for you !!!
I’d like to reasure you, i’ll do my best to make sure all your posts get through straightaway, it’ll be just like you’re not on pre mod. Oh, hang on, you are…

Barry Sanders died in April, massive heart attack apparently. Have some respect.

Now, I’ve got a decision to make. I’m changing home broadband providers in a couple of weeks and my phone contract is due for renewal at the end of June. Do I continue to use the SmashedCrabFace name or do I start again with a new name and a couple of shiny new IP addresses? What do you think I should do, Mike? If only Barry was still here to advise me, he’d know what to do, God rest his soul.

Of course if the admin team were to acknowledge that I’ve posted within the rules for quite a while now and allow me to post freely again I won’t need to change my identity and you won’t need to waste time worrying about which new member is SmashedCrabFace in disguise.

You’ll probably take this as a threat and permanently ban SmashedCrabFace, that’s fine, I’ll see you in June. You might realise I shouldn’t be on pre-mod anymore and lifting the sanction is long overdue, but I’m not holding out much hope for that.

It’s up to you, either way I’m happy.

What do you think I should do, Mike?

Put me last on the list of people to ask for advice, because thats the only good piece you’ll get from me !! :smiley:

What a bell end !!

You might realise I shouldn’t be on pre-mod anymore and lifting the sanction is long overdue, but I’m not holding out much hope for that.

It’s up to you, either way I’m happy.

OK, if you’re happy either way, we’ll keep you on pre-mod. :wink: