Lazy mods tossing it off all day

Of course if the admin team were to acknowledge that I’ve posted within the rules for quite a while now and allow me to post freely again I won’t need to change my identity

Why would we acknowledge something that wasnt true? even on pre mod you have continued trolling, just most dont get to be seen in public - and your “Lawyer” worked late at night from your house on a forum internet spat? - at least try to be convincing with your crap - Get used to pre mod - its going to be around a while for you, and if you change ISP’s given your some what unique style of posting it shouldnt be too long before any new account joins it.

Your a troll and a bad one at that… If you dont like it go somewhere that gives a [zb] because I dont with you any more. You can of course ask for a review of this decision, Please submit a statement why you are not a complete arse to our complaints line which is manned for approximatly 15 seconds a year on a certain day of our choosing which we decline to tell you.

Thank you for your co-operation - please press

  1. to hear this message again
  2. If you have reformed, found religion and want to start a holistic colony in Cheshire
  3. to disconnect and want to go annoy someone who cares
  4. To get help and support from the failed trolls helpline
  5. for any other option ( note: this will disconnect you anyway)

Have a good evening and we thank you for flying TruckNet UK airways

your some what unique style of posting

This will always be SmashedCrabFace’s downfall, his unique style of posting.

Playing Devil’s Advocate, and trying to take his side, I can understand why he cannot post about which truckstop is best for food, whether a Globetrotter is better than a Topliner, how you get a carnet completed at Dover or how a ZF gearbox compares to a Fuller Roadranger.

After all, he only passed his test five minutes ago.

If only he didn’t keep popping up telling us all how wrong and stupid we are and how little we know, and how the World of Transport has changed now that he has come along, I’m sure he would irritate The Powers That Be a little less. :wink:

Get used to pre mod - its going to be around a while for you, and if you change ISP’s given your some what unique style of posting it shouldnt be too long before any new account joins it.

What are you going to do, ban every member you think might be me? Hilarious. There’s no way you’ll ever be able to know for sure. I’m not the one trick pony you think I am, trust me, you’ve already failed to notice that I’ve been posting freely under another name for quite some time, the only difference is I’ll be able to do it from home in a couple of weeks and on my mobile a couple of weeks later. My girlfriend will be well pleased that I don’t need to keep borrowing her phone any more.

Despite what you say, I can think of only one post that has been denied in the last four weeks, and that was only because it was slightly off topic. Do you want me, a known trouble maker, to stay where you can see me or would you prefer me to go completely undercover? All I’m asking is that you be fair and look properly over my last four weeks activity.

I’ll give you a day or two to mull it over before I disappear into the shadows for good.

Peace & Love,
CrabFace x

If your “other” username is posting within the rules then no-one has a problem do they :wink: However like most trolls I doubt that your true posting style will stay uncovered forever - but to be fair to you, as long as you “new” username behaves then as a service we offer you can troll under this one to your hearts content- we just wont approve them. that way you can vent as much as you wish under the “Smashedcrabface” username and keep your other one as clean as a whistle.

Dont say we dont try to help our more “special” users - no need to thank us, its all part of the service :wink:

I’m not the one trick donkey you think I am, trust me

I am sure your not, one trick seems a bit much for you so far, but with practice I am sure you will improve

I’ll give you a day or two to mull it over before I disappear into the shadows for good.

I mulled it over for a nano second or two then realised I had heard it all before, so ignored it

by SmashedCrabFace » Tue May 15, 2012 9:31 pm

Yeah, I’m getting the hint. I will no longer post under the SmashedCrabFace name.

Didnt even last 4 days last time… just cant stay away, I do feel the love I really do :grimacing:

…and in a puff of smoke, SmashedCrabFace disappeared never to be seen again.

The End.

Bye…the door is ~~~~> thataway

and please dont feel the need to do a Dallas shower/dream scene on us - it will be as embarassing for you as it was Bobby Ewing (younger users may want to google that :wink: )

Yeah, I’m getting the hint. I will no longer post under the SmashedCrabFace name.

.and in a puff of smoke, SmashedCrabFace disappeared never to be seen again.

and a small bit of advice, when trolling never back yourself into a corner with your posts, stops you looking like a muppet when you post again - free advice to novice trolls- another service we offer :wink:

Bye…the door is ~~~~> thataway

You don’t get it do you? I’m not going anywhere, silly.
You can have this one but you’re gonna have to work a bit harder for the others…

You don’t get it do you? I’m not going anywhere, silly.

It’s you who doesn’t get it.

We’re not really that interested in working out what all your other usernames are, there’s no rule against having multiple usernames after all and we all have far more interesting things to do with our lives than spend them playing your childish games.

If, under your other names, you post within the rules and don’t cause any trouble, we won’t notice you and nobody will care if it’s you or not.

If, under your other names, you don’t post within the rules and do cause trouble, you will be subject to the usual procedures regardless of if we work out that it’s you or not.

You really do seem to be over estimating (by a factor somewhere approaching infinity) how much we actually care. You’re not the first one though to think this, and you’ll certainly not be the last. All we are here to do is ensure the forums run as smoothly as is possible.


…and in a puff of smoke, SmashedCrabFace disappeared never to be seen again.

The End.

Please don’t leave, we love you!!!

…and in a puff of smoke, SmashedCrabFace disappeared never to be seen again.

The End.

Hark! I hear the world’s saddest tune being played on the world’s smallest violin!

Harry Monk:

You might realise I shouldn’t be on pre-mod anymore and lifting the sanction is long overdue, but I’m not holding out much hope for that.

It’s up to you, either way I’m happy.

OK, if you’re happy either way, we’ll keep you on pre-mod. :wink:

WE!!!? You have an high opinion of yourself Vincent. As well as an obsession with people’s writing styles, you are also a self- appointed moderator too? Well I am shocked.

That was interesting while it lasted! Did I miss something because I found SCF an amusing character on the whole! :grimacing:

44 Tonne Ton:
That was interesting while it lasted! Did I miss something because I found SCF an amusing character on the whole! :grimacing:

So did I,and it was a cracking username too…

instead of whinging on and on why dont you have another username…

maybe like …

" notcrabfacebutsomeoneelse "

it worked for nathenb ( muckaway )

How comes smashedcrabface and muckaway are on pre mod and carryfast ain’t he spouts more offensive crap than anyone else seems very inconsistent to me.

How comes smashedcrabface and muckaway are on pre mod and carryfast ain’t he spouts more offensive crap than anyone else seems very inconsistent to me.

Here here. Maybe we need a new rule where you can’t mention anything pre 1990, apart from the old time forum. He’d been on pre mod within the hour! :stuck_out_tongue:

Not picking on him as its a free country just he is the one who springs to mind.


44 Tonne Ton:
That was interesting while it lasted! Did I miss something because I found SCF an amusing character on the whole! :grimacing:

So did I,and it was a cracking username too…

"Return of the Crab
Once again, return of the Crab
Top of the world, return of the Crab
Watch my flow you know that I’ll be back
Here I go.

So, I’m back up in the game running things like half my swing,
Lettin’ all the people know that I’m back to run the show,
'Cause what you did you know was wrong and all the nasty things you’ve done.
So, baby, listen carefully while I sing my comeback song."

Due to popular demand, I have decided not to create a new undercover account and I shall continue to post with this account telling it like it is and keeping Hairy Mank in check.

I understand that I will be on pre-mod until the sun dies and life in this galaxy becomes extinct, but I’m cool with that because worse things happen at sea, so I’m told.

Peace & love