Kemball lays off container drivers

I knew they wouldn’t last long following my departure :wink:

You can always re apply when work picks up

This virus has got the stock markets all over the place.

No it hasn’t,the opportunity being used is to take money off impatient/panicky ‘investors’


This virus has got the stock markets all over the place.

No it hasn’t,the opportunity being used is to take money off impatient/panicky ‘investors’

REALLY Explain that then !


I knew they wouldn’t last long following my departure :wink:

You can always re apply when work picks up

I think maybe not :confused:

There’s no hope now what with Brexit and this flu thing it’s the end, company’s closing down, food going short, not been able to travel, no football or any sport, no pubs open,
They should just let it run it’s course its part of the cycle of life being going on hundreds of years, can you imagine how over popalated the world would be if going back decades they had a instant cure, it don’t bear thinking about


This virus has got the stock markets all over the place.

No it hasn’t,the opportunity being used is to take money off impatient/panicky ‘investors’

And in there lies the answer.

The first British death was some woman in her 80’s who had an on going respiratory problem but the current media frenzy is absolutely sure it was the virus that killed her.

Being elderly and infirm had nothing to do with it.

If I were rich, and an imaginary boogeyman was pushing over the whole house of cards, I would be actively fueling that panic in the knowledge that there are going to be fire sale bargains to be had in the coming months.

The Chinese government have been openly promoting their belt and road initiatives for some time now and what better way of destroying compation than to starve it of work.

Cut off the supply of sea containers and Hey Presto, skelly trailers can be bought for pennies.



This virus has got the stock markets all over the place.

No it hasn’t,the opportunity being used is to take money off impatient/panicky ‘investors’

REALLY Explain that then !

See above.



This virus has got the stock markets all over the place.

No it hasn’t,the opportunity being used is to take money off impatient/panicky ‘investors’

The Chinese government have been openly promoting their belt and road initiatives for some time now and what better way of destroying compation than to starve it of work.

Cut off the supply of sea containers and Hey Presto, skelly trailers can be bought for pennies.

So instead of ‘James kemball’ we could be driving for ‘Jaaaaangz kimbooooows’?

Can’t wait to see what livery looks like.

In essence I sense your saying, China’s shut us down deliberately, an will then slip in round the back an buy it all up on the sly turning us into their own little outpost, mind we’re be a handy stop off for fuel here I suppose, whilst they sail on towards trump Town to conquer them too.

They’re worse than ants with a stiff on for the sugar.

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If China is on lock down to stop the spread of Coronavirus, then 6/8 weeks later there’ll be no tat for the box jockeys to move.

Sixties boy:
If China is on lock down to stop the spread of Coronavirus, then 6/8 weeks later there’ll be no tat for the box jockeys to move.

If there ain’t Chinese tat rewards in the 2p pushers down Felixstowe prom come that point in time, ima be one very unhappy boy.

■■■■ ants are starting to annoy me, first it takes my job prospects, and now its threatening my sanctuary time away from the sink I’m chained too thanks to them anyway.

Screw you Kim Jong, we need team America in there.

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So instead of ‘James kemball’ we could be driving for ‘Jaaaaangz kimbooooows’?

Can’t wait to see what livery looks like.

Oh ye of little knowledge. The livery never changed when Kemballs were ‘refinanced’ by K-line! But it did when Uniserve (an English co. ) bought it!

Beau Nydel:
So instead of ‘James kemball’ we could be driving for ‘Jaaaaangz kimbooooows’?

Can’t wait to see what livery looks like.

Oh ye of little knowledge. The livery never changed when Kemballs were ‘refinanced’ by K-line! But it did when Uniserve (an English co. ) bought it!

Honestly these firms have more layers than a ■■■■ onion, are there any owned out right firms left in the UK anymore, its really sad all this crap is now the norm.

As said though real shame for the employees, hope there’s luck for them with new roles, it’s proper tough out here if your hunting, so hopefully their seasoned blokes an can make good speed [emoji106]

Must admit the same ships were still sat at Felixstowe yesterday been there gotta be near a week now, the three msc one’s were bone empty, very quiet…
The one evergreen had boxes on, the other odd ball out of the five was 50/50 so it seems its definitely going to keep slowing to me.

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I regularly drive from Eastleigh to Aberdare on a Monday morning , usually there’s quite a few box jockeys heading north on M3 and A34 at 5:30am
Not to day only about 3or 4 no Marmite or main firms only plain subby units
Also very few on M4 heading west as well

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One just went passed me with a small container on…

its happening everywhere at the moment.

here in the port of Brisbane we have had 50 ish casual jobs go in the last 2 weeks.

also people like myself with permanent jobs havn’t had more than 8 hours a shift for about a month.

when a ship does arrive its only part full or goes out part empty.

last week a ship that normally has 2500 boxes on only discharged 450.

we’re still waiting on a reply for a 40’ high cube container to singapore , request went in friday . usually get a next day latest reply on a collection date

So.….Is the whole world consuming less/slowing down?
This, despite an increase in population… :confused:

So.….Is the whole world consuming less/slowing down?
This, despite an increase in population… :confused:

Not really, despite the bravado voiced here as much as anywhere else, people will be preparing for and may well have started their own personal siege, weekly buying of the usual plastic electronic tat and living consumerist lives will go on the back burner until this Corona thing has passed which could be some time as it hasn’t even got going yet, this lack of normal consumer spending is probably at the heart of the current stock market losses, depressions all around that their multi £million bonuses might be down a shade this year :unamused: , maybe they’ll invest in the funeral business which will shortly be seeing an increase in business assuming they can find workers prepared to deal with and dispose of infected corpses.

For the rest of us some are lucky and will continue to get paid even if not at work, some are in industries pretty well impervious to such events anyway ie staple foods, (some are in public employ so their pay is guaranteed whether they do any work or not so nothing will change for them) but many are in precarious positions living week to week and in debt up to their armpits where even a couple of weeks without wages could see them in serious financial trouble that could take months and possibly years to get back from and a couple of months off would bankrupt them, those new cars on the drip arn’t going to be selling either.

For those still addicted to consumerist lives there’s enough Chinese tat stockpiled to the rafters in those ugly bloody warehouses all over the country (apart from Dorset and the Cotswolds eh Dave and chums) so if another container didn’t arrive from China for 12 months, their needs will be fulfilled.

So.….Is the whole world consuming less/slowing down?
This, despite an increase in population… :confused:

It isn’t just 5000 fake iphones or kiss me quick hats that are coming in on containers.

Textiles, chemicals and all sorts of other raw materials for industry over here. Factories will have planned to receive these orders a month or two back so won’t have had there knock on effect yet.


So.….Is the whole world consuming less/slowing down?
This, despite an increase in population… :confused:

Not really, despite the bravado voiced here as much as anywhere else, people will be preparing for and may well have started their own personal siege, weekly buying of the usual plastic electronic tat and living consumerist lives will go on the back burner until this Corona thing has passed which could be some time as it hasn’t even got going yet, this lack of normal consumer spending is probably at the heart of the current stock market losses, depressions all around that their multi £million bonuses might be down a shade this year :unamused: , maybe they’ll invest in the funeral business which will shortly be seeing an increase in business assuming they can find workers prepared to deal with and dispose of infected corpses.

For the rest of us some are lucky and will continue to get paid even if not at work, some are in industries pretty well impervious to such events anyway ie staple foods, (some are in public employ so their pay is guaranteed whether they do any work or not so nothing will change for them) but many are in precarious positions living week to week and in debt up to their armpits where even a couple of weeks without wages could see them in serious financial trouble that could take months and possibly years to get back from and a couple of months off would bankrupt them, those new cars on the drip arn’t going to be selling either.

For those still addicted to consumerist lives there’s enough Chinese tat stockpiled to the rafters in those ugly bloody warehouses all over the country (apart from Dorset and the Cotswolds eh Dave and chums) so if another container didn’t arrive from China for 12 months, their needs will be fulfilled.

There aren’t as many “job for council skivers” as there once may or may-not have been. Much if that is farmed out to private companies with zero hours badly paid workers.