Kemball lays off container drivers

Harry Monk:

yorkshire terrier:

Harry Monk:
Oh well, blaming Coronavirus makes a change from blaming Brexit I suppose.

To be honest Coronavirus is affecting the container game.
We have been dead with the Chinese New Year and now the Coronavirus.
I know a few firms that have cut overtime etc as it’s really quiet.

But this is because of lack of consumer demand in the UK market, not because 3,000 people have died in a country whose population is 1.4 billion.

The problem is Harry is the vessels haven’t travelled so there’s no imports to deliver and the exports can’t go,our biggest export to China is waste paper/cardboard and plastic and that is stacking up in Britain’s so called “recycling” centres as they can’t export it…
Once the vessels start moving again it will go back to normal

yorkshire terrier:

Harry Monk:
Oh well, blaming Coronavirus makes a change from blaming Brexit I suppose.

To be honest Coronavirus is affecting the container game.
We have been dead with the Chinese New Year and now the Coronavirus.
I know a few firms that have cut overtime etc as it’s really quiet.

Freightliner Leeds are shutting on a Saturday morning for a month as a trial

Was talking to a driver from a Liverpool based container firm, with depots dotted about and they have been told to expect redundancies.

The blue and white lot have let 6 go out of Southampton, not sure if that is downturn or restructuring.

yorkshire terrier:

Harry Monk:

yorkshire terrier:

Harry Monk:
Oh well, blaming Coronavirus makes a change from blaming Brexit I suppose.

To be honest Coronavirus is affecting the container game.
We have been dead with the Chinese New Year and now the Coronavirus.
I know a few firms that have cut overtime etc as it’s really quiet.

But this is because of lack of consumer demand in the UK market, not because 3,000 people have died in a country whose population is 1.4 billion.

The problem is Harry is the vessels haven’t travelled so there’s no imports to deliver and the exports can’t go,our biggest export to China is waste paper/cardboard and plastic and that is stacking up in Britain’s so called “recycling” centres as they can’t export it…
Once the vessels start moving again it will go back to normal

The ones that have travelled have travelled empty out of China so the next ports of call haven’t received empty containers. There is a shortage of 20 foot containers in the UK at the moment which is going to affect exports to elsewhere in the world before long

Harry Monk:
Oh well, blaming Coronavirus makes a change from blaming Brexit I suppose.

And to be fair the £350MILLION a week for the NHS,along with all the new hospitals and the tens of thousands of new nurses will soon see Coronavirus off.

Strange though isn’t it as yep boxes have slowed, and jobs sadly will/are going BUT there is an abundance of General Haulage jobs advertised?..

Nothings adding up, yes there will still be whatever home grown products too shift but it does seem weird even if we believe no one like general haulage work hahaha.

Apparently the yanks are cleaning containers according to a lorry bloggers comments, wonder if it’ll be the case that the shortage of boxes is because, A, they’ve been full of potentially dodgy goods in the case of 40ft ones, plus now there’s no need for big one’s anyway, so 20s are in demand.

Or all the 40s are full of virus ffs lol so they are maybe being emptied, cleaned, smelted down even…

Those images of normal 40fts being used to ship unwrapped vile waste into Asia last year makes me wonder, did they get a hose off on the Dock an just straight back into use, all that vile ■■■■ sweating away in there for weeks then an hour later its off out shipping god knows what else in it [emoji57]

Shame for the Kemball drivers though, hope they can find something, unemployment ■■■■■ the biggest sausage.

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Looks like the railways are cancelling container trains too, If this thread is correct on RailUK forums

As Benji says,imagine a plague of locusts the size of MOSCOW for heaven’s sake,last seen heading to the far east.Gone a bit quite lately.Anyone on this??Locust Watch.Maybe it’s petered out.Things are getting distinctly biblical. :frowning:

18 deaths from corona virus in the US reported and California is under a state emergency, meanwhile approximately 90 people die in traffic accidents every day.

Go freight also folded the other week too [emoji20]

Sadly I feel there is waaay more to this than the virus itself.

I do believe though that as a planet we all need to be sitting down and having a real think about our whole way of being, interaction and sustainability in all aspects of daily life.

You’ve only to look at what’s happening with the climate, Argentina I believe is ablaze, floods everywhere, Americas been having a ton of storms, plus over here, plagues of locust never seen before across Africa…

Mankind’s gotta start sorting itself out.

Mind it’s only three billion years till the hot rock in the sky consumes earth so meh why worry I suppose [emoji849][emoji16]

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk


There’s nothing worse happening than has happened countless times through history.

The floods aren’t as bad as they were 20 years ago, locals will tell you that, doesn’t fit the agenda though so they’ll get kept quiet. Anyone mentioning the fact flooding was non existent before the rivers stopped being dredged won’t be given airtime either. Australian wildfires, they have fires every year, these ones were started deliberately, nothing to do with climate. America gets pumped with hurricanes every year too.

All this pish about “we need to cut down carbon” when we as a nation are a tiny percentage of the world’s emissions and the gullible lap it all up and spread their cheeks for the governments to abuse them with taxes. Nature emits more carbon than humans ever can or will. Have a look at what a volcano spews out.

Go freight also folded the other week too [emoji20]

Sadly I feel there is waaay more to this than the virus itself.

I do believe though that as a planet we all need to be sitting down and having a real think about our whole way of being, interaction and sustainability in all aspects of daily life.

You’ve only to look at what’s happening with the climate, Argentina I believe is ablaze, floods everywhere, Americas been having a ton of storms, plus over here, plagues of locust never seen before across Africa…

Mankind’s gotta start sorting itself out.

Mind it’s only three billion years till the hot rock in the sky consumes earth so meh why worry I suppose [emoji849][emoji16]

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

Could it be that now everyone has a micro personal computer in their pocket connected to a world wide network capable of even live stream. Then with that capability news go around faster than ever before, and we have just become more conscious of what is happening in real time on the other side of the world. But these events are not really new, it is only our capacity to get to know it in real time that is new.
By the way, earth suffered 6 ice ages, that we are aware of, and average temperatures have shifted from -40 to +40 then -40 again over and over again.
Do you think humans started it?
And most of all, how crazy do you have to be to think that this human race, even if it did not start this cyclical thing of freezing cold and warm periods, can put a stop to it? Delusions of Grandeur at best

Take a look at some of the alarming technology at the ptbs disposal.HAARP,
CERN,chemtrailing,which I’ve long had in my cynical in-tray for years but am now starting to acknowledge as new evidence emerges.I did catch a posted vid recently showing a huge storm gathering over sensitive US military instillations in Hawaii a year or so ago,the storm was going full pelt until it was arrested in its tracks by some auxiliary modification apparatus and suspiciously and very dramatically it altered course at the critical impact point.


Go freight also folded the other week too [emoji20]

Sadly I feel there is waaay more to this than the virus itself.

I do believe though that as a planet we all need to be sitting down and having a real think about our whole way of being, interaction and sustainability in all aspects of daily life.

You’ve only to look at what’s happening with the climate, Argentina I believe is ablaze, floods everywhere, Americas been having a ton of storms, plus over here, plagues of locust never seen before across Africa…

Mankind’s gotta start sorting itself out.

Mind it’s only three billion years till the hot rock in the sky consumes earth so meh why worry I suppose [emoji849][emoji16]

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

Could it be that now everyone has a micro personal computer in their pocket connected to a world wide network capable of even live stream. Then with that capability news go around faster than ever before, and we have just become more conscious of what is happening in real time on the other side of the world. But these events are not really new, it is only our capacity to get to know it in real time that is new.

Agreed, nothing new about these types of things, and agreed I think your on the money with regards to how much can be known so quickly.

But I’m also concerned at ‘what’ can be known more than anything.

I do feel though that, like manalishi above said, it’s starting too feel all too ‘man made’ for man’s own gains.
Conspiracy, to a degree yes but sherlock Holmes said, once all logicals are gone then the illogical, however insane is probably the truth.

Only time will tell hey…

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Go freight also folded the other week too [emoji20]

Sadly I feel there is waaay more to this than the virus itself.

I do believe though that as a planet we all need to be sitting down and having a real think about our whole way of being, interaction and sustainability in all aspects of daily life.

You’ve only to look at what’s happening with the climate, Argentina I believe is ablaze, floods everywhere, Americas been having a ton of storms, plus over here, plagues of locust never seen before across Africa…

Mankind’s gotta start sorting itself out.

Mind it’s only three billion years till the hot rock in the sky consumes earth so meh why worry I suppose [emoji849][emoji16]

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk


There’s nothing worse happening than has happened countless times through history.

The floods aren’t as bad as they were 20 years ago, locals will tell you that, doesn’t fit the agenda though so they’ll get kept quiet. Anyone mentioning the fact flooding was non existent before the rivers stopped being dredged won’t be given airtime either. Australian wildfires, they have fires every year, these ones were started deliberately, nothing to do with climate. America gets pumped with hurricanes every year too.

All this pish about “we need to cut down carbon” when we as a nation are a tiny percentage of the world’s emissions and the gullible lap it all up and spread their cheeks for the governments to abuse them with taxes. Nature emits more carbon than humans ever can or will. Have a look at what a volcano spews out.


Frequency /severity can’t be ignored though…

Somethings off kilter.

Maybe it’s the league of shadows…

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

yorkshire terrier:

Harry Monk:

yorkshire terrier:

Harry Monk:
Oh well, blaming Coronavirus makes a change from blaming Brexit I suppose.

To be honest Coronavirus is affecting the container game.
We have been dead with the Chinese New Year and now the Coronavirus.
I know a few firms that have cut overtime etc as it’s really quiet.

But this is because of lack of consumer demand in the UK market, not because 3,000 people have died in a country whose population is 1.4 billion.

The problem is Harry is the vessels haven’t travelled so there’s no imports to deliver and the exports can’t go,our biggest export to China is waste paper/cardboard and plastic and that is stacking up in Britain’s so called “recycling” centres as they can’t export it…
Once the vessels start moving again it will go back to normal

Friend of mine works for an equestrian apparel company and the factory in China has shut down. That must be multiplied X times over.

Personally I’m not seeing a drop in consumer demand, certainly enough people seem to have spent a tenner on fancy dress that for world book day, no doubtvdesti ed for the bin tomorrow.

…If there is a proliferation of formerly full time jobs being put out as ZHC…

Either those jobs get shut down as and when “no driver could be found to fill the ongoing shifts”…


rates start to rise.


…If there is a proliferation of formerly full time jobs being put out as ZHC…

Either those jobs get shut down as and when “no driver could be found to fill the ongoing shifts”…


rates start to rise.


More drivers chasing less jobs/work, rates and wages are only going way and you don’t have to be Einstein to work out which way that is !!

One of my neighbours is a manager for a large player in the box game. I have literally just been talking to him outside and mentioned this thread about kembles. He said they’re not the only ones struggling. He’s been in the game a long time and more or less said it’s scary quiet on the container front at the moment.

One of my neighbours is a manager for a large player in the box game. I have literally just been talking to him outside and mentioned this thread about kembles. He said they’re not the only ones struggling. He’s been in the game a long time and more or less said it’s scary quiet on the container front at the moment.

Very much so.

Smaller container outfits who don’t have the big contracts to keep them ticking over & especially those who lease all their kit are in real trouble at the moment.

I knew they wouldn’t last long following my departure :wink:

…If there is a proliferation of formerly full time jobs being put out as ZHC…

Either those jobs get shut down as and when “no driver could be found to fill the ongoing shifts”…


rates start to rise.


How can any rates rise in an environment of low demand for haulage and an over supply of drivers.The fact is the industry can’t sustain this level of fuel costs and customers won’t pay for it regardless.While the container sector is crippled by the lack of productivety, created by current vehicle dimensions and gross weight over regulation, suppressing demand even further.