JWQ Transport

Thought it was about time we had another JWQ photo. RTP 530S is looking a bit tired in this photo, what depot did this motor run out of, and who drove it?. Does anyone else have any more old JWQ pics?. Hope you like this one.

nice picture mark but one correction its RTF 530S, looks like a nobby dent trailer we used to do there traction work when they first came in to uk, and nipper ts nice to know that italian pile of ■■■ went to a good home i had it second hand could not even do a trip to liege to L&H with out dropping a valve or was it the 25 tonne back load that did it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:in answer to your question mark i think that was out of sheerness as i had RTF 529S WHAT A PILE OF ■■■, the RTF,S were a pile of ■■■ compared to the TAN,S reg 2800 they had as i am sure bronzino will confirm , and bruiser what was the reg of the noddy tk you had ?

Bruiser will be the one to no about the noddy truck but im sure it was TOU something something somrthing L

swindon nipper:
Bruiser will be the one to no about the noddy truck but im sure it was TOU something something somrthing L

was the noddy a ford by any chance i thought they had a tk at swindon that number is ringing bells was a plain white d series ford flat bed

Memory is not what it used to be but something tells me TOU***L was a little d series ford and i seem to remember it was red■■?. I guess we will have to wait for bruiser to read this as the only thing i am sure about is that in the two and a half years that i was there he drove it. I do recall me doing a trip in it somewhere as gary was on holiday and i had to have a night out in it. After the comparative luxury of the italian jobbies (double bunks, some where to put your tv etc etc) i was not impressed with sleeping accros the seats. Can any one help me with how to up load a photo to this site as i may have one or too pictures to show.

swindon nipper:
Memory is not what it used to be but something tells me TOU***L was a little d series ford and i seem to remember it was red■■?. I guess we will have to wait for bruiser to read this as the only thing i am sure about is that in the two and a half years that i was there he drove it. I do recall me doing a trip in it somewhere as gary was on holiday and i had to have a night out in it. After the comparative luxury of the italian jobbies (double bunks, some where to put your tv etc etc) i was not impressed with sleeping accros the seats. Can any one help me with how to up load a photo to this site as i may have one or too pictures to show.

Hello mate

Have a look at the 5th post down from the top of this page by Rog, that will help you with photos.



The ford was tou 79t… rtf 530s was driven by ricky godden I had the noddy til qs put me through my class 1then I had one of the mercs then vhr 242t fiat then the daf 3300 from new a828ajb we had some times away in sheerness nipper running steel there was a pub nearby than used to be open all night I think for the steel workers

That daf rtf 530 s I remember ricky putting in that blue thing above the windscreen.he hit a pheasant and it broke the jwq sign,so when he put that on he had to check if it was legal because it reflected a blue light

The noddy bedford reg I cant remember,I must have a pic of it somewhere

That old tk bedford I remember I had to tie a 20 gallon drum of diesel to the head board and when I was up the road I had to syphon the diesel out as and when I needed it,those were the days

That old tk bedford I remember I had to tie a 20 gallon drum of diesel to the head board and when I was up the road I had to syphon the diesel out as and when I needed it,those were the days

You sure it wasnt a “D” series ?
What was the name of the little, balding flt driver for L+H?

the old ford was a d series and it was curly the fld

this may have been mentioned before bruiser what year did you start at q,sy

Here’s one I fished out- not very good quality but how many shots do we have of the inside of a Daf 3300 cab?? I took this on a night out somewhere and in case you’re wondering it’s The Benny Hill show on the telly !

Just seen on the daf 3300 thread A 285 CRD i think that was one of the trucks he drove out of swindon

this may have been mentioned before bruiser what year did you start at q,sy

I think it was 1978, before that I was in l and h just before dave marshal was the noddy driver

Here’s one I fished out- not very good quality but how many shots do we have of the inside of a Daf 3300 cab?? I took this on a night out somewhere and in case you’re wondering it’s The Benny Hill show on the telly !

Whats that hanging over the gearstick . . . denim underpants ? :laughing:

bruiser if that was 78 ish it must have been the p reg tk that they had there then as i had the r reg one in reading


Here’s one I fished out- not very good quality but how many shots do we have of the inside of a Daf 3300 cab?? I took this on a night out somewhere and in case you’re wondering it’s The Benny Hill show on the telly !

Whats that hanging over the gearstick . . . denim underpants ? :laughing:

DENIM UNDERPANTS !? Certainly not sir ! that was my old hat ! (can you actually buy denim underpants?)



Here’s one I fished out- not very good quality but how many shots do we have of the inside of a Daf 3300 cab?? I took this on a night out somewhere and in case you’re wondering it’s The Benny Hill show on the telly !

Whats that hanging over the gearstick . . . denim underpants ? :laughing:

DENIM UNDERPANTS !? Certainly not sir ! that was my old hat ! (can you actually buy denim underpants?)

unneseccary chaffing in the goowly area, !!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: