JWQ Transport

Paul I’ve found out fjf is quite ill in hospital - 50/50 if he makes it back out :frowning: If i can find out more i’ll let you know


thanks steve much appreciated you have a good new year mate

HELLO EVERYONE and how are you all! ? Very sorry to hear about John Smith please do keep us posted to his health. A bit late but avery happy new year to you all! -Terry.

If old FJF isn’t lechering after the nurses he must be bad!! How old is he now anyway?

HELLO GANG and how are we all ■■ It’s been a long time since we’ve had a chat isn’t it? I just thought I’d drop a few lines in. I might even stick a few more pics up soon, I’ll try to photoshop them so they’re at least reasonable. So- has anyone heard from anyone lately?? Just going off at a tangent a Hayton-Coulthard lorry was tipping in my place the other day and it reminded me of when we used to load out of Eternits at Royston- great place to load, great blokes, used to use their nosher, have a shower then run into royston solo, park next to the railway lines then back the next morning to hitch up and get a wash- one of the better loading points 'd say-anyone remember it■■? Toodle Pip!

Steve :smiley:

Over the last few months ive been trying to find some old negs i have of JWQ motors. Unfortunatly ive been unable to find them, so i will have to take a photo of a photo. These framed pictures are far too big to fit in my scanner but really are supurb quality and are hanging on my garage wall ( along with dozens more ).
I hope this is better than nothing.

Greetings boys and girls…and you oddball, have been observing your various ramblings of late, and thought i better stick my head above the parapit and add to your nostalga over the coming weeks.
Some months ago somebody asked why Q’s went bust, short answer is gross incompetance of managment…i shall devulge most of what i remember that lead to its downfall and the sad break up of the best group of drivers i have ever known…including you screwy lewis.
Here go’s…
Part One/

Every few years L&H would send independant auditors into jwq to check up on the companys running, on the last audit that was lead by one Barry Lee.
It was recomended to L&H that it would be in there best interest to off load jwq, subseqently jwq was sold off to a large Japanese investment bank who’s first act was to replace John Smith with would you beleave…Barry Lee!!
Mr Lee came with great quality’s…he had never run a business in his life, and knew absolute zilch about road transport. His first decisions was to put Bert Carvey in overal charge of all depot’s and to appoint a fleet engineer DAVE ROBBINS…the rot had started.

Part Two
to follow

Thankyou JWQ NZ, it’s amazing/very sad just how much we all forget things isn’t it. September of this year marks the 2oth anniversary of “Jay-tiddly-boo’s” demise, cant believe it where the times gone. Anyway boys- keep on tru…no I wont say it- too corny. :unamused:

hi chaps , sorry not been intouch tel been a bit poorly old age and to much time in boozer is taking its toll ha ha , will be in touch soon , hello ■■■■■ old chap i remember those audits from my dads time , and mark r nice pics mate , tell back to work in a couple of weeks so i will be in touch mate ok a quick question jwq new zealand would the last person mentioned have anything to do with a couple of 1644,s :question: :question: :question: :question:

So close Paul, but sorry no points, they were 1635’s, both had been brought 2nd hand thru ■■■■ Lovet’s at Swindon, (did not a relation of our glorious fleet engineer work there). Well i was one of the chosen one’s to get one, (lucky lucky me), and had to take it for a spin,(leaving Dobbins, Lee and D L Rep to pat each other on the back).
On return i was asked by Dobbins what i thought, and to this day i remember the exact words “■■■■, driveline vibrates like buggery and can i have my Renault back thanks, you can shove this up your a!!!”. I was informed that the trucks had been fully inspected priour to delivery and there were no faults on either truck. Needless to say i did not get my Renault back, and was now the proud driver of a nice shiney exhaust stack with a peace of ■■■■■ bolted to the end of it…and yes it broke down on it’s first run on the A1 when the propshaft fell off,( ■■■■ off,i know i forgot to use a strap). :blush: :blush:

Hi I just found this site sorry should have been here sooner :frowning: ,Ijoined jwq aged 21 at swindon,john moss, wally bradford, tony mayhew,Geoff Gales rip,etc etc was there,im Gary Darling :smiley:

The 1st truck I had was the bedford noddy,I spent 10 happy years at Qs swindon,the last truck I had was 3300 daf a828ajb,where is Rickey Godden,Irvin Racheal, Gordon from tewkesbury and sorry cant remember his name from Donny does anyone remember when Chas Patterson was on his way to work one morning and crashed into a fire engine,he was in hospital for a few weeks,

Hello everyone and how are we all?? I must say it’s a long time no see for some of us-we’ll all have to get back on and get JWQ where it belongs on the front page. I found bruisers comments ref. the “Donny” depot, Carr lane Ind. Est.as i remember it. The transport manager there was Jim Sweetman, I always got on fine with him, he seemed to have the knack of finding one-hit 38 ton loads, you could reload out of the L&H factory at Doncaster for mebbe Spennymoor or Grants of St. James’ at Worksop for somewhere south. The drivers I remember were Paul, Dave Enderby (perfect physique for a funeral director) and Tyson- a pretty decent bunch ona and all! Toodle pip chaps and over to you!!

looks like everyone has disapeared,I will keep popping back :frowning: Seen Bryn Davies last week driving for Biffa still a big lad,started to bump into 9 to 5 Clive walcroft recently hes doing a bit of agency work out of royal mail in Swindon

Bruiser, How are you going.Its been 28 years since i last talked to you. Back then you had the little ford d series running lams all over the place.I am still driving out in Australia working on coal mines ,stumbled on this web site last year and took a huge trip down memory lane.Good to see most of the swindon crowd are still about but i did here this morning that big mavis (linton and hurst canteen boss) has passed away but not sure how long ago. Clive (wally) walcroft must be getting on in years, what about dave robbins do you still see him.Iam still in contact with maxine and shaw but i have never managed to track down irvin Racheal or Paul Parkin.Hard to belive all this time has gone past, had a couple of the best years of my life at Qs. Keep in touch

blimey Ian long time I just found this site recently,nice to hear you settled down under,was talking about your triumph stag the other day the purple one.lol got to go now sorry but im at work,take care mate and catch up with you soon

Hello lads i started this topic off , i take it my old man Ozzy from cheltenham doesnt ring any bells , just been looking at a few photos of his trucks today . he says to this day jwq was the best job he had . three other drivers and good mates of his also from cheltenham were tony moxey, mike o,hara and george smith do those names come to mind?

Sorry i can not help you with those names truckeygar, i belive i was gone from Qs by then. I started with them in febuary 1980 and left in october 1982. The last lorry i had was vhr 244t one of those italian jobbies, i think we had 3 others there at the same time. There is a photo of my old bus further back down in this topic.Yeah Gary used to turn a few heads parking the stag in L&H car park, damm thing used to keep me pretty broke, sold it to fund my trip out here. Great days at Qs