Just a job or a career?

Would you describe yourself as being in just a job or having a career ?

Just a thought I had today …

IMO if you do something you mostly enjoy and take a pride in it then yes, i suppose it would be a career.

If you are watching the clock, hate every second you do it, and take no pride or pleasure in doing it well, then i suppose its just a job.

It’s a job.

A career is something where you gain promotion every five years with a £5,000 salary raise so that when you are the age of the average truck driver you are on £60,000 a year.

A career for me, but Iam in a niche sector for sure.
Within STGO3 type work.

I reckon it’s a career anyhow, as I’ve had different job titles, pay, and benefits within the last few years, all of them progressing the right way ie upwards, and all the time for the same company.

Just a job,if anyone thinks different then they’re living in cloud cuckoo land,a driver is just that some think they,re special you,re not get over it you can be replaced as soon as ,thank you. :confused:

I see it as a job,I quite like the job as is .A career would IMO be structured with various promotions along the way.

For me it’s a career and a way of life,I’m not home very often so I’ve sort of chosen to go down this path in life,no regrets really…

Done the factory fodder type malarkey pressing two buttons for 12hrs a day/night ain’t going back to that ■■■■ and the money was dog ■■■!!

Simply a job i enjoy.i aim to go to work with a shirt on some day and have a office or emigrate and live life in the slow lane while getting a tan but would need to go back on the tools again.the transport sector is shagged imho and the drivers are taking the brunt of it with lowering wages and t&cs being chipped away.

Definitely just a job however there are opportunities out there to do other transport related work as I did.
Ended up with better pay more job satisfaction and an excellent pension starting at 60 years young.
Job done!

Just a job,if anyone thinks different then they’re living in cloud cuckoo land,a driver is just that some think they,re special you,re not get over it you can be replaced as soon as ,thank you. :confused:

As meatloaf once sang…" you took the words right out of my mouth "

its a job , but its a job that i really enjoy . it will do me until i am 60 then its well earned retirement time. Then i will take up a career as a moody foul mouth dirty old gitt. :grimacing:

I’m in a dead end job that I happen to enjoy…

Pays for the beer tokens at the end of the week, put whatever label on it you like :smiley:

A living bloody nightmare

Job to me, do it to the best of my ability, plenty of worse ways to pay the bills. Some days I hate, some I almost enjoy.

Just a job,if anyone thinks different then they’re living in cloud cuckoo land,a driver is just that some think they,re special you,re not get over it you can be replaced as soon as ,thank you. :confused:

I beg to differ.
The one in cuckoo land has never grasped any opportunity to change his lot.

I’m in a dead end job that I happen to enjoy…

Sums it up nicely for me, too. A career comes with certain expectations, foremost of which is that you will advance up the greasy pole, taking on more and more responsibility as you get older until you suddenly find yourself worrying about work at weekends and having to cope with stress at 55. A Job is something which goes away when you clock off. I’ve never wanted a career, I decided that when I was doing my postgraduate degree and realised I hated having to work over the summer holidays and at weekends.

My wife’s a teacher I class that as a career but driving is just a job to me.
I sometimes enjoy my job sometimes wonder what I’d be doing now if i hadn’t sat me test but no way do I say it’s a career due to the lack of prospects.

I have had a career, 25 years in the RN, rising up the ranks etc. Now I have a job (which I thoroughly enjoy) driving lorries.

I’ve had a career too :sunglasses: and once I’ve finished 40 years driving an ARTIC I’ll call that a career too :laughing: large :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: