Just a job or a career?

Rhythm Thief:
Sums it up nicely for me, too. A career comes with certain expectations, foremost of which is that you will advance up the greasy pole, taking on more and more responsibility as you get older until you suddenly find yourself worrying about work at weekends and having to cope with stress at 55. A Job is something which goes away when you clock off. I’ve never wanted a career, I decided that when I was doing my postgraduate degree and realised I hated having to work over the summer holidays and at weekends.

Thats true, I want/ed a ‘career’ but I can’t get a position in the one I want, what else can I do…#Job:)

its a job and always will be the only career move from driving is maybe move to transport office or stop driving i have been driving on and off for 17 years and i only do it for one reason money if i could earn more money driving a fiesta van i would

its a job now

It’s been a stop gap since 1985…

Just a job,if anyone thinks different then they’re living in cloud cuckoo land,a driver is just that some think they,re special you,re not get over it you can be replaced as soon as ,thank you. :confused:

that’s so true… Their are sum rt cranks in this game… The gov,Europe, have made sure that the industry is full ov ordertaking idiotic sheep. Who cant, don’t want to think for themselves… IM just returning to this game from several years ov working for myself. and already im dejected and resigned to my fate… Keep smiling… Lol

Job need to say no more previous contributions have all but said everything.

When I first started 20 years ago it was a career. Now its just a job.
My heart has gone out of it…too many nobbers on the road including ■■■■■■■■ lorry drivers!

A living bloody nightmare


Everyone was under the impression you are loving life at Stobarts.