Jeremy Vine "Anti Trucker"

Has anybody noticed how when truckers get a mention on the “Vine” show we always get a slating.
Today did you notice how there were “experts” at hand to run us down, but no “expert” to reply, only phone ins.

No wonder we are hated by the public when shows like this one only seem to mention us as trouble makers.

What do you reckon??

Has anybody noticed how when truckers get a mention on the “Vine” show we always get a slating.
Today did you notice how there were “experts” at hand to run us down, but no “expert” to reply, only phone ins.

No wonder we are hated by the public when shows like this one only seem to mention us as trouble makers.

What do you reckon??

Never listened to JV but it sounds right enough :unamused: usual headline grabbing and half truths.

I just switch it off now when he comes on, find another channel. Stuff it. Too much hassle from him. He’s obviously anti-truck. He’s probably anti- a lot of things!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :imp: :imp: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Also,they kept switching between the words “haulier” and “trucker”,giving the impression they are one and the same.In my mind,I am a trucker employed by a haulier.

I listen to Radio 2 most of the time, but when Vine comes on, I now switch off.

Too much chat and not enough music. The subject matter tends to either send me to sleep or wind me up, neither of which is a reason for listening to the radio [especially when driving].


The expert that knew all about the haulage business this time was some p**t from The Mirror

His big statement was that there are too many trucks and to many truckers on the roads which is making us all under cut each other, not the foreign vehicles coming in.

Funny how everybody knows all about our business

I listen to Radio 2 most of the time, but when Vine comes on, I switch off.

There is far too much chat about subjects I have no interest in. The subject matter tends to either send me to sleep, or wind me up, neither of which are good reasons for listening to the radio [especially when driving].

So do us a favour Jeremy, play more music and have less boring phone ins, and save me having to find another station for 2 hours every day.


So who’s going to email him this link, better still, the Director of the BBC?? :laughing: :laughing:

Just in case somebody does, for the record, I also finding him an annoying prat who is more antaganistic than journalistic. :imp: :imp:

Jeremy Vine and Jeremy Clarkson are both employed to wind people up, the difference is JC has a sense of humour, JV hasen’t.

JC hates motorcycles and riders, but he is still funny.

JV just talks crap and listens to crap, in fact he is crap. Can we have JY back?

And i wouldnt mind betting the majority of R2 listeners are truckers

I reckon we should have a debate on whether to get shut of the tool :laughing: :laughing:


Wheel Nut:
Jeremy Vine and Jeremy Clarkson are both employed to wind people up, the difference is JC has a sense of humour, JV hasen’t.

JC hates motorcycles and riders, but he is still funny.

JV just talks crap and listens to crap, in fact he is crap. Can we have JY back?

Why not just have JC on daytime■■? that would be fun!!!:):):).

And i wouldnt mind betting the majority of R2 listeners are truckers

maybe the other way around simon surely? :laughing:

Never listen to Vine, always switch R2 off at 12. Vine’s just a waste of space!!

Completly agree with the above, JV is the wosrt thing R2 have done in a long time, his voice just wines on and he has very little grasp of the topics he is addressing. The show is much better when he is on holiday and they have a stand in.

Anybody who gets off on politics and has an ■■■■■■ the moment an election is announced is some sort of, well I’ll leave it to you to add your own word as the auto censor won’t let me post my choice :unamused: . he seems to like to wind the debate up so that at least one side gets heated up, and then revels in mirth when he has to cut someone off. Plus he laughs at his own pathetic jokes. I get the impression Ken Bruce just about tolerates him when JV invades his programme at 11:30 to trail his show. I’m with everybody else…
12 O’clock midday the CD goes on.

Completly agree with the above, JV is the wosrt thing R2 have done in a long time, his voice just wines on and he has very little grasp of the topics he is addressing. The show is much better when he is on holiday and they have a stand in.

Amen to that. Can’t stand the sound of his voice. We now have a family saying whenever someone is heard with his tabloid headline-style wine ’ another graduate from the JV school of over dramatic talking’.

Would be a bit less annoying if he came out with anything sensible from time to time.

But not much :imp: .

Salut, David.

I switch the pratt off as well, no decent traffic reports during his “show” so why listen. I’ve e-mailed the bloke twice regarding his comments and never so much as acknowledged them, he is one of the the biggest anti-truck/lorry/haulier/freight carrying people I’ve heard.


So down tools then … It amazes me the amount of anti truck people and get them off the road attitude…Its as though the goods magically appear in shops and pubs etc across the country .
Down tools would be better than any fuel protest .

I was told once in argument that we are only a piece of a supply chain and nothing else :laughing: :laughing:
Yeah but the piece of the supply chain that is the important piece …
Numpties some people .

Ha! And how strong does he think a chain is with a link missing? :unamused: :unamused: