
Do you know how much them blooming badges cost me :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Yes but if you’re hauling 2 loads for the price of 1 then 100 quid isn’t much of an out lay. But then if you’re that bent you’ll probably just nick them form someone else’s truck.


Never mentioned this online before but when I got my 750 last year a surprising number drivers at Virginia stopped talking to me. Most of which still wont. They don’t even wave. I think its hilarious, as I charge past them gracefully… :wink:

I don’t know what they expected, maybe that I should have turned it down and said ‘oh no, I don’t want it xyz deserves it much more than me’. Must be a miserable life, being so jealous over everything. At work I just drive what I’m given and go where I’m told. Never asked for a particular truck ever, let alone whinge at what other driver have. They need to grow up.

Where I am the boss try’s to buy ex F1 units and word got round he’d bought another one (DAF SSC 4x2).
Every driver out of 100+ said they were having it and I’d say 40+ started sorting their cabs out ready to move in to it.
Last night the owner rang me at home and asked me if I wanted it.
Obviously I said yes just to ■■■■ the others off ha ha.
Might need to take some ice with me on Monday to wrap my ears up in as I reckon the going to be on fire :slight_smile:

I was standing waiting for my paperwork when an agency guy came through the door moaning that he had been given a DAF cf when everyone else had a xf, he was then given the keys to a xf and he then moaned again pointing out the window that he now wanted one of the Merc’s :open_mouth: …he eventually left the office mumbling with his xf keys :slight_smile:

Dave the Renegade:
Put them all back on Atkinson Borderer’s with 180 Gardner engines !

Aye plus a david brown gearbox lol
regards dave

I was standing waiting for my paperwork when an agency guy came through the door moaning that he had been given a DAF cf when everyone else had a xf, he was then given the keys to a xf and he then moaned again pointing out the window that he now wanted one of the Merc’s :open_mouth: …he eventually left the office mumbling with his xf keys :slight_smile:

i would have told him to go home, and then reported him to the agency for refusing to do the work he was given, and not paid them :unamused:

Jonni c:
Let us stop for a moment and remember if you can the days of small ( 290 BHP) engines and gear sticks, when we were true drivers and not just steering wheel attendants.

I remember those days. Used to work for an owner driver with a couple of trucks in the mid 90’s and I used to drive an old E reg Leyland Roadtrain 6x2 with a ■■■■■■■ 290 in it and a 10 speed crash box. Absolutely loved that old girl. No speed limiter so I used to go tanking past all the new trucks until it came to a hill and then 38 tonnes with 290BHP really showed. The boss used to drive a C reg Scania 280H wagon and drag with one of the wierdest gearchanges I’ve ever seen.

Car drivers used to put fake badges on their cars.Well the boy racers did.
They put GTI badges on bog standard VW Golf’s to impress the girls.
On the Sierra Cosworth’s they would make out it was powerful than it actualy was by putting stickers on.
The same for Ford Fiesta’s.Added stickers.
For the driver who is jealous of a bigger engine,the lads at work should get some Nissan Micra stickers put on his truck.
Put on Micra 998cc on the side of his cab.

a few years ago a lot of dutch drivers on big fleets got given 340 114 topliners and they changed the number order to read 430,a model never produced

It’s pathetic isn’t it, there is a lad in our place who has not long started and he wants his truck to be the same as mine and has set out spending a small fortune in the process :open_mouth: wouldn’t mind but my truck isn’t nothin special either !!

could have had my badges, not bothered about putting them on… sad case…

Lads with Yamaha DT 125cc bikes would bling it up to a DT 175 cc engine size.This would invalidate the insure for modifications not been reported to the insurance firm.
Would an Inter City 125 train driver put a 190 sticker on his cab.
An airline pilot that gets a Boeing 737 and puts a 747 sticker on it.
If you drove an Austin Allegro/Maxi or a Maestro you would pay top dollar to have the labels removed.
You never pulled driving those skips on wheels.
Im sure drivers with Scania 112 &113 motors used to put 142/3 V8 badges on their trucks.
You never see what the engine size is for a ferry or cruise ship.Captain turns up for work.I aint taking that one to the Caribbean.Too small.Captain Bill always gets the bigger ship.Chucks the keys at dispatch.

mark h:
It’s pathetic isn’t it, there is a lad in our place who has not long started and he wants his truck to be the same as mine and has set out spending a small fortune in the process :open_mouth: wouldn’t mind but my truck isn’t nothin special either !!

we know this already, so, there is noooooooo need to keep posting pictures of it to remind us all how crap it really is :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Used to drive one vehicle which was transferred from another depot , it had the drivers name painted just below the window (as was the fashion then) on the drivers door.
Always got addressed as Peter XXXXXX even though not my name.
Always interesting when customers said they would phone and complain to boss about my attitude!

Could maybe understand if one had got a 700 horse V8 big cab and the other a 350 horse day cab but it’s 40 horse power ffs!

If I drove the 500, i’d definitely get 600 badges to go on mine…the other bloke would explode! :laughing:

I see a lot of trucks on the continent with badges removed…In one case a DAF had question marks in their place! :open_mouth:

Should be interesting at my place, a few new 63 plates have turned up so won’t be long until the usual suspects will be either be brown-nosing or moaning that they haven’t got one!

They’re only Axors anyway…!

The French do get not on very well with the Spanish and vice versa.
The Spanish owner drivers and employed drivers would remove Renault from their Magnums and replace it with a badge with MACK on it.

Ok I might as well admit it, mine is a 440 tarted up to look like a 750. Nobody is daft enough to give me that much power…